72. Prison Break



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July 12, 2010.

When I woke up in my hotel bed, I looked around. Judging by the clock, it was already five in the morning. I need to get up and go for the Keystone.

Well, I should have done this a few weeks ago, but I was too lazy, and there was not enough time.

But still, this is a pretty serious omission. I rely too much on knowing the canon.

The identity of the Charmcaster, the locket that Hex uses to blackmail her, and our shared dreams with Hope, another proof that everything can go wrong.

Reality is completely unpredictable. And I can't be prepared for everything. I should stop relying on canon. On the contrary, I need to use it and act in advance.

Moreover, I constantly change history with my actions. Although, I'm trying to keep the canon. For now. But like I said, reality is unpredictable.

In the original, Hex was defeated by Gwen and it was because of her that he ended up in jail. But in my world, everything happened differently. I quickly knocked him out, robbed him and the police took him away.

In principle, he could have run away earlier and taken the stone. And he could never find it, because the Book of Spells is my hands.

In fact, I am very lucky that Hope found the right spells and everything goes almost according to the canon. This is most likely due to the Tattoo of Luck. Or maybe because of something else. Who knows.

But it's a good lesson for me. I must not be lazy and act in advance.

In the end, I don't worry. Even if Hex had the Keystone and Charms, I would still easily defeat him. But these are unnecessary problems. It will be easier to do everything in advance, and then relax.

Actually, I could just not let Hope help Hex. Find him in prison and take the medallion. But that would be completely boring.

I need to be careful and ready for anything, but not too much. Otherwise life will be boring.

Yes, and I need to show off in front of the girl.

Well, stop wasting time on philosophizing, it's time to move forward.

Dressed in a new shirt, I did all the necessary morning routines and using my Infinity Tattoo, I teleported to a place chosen with the help of a map in the desert near the city.

To find the Keystone, I need use a special spell. I remember him from the. Archamada Book. Long live eidetic memory.

But, as always, everything is not so simple. I need to read the spell over an open fire. Bonfire, that is. That is why I had to come to the desert.

Transforming into Heatblast, I threw a fireball at the ground. I was frankly too lazy to look for firewood, so I found a place where there was at least some grass. I don't need a fire for a long time, so this weed will do.

The grass caught fire and turned into a small fire, from which smoke poured into the sky.

As a man, I sang:

— Darkara Dorotien Aghosto. Bezel's Keystone, reveal your location.

My spell worked and the fire flared up for a moment with renewed vigor. After that, the location of the Keystone appeared in the smoke.

The stone is now located in a residential area of Las Vegas, in one small one-story house, of which there are a huge number in this area.

As far as I remember, Gwen found the Keystone at the Wizards' Convention in this city.

Of course, there were no real wizards there. Only conjurer, fake mediums and sellers of magical fakes. This is Las Vegas. What else to expect from this city.

So, Gwen bought a bracelet from one of the saleswomen. The saleswoman herself was either a gypsy, or simply mowed down under her. Apparently, this woman lives in this house.

It is to this bracelet that the Keystone is now attached. So that's what I need.

Transforming into Water Hazard, which was no different from Ben's Water Hazard except for a slightly different color scheme, I put out the fire.

Using my map, I plotted a route to the saleswoman's house, and then transforming into Jetray, I flew to my destination following the navigator.

What I needed was not very far away, so, with the speed of the Jetray, I was in place in two minutes.

Flying up to the gypsy's house, I used my supervision and found the bracelet.

All the trinkets that the gypsy was going to sell at tomorrow's, or rather today's, convention were in the garage. The bracelet was there.

Turning into a Ghostfreak, I became intangible and flew into the garage.

By the way, Zs'Skayr has begun to swarm again. Looks like his escape plan will start soon. Well, I have one spell, especially for him.

Infiltrating the garage, I used telekinesis and summoned a bracelet into my hand.

I removed the Keystone from the bracelet and placed it in the spatial storage. Let him stay there for a while. It's safer that way.

Now, I need to make a fake. Turning into the Sandman, I took one of the bricks that was in the garage. How fortunate that it was the right colour. Thanks, Tattoo of Luck.

Using the power of this alien, I turned the brick into sand. Then I shaped this sand into the shape of a Keystone.

After compressing the sand to make it better, I was pleased with the result.

It turned out very similar. At first, won't even know it's a fake. But if look closely, can understand that this is a fake, because there is no magic in it. But first need to get to it.

Transforming into a human, I inserted the false stone into the slot in the bracelet and replaced it.

The spell will point to this particular bracelet, because it is saturated with the residual energy of the Keystone. And the location of the present, it will not show. After all, this is a different space. The spell is not that powerful.

Transforming into the Two-Tails, I teleported to the living room of the room.

It was still only six in the morning, but I didn't want to do anything.

Today I don't want to go to the moon. So I decided to just watch TV. Moreover, Grandpa will wake up soon.


(Hope POV)

When I woke up, I looked around. Now, I was in my room, in a small hotel almost in the middle of the desert, 200 kilometers from Las Vegas.

Remembering my dream, I blushed very much. I still dared to kiss him. And I'm happy, but I'm embarrassed.

I hope he liked it. But, he will not run away from me anywhere, because thanks to these dreams, we will soon become very close.

I wonder how he will react when he finds out the reasons for the appearance of these dreams for two? I really want to see his reaction. Hope it will be positive.

But now is not up to it. We need to start implementing the plan. I hope Lex can stop my uncle.

In fact, I felt relieved when I found out that Hex would not succeed. Yes, it will be much better.

Getting out of bed, I followed Lex's advice and disguised myself. Instead of my favorite crimson cloak, I wore a black long cloak with a deep hood. It will cover my face and hair.

Pants and shoes were also in dark colors. It turned out very well. It is unlikely that they will recognize me, but my magic bag stands out very much. Well, there's nothing to be done, without this I'm like without hands.

Leaving the hotel, I went to jail.

This town was specially created next to this prison, for workers. So, it turned out very convenient.

But it took me two weeks to find this place. This is a secret government prison. All sorts of weirdos are put here, like my uncle.

Twenty minutes later, I was standing in front of the entrance to the prison.

Using spells, I knocked down the door and went inside. A siren sounded throughout the prison, signaling an attack.

Guards with guns appeared in front of me. I took out a magic bomb from my bag and threw it towards the guards.

One such bomb knocked out several guards at once and I was able to go further.

Ten bombs later, and about thirty guards who were now knocked out, I walked up to the cell where my uncle was sitting.

Looking through the small bars, inside, I saw Hex sitting with his back to the door and apparently meditating.

- Fallum Quarca Daminigan. - I read a spell that blew the door off its hinges and I was able to go inside.

- Charmcaster, how long have I been waiting for you. - uncle said.

'Well, of course, for a long time. I wouldn't even come here if I could.'

But instead, I said:

- Uncle, it took time to organize your escape from prison.

- Treat me with respect, niece. Otherwise, you won't get well. - Hex said.

'Bastard. I'm pulling you out of jail, and you're threatening me. Where is the thank you?'

But then again, instead, I said:

- All right, uncle.

- What is this masquerade? Why do you need this coat? - Hex finally turned around and saw me.

'Who would say, he himself is dressed as for Halloween.'

- I just decided to change my image. - I said what first came to my mind.

- It doesn't matter, dress how you want. And now the staff. - Hex ordered.

Rolling my eyes at his behavior, I took out the Staff of Ages from my bag.

- Looks like whoever caught you did something to the staff. It has almost no power. I swear it's not my fault. - I said, passing the staff to my uncle.

At my words, Hex only snorted contemptuously and said:

- Once the staff is in the hands of its owner, all its strength will immediately return to it.

But taking the staff in his hands, Hex widened his eyes and said in amazement:

- You're right. The staff has only half the energy. For this, I will also avenge.

Pointing his staff at me, he fired a beam of yellow energy straight at me.

I didn't have time to do anything, I just tried to defend myself with my hands.

But, before reaching me, the beam split into two and attacked, thereby knocking out two guards who were trying to sneak up behind.

- Now, we need to find the Keystone. An important moment is approaching. - Uncle said, after which another beam broke through the wall so that we could get out.

- When I finish the ritual and regain my power, I will take revenge on the Legion who put me behind bars and destroyed my Charms. - Hex said as he cast a spell on the door to make it fly.

The door flew up, I stood on it next to my uncle and flying through the hole, we flew away from the prison.

After a couple of minutes of flight, I asked:

- So, the one who caught you was the Legion?

- Yes. I'm absolutely sure it's him. I personally saw one of his disguises. Red-skinned four-armed monster. Apparently, then he was just beginning to be a hero and I was not lucky to run into him. - Hex said, with malice in his voice.

HM. Apparently he's been following the Legion ever since. Well, yes, his cell was full of articles about the Legion. Uncle vengeful, as always.

Bad luck, uncle. You will meet him again soon.

After about thirty kilometers, we stopped to perform a ritual to find the Keystone.

I had to make a fire for this. You see, for such a powerful magician as Hex, this is below his dignity.

Completely freaked out. Well, nothing, I have to endure you not much at all. But even that time passes excruciatingly slowly for me.

- Darkara Dorotien Aghosto. Bezel's Keystone reveal your location. - uncle said.

The fire flared up and revealed the location of the Keystone. More precisely, his fakes, according to Lex.

As I thought, he is in Las Vegas. Where else.

- What. It was a pleasure to see you. But it's time for me to go. - I said and tried to run away.

Hex fired a beam right at my feet to stop me and said:

- You can leave only when I give you permission.

- All right, uncle. - I said, bowing my head.

Well, it was worth trying. Although I didn't really expect to be able to escape. Now I have to be with him to the end. Eh.

After extinguishing the fire, we again stood on the door and flew into the city.

Unfortunately, the door did not fly very fast. We will arrive at the place only by nine o'clock in the morning.

Ehh. I want to see Lex as soon as possible.