82. New Project & Grandsmith's True Intention



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Thanks to the excellent engineering skills of Juryrigg, all my simulators were restored in just 10 minutes.

Unfortunately, by this point the girls had just completed their warm-up and now they are starting the real workout. To be more precise, they decided to have a sparring match and now they beat each other sparing no effort.

Ashley defended herself with a full stone cover, which she had recently begun to obtain, and attacked with her lightning and telekinesis. In response, Gwen poured fire on her opponent and attacked with the help of magical constructs, while defending herself with them.

I decided not to interfere in their little fight, because I knew very well that they were only playing and not trying to seriously harm each other.

Gwen's fire cannot penetrate Ashley's cover, and Ashley's electricity cannot penetrate Gwen's shields and reach her. They just want to have some fun and let off some steam. Who am I to stop two girls from destroying my training ground in a fit of combat excitement.

So I decided to leave them alone and decided to visit my lab. It's high time checked the results of the analysis of the Technorg mutation which I found in Detrovit's DNA.

To be honest, I completely forgot about it. Just flew out of my head. Even eidetic memory does not protect against ordinary human forgetfulness. Fortunately, my beautiful AI reminded me that the analysis is ready.

Turning on my supercomputer, I opened the research report and began to read it. The first thing I noticed was that I was wrong in my original judgment.

At first I thought that this genome was a mutation that lay deep in Technorg's DNA and was not active. But, when added to Omnitrix, my serum somehow activated the genome and I got Vulcan, Alpha Detrovit, which is stronger than usual and has abnormally high heat resistance.

For the most part, I was right, but it was wrong to call this gene a mutation. This hidden genome can be called the true potential hidden within everyone. This, let it be for beauty, alpha gene, when active, is able to develop the alien to its highest form, with its full potential.

For example, can take the elves. Often in fantasy stories there are ordinary Elves and their better version, High Elves, who are much more talented, stronger and more skilled in magic than the usual representatives of their race. So, it's the same here.

It's no secret that all people are born different, some are less talented, some more, but what the alpha gene does is improve and develop its owner to the peak form of his race and turn it into an ideal, higher version that can be reached. All skills, strength and racial abilities are developed to the limit.

Initially, I thought that I could create a serum from this genome that would further strengthen me, but out of ignorance, a real treasure fell into my hands.

If I can find the α-gene and activate it in every one of my aliens, as well as in myself, then I will get something much better than a small increase in my current abilities. I will receive the highest form, which will be much stronger than any representative of this race, and will reveal their full potential.

Someone might think that this is the same as the Ultimatrix's Ultimate Forms from «Ultimate Alien», but it's not. What was there is already the next stage of development, evolution, and the α-gene brings the current stage to a peak, activating the Higher Form, or Alpha Form. I mean, it solves my old problem.

When I found out that my aliens were standard strength and no different from 10-year-old Ben's aliens, I was very upset and tried to find a way to fix it. The answer was the 'Omni Enhancer' serum, which really helped, but I was still not very happy, as the best opportunity to improve the heroes was waiting for them to grow with me.

But the α-gene changed everything. If I manage to properly activate it for everyone, I will get an incredible boost, because even Vulcan has not yet reached its peak and can become even better.

It's not even worth talking about what happens if I activate the α-gene in myself and my family ones. The mere increase in life expectancy and natural skill is already worth a lot.

Just imagining the result of the symbiosis of Alpha Forms, my serum and the Keystone, I'm thrown into ecstasy from the possibilities that are opening up. Not to mention the Ultimate Forms, which I'll get one day too.

- It's incredible… - I involuntarily muttered, realizing the possibilities of my accidental discovery, and then I turned to Morgana: - Honey, we are starting a new project: «Alpha Forms.» It is necessary to analyze the DNA of all my aliens and try to find their alpha gene.

- [Yes, my love.] - Morgana murmured sweetly.

- First, I'll deal with this, and only then I'll think about how to activate it. If anything, I'll try to synthesize the α-gene and transfer it by creating a new version of the serum. - I muttered to myself.

- [Darling, there are only 22 DNA analyzes in my files, not counting yours and Alpha Detrovite.] - Morgana's voice came from the computer.

- What? Oh yes. I haven't been collecting new alien samples since the discovery of the Two-Tails. We need to fix this. Thanks for the reminder, honey. - I said.

- [Always welcome.] - sending me an air, although rather virtual, kiss, Morgana said.

And I, turned into Ditto, created a clone that would help me, and then I began to transform and take the DNA of aliens, whose material I had not yet taken.

I started with my twenty-third alien, Gax, and continued up to my latest acquisition, Wildvine, at number fifty-one.

Though, of course, I wouldn't risk turning into Alien X. I'm not ready to face Bellicus and Serena yet.

Like last time, taking DNA samples from some of the aliens caused some difficulties, such as Cloak, which is made of a living shadow, and Goop, which is made of... well... goop. But thanks to the clone, our common ingenuity and a large number of different tools, I got the DNA of all the aliens.

Just as I had finished putting all the samples into their respective containers, specially designed to hold the unusual material, Morgana spoke again.

- [Lex, your sluts are done fighting and are now lying around exhausted.] - with poison in his voice, the AI ​​informed me.

- Don't call them that, please. You can start the analysis, let me know when the results are ready. - I said with a sigh as I inserted all the DNA samples into the analyzer.

Hearing no response, I ran to the training ground using my superhuman speed enhanced by the Keystone. When I got to the place, I saw a rout, worse than what the recent explosion had caused. Fortunately, all simulators are intact.

- Well, what did you do? - I asked with a heavy sigh, looking at Ashley and Gwen, who were now lying on the floor and panting.

- Huff, huff… Sorry… - Gwen began.

- We got carried away… Huff… - Ashley continued.

- Nothing wrong. And how? Satisfied with your new tattoos? - I asked with a grin as I sat down next to them.

After recovering a little, Gwen stood up and said with a smile: - Very much. Now, I feel that this is my strength, and not borrowed from the charms. It has become much easier to control fire and combine it with magic. Plus, I'm now completely immune to fire.

- Yes, I have the same thing with lightning and telekinesis. Matter Absorption works great with the new abilities, and it's not as hard to combine them now as it used to be. - Ashley said with the same smile.

- Only, I'm not sure about the power of the Charm of Resurrection. I can heal myself and others, but what about resurrection? We've lost our lifeline. - Gwen asked seriously.

- Do not worry. Now, we can assume that the charm are destroyed, which means they can be restored. We just need to wait for the next solar eclipse. - I said.

- And somehow get another Keystone. - Gwen reminded.

- Yes, that too. Fortunately, I have an idea how to do it. In the meantime, let's go back, Grandpa is probably already worried. It's time to continue our holiday. - I said and immediately turned into the Two-Tails, teleported us to the underwater resort of Grandsmith.


The rest of the stay went well. Donovan and Eddie, for some reason, became more friendly and sincere, so we enjoyed the rest of the day.

I even checked with the help of telepathy, why such a drastic change would occur. Everything turned out to be simple. Grandsmith's are just very used to the fact that because of their financial wealth, people constantly treat them with respect, fawning and hypocrisy, hoping to make at least some profit.

From us, they expected such a thing and therefore turned on their defensive reaction, for such a case. Although, this is illogical, since they themselves invited us, but apparently the rich have their own way of thinking.

It is clear that their money did not give up on us and we treated them normally, humanly. Realizing this, both Grandsmiths began to treat us accordingly. Although, it is not clear why, such a decision took them a whole day, but then again, the rich and their quirks.

It turned out that Donovan is quite a normal and simple man. He even apologized to Grandpa and us for his ugly behavior and made Eddie do the same. And although the kid was still acting like a complete asshole, he tried to improve. He's just too accustomed to being sarcastic and doesn't know how to communicate well with people.

After that, Grandpa's mood skyrocketed and he even forgot about the resort's power source. Max and Donovan finally had a normal conversation and even had a few drinks. Grandfather even slightly opened the veil of secrecy and told a little about his real past, although he tried to disguise everything so that there would be no recognition of the existence of aliens.

I overheard a little and it turned out that Donovan and Max were in the same class and actually grew up together, after which they parted ways. And the most interesting thing was that Donovan was a passionate admirer of Aunt Vera and was in love with her in his youth. Although, he never found the strength to admit it, since he came from a poor family and considered himself unworthy of Vera.

Therefore, he left Bellwood, hoping to make a fortune and become worthy of Vera. But, as is usually the case, he was sucked into the world of real estate and never returned to his hometown. As a result, he met another girl who became his wife, the mother of his son and the grandmother of Eddie. By the way, she died 8 years ago.

It seems that this is the answer to the question why Donovan invited us to his resort. He remembered his youthful love and decided to find a way to Vera. And first, he decided to test the waters with Max and find out how his old lover is doing there.

And yesterday's behavior was more like a test of how Max has changed in 40 years and whether Donovan can build a relationship with a woman he has not seen for so long. Still, if we behaved like bastards greedy for his money, it is unlikely that Grandsmith would want to deal with Vera, whose family has changed for the worse.

Actually, it's not a bad idea. Aunt Vera was a widow before I was born. Since her children grew up and left, she was left all alone and now lives alone in that terrible city.

Why don't two lonely old men get together. I don't even think Max would mind.

In the end, the day went well and our vacation here came to an end. Tomorrow we will be delivered to Miami and we will continue our journey.

By the way, I still decided to let Donovan keep the alien core and use it as a power source for the resort. He won't abuse it, and will treat it with extreme care, I'm sure of it. There is no point in destroying this beautiful place, especially if the Grandsmiths will soon become our relatives.