120. Beacon



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- Lex, is that the Zs'Skayr you were talking about? Who tried to take over your body? - Grandfather asked me while Vaalet was trying to put on my pants, which were obviously too small for him. Besides, he had nowhere to put his tail.

- Rrraf… What? Have you met Zs'Skayr? - Vaalet asked me in shock, having stopped trying to get dressed.

- Yeah. But don't worry, I disabled and sealed it. He won't be able to escape. Although, I'm surprised that at the last moment he was able to contact Victor. - I said, reassuring both Vaalet and Wes and Doc, who were worried that Zs'Skayr's plan might work.

- Does this mean that all his plans have already been violated and Victor's actions do not make sense? - Doc asked, pointing out the obvious.

- It seems to be so. But Victor himself and other subordinates of Zs'Skayr do not know about this, which means that they will continue to carry out the plan to darken the Sun. And in fact, it can even be used. - I replied.

- Are you thinking of using Victor's plan against him? - Max asked, guessing the course of my thoughts.

- Yes. I think you will agree with me that sooner or later Victor himself will come to Earth to supervise how the preparations for the plan are going. Most likely, he will activate the final stage himself so that there are no problems. - I said, remembering the canon.

- You want to set a trap for Victor? - Wes asked, now angry at Victor himself, after all, he became the cause of all the troubles that occurred in his village. Still, everyone has already understood that Vaalet is just a victim and a pawn in someone else's game.

- Yes. Since I've already dealt with Zs'Skayr, it's worth taking care of his subordinates as well. - I said with a grin.

- Are you going to fight Viktor…woof?" - asked Baalet, who while listening to our conversation, finally managed to put on his clothes, and no longer stood naked in front of us.

- He wants to deprive our planet of sunlight so that his Ecto-Lord can take over the Earth. Of course it must be stopped. This is personal to us. - Doc responded expressively.

- Doc is right about that. And, in any case, from your story, we can understand that Victor is still a villain. He must be stopped. - I said confidently.

- Besides, in this way we will help free the whole system from the oppression of the tyranny of the evil Ectonurite. This is also a good thing. - Max said with a smile, supporting me.

- You want to help my system…rrraf? Even after what I did… woof? - Vaalet asked emotionally, at any moment, about to cry. How sensitive he is.

- After hearing your story, we simply cannot stay away. - Max said with a smile.

- And you are not to blame for anything. You acted under duress. Will severely blame you for what happened. Especially after what you've been through. - Wes said sympathetically.

How quickly, however, his mind changed. Although, it can be understood. After hearing the story of Vaalet, it is difficult to remain insensitive.

- Mr Green is right. Vaalet, don't worry, we'll help you free the Anur system. I already made a start and got rid of Zs'Skayr, all that's left is to finish what I started. - I said with a smile.

- Auf… Thank you. - Sincerely said, wiping the tears that had come out. I think we managed to give him hope for a brighter future. I still love to do good deeds, after that there is a pleasant aftertaste.

- Mrrrrr. (Everything will be fine). - Fisk purred, patting Vaalet on the back for support.

- Honestly, you are very lucky to have met us. You met exactly those people who can help you. - I said, taking out another handkerchief for today and passing it to Vaalet.

- Prrrf, why… woof? - asked Vaalet, blowing his nose into a handkerchief.

- Wes and I are former Plumbers. This is a law enforcement organization that protects the peace in the galaxy. We will contact our old colleagues and they will send aid to the Anur System. Your people will soon be given their well-deserved freedom. - Max said a little pathetically.

- Well, I'm kind of like a hero, so this is my job, save the worlds from dictators and oppressors. - I said with a smile, and I thought to myself: 'Although I do this more for selfish reasons.'

- And Fisk and I are just happy to help you. - said Doc, who, as it were, does not concern him, but he is a good person, so he cannot pass by this.

- Moorrr. - Fisk purred, nodding his head, confirming his father's words.

- Thanks…woof, I don't know how to thank you. - Vaalet said sincerely, pulling us all, from an overabundance of feelings, into a crushing embrace.

- Ha…too much. - Wes said with difficulty, trying to escape from the clutches of the alien werewolf.

- RRaf… Sorry. I did not want. - Loboan said, embarrassed, letting us go.

- So, back to the topic. In order to catch Viktor, we need to make sure he doesn't realize that his plan has already failed and that there's a trap waiting for him here. And this means that you, Vaalet, still have to finish building the beacon. - I said, straightening my rumpled clothes.

- Are you sure…woof? - Vaalet asked uncertainly.

- Yes. This is the best way to lure Victor out and capture him. Once we've done that, you should be able to free the Anur System without too much trouble, thanks to the help of the Plumbers and your comrades. - I said confidently, and Wes and Max nodded at my words, as they agree with my plan.

- If you decide so… rraf, then I can finish the beacon without any problems. I already have almost all the necessary materials. - Vaalet said.

- Okay, then let's go and show what you are building there. I want to explore this beacon. I asked. "

- Rar… Follow me. - Vaalet growled in agreement and jumped back into the crater.

- Don't move, I'll help you down. - I said and, having picked up everyone with telekinesis, I lowered us down to Vaalet.

- If you could do that before, why did you jump off the cliff? I almost got a heart attack when I saw that you fell from a 20-meter height. - Wes complained angrily.

- It's all Fisk's fault. - I answered instantly.

- Wray? (Me?) Fisk asked with displeasure, not liking that I threw all the blame on him.

- Yes, you. You didn't have to show off in front of me. - I said ruthlessly, although I was joking, of course.

- Mrrar ...

- So, do not quarrel. - Grandfather interrupted Fisk's displeasure.

- Mrf. - Fisk purred displeasedly, turning away from me pointedly.

- Okay, I'm kidding. No offense. - I apologized with a smile, noticing that Fisk instantly forgave me. Still, he's a good guy, albeit a cryptid.

- You have collected a lot. - Doc said in surprise, looking at the heap of scrap metal lying at the bottom of the crater.

- Rrrar… Victor planted the blueprint for the beacon in my mind, so my programmed body was collecting everything that might be useful. - Vaalet said shyly.

- And even the carburetor from my RV. - Grandpa said very annoyed, still angry that his bus was damaged and that Ashley's gift was taken away.

- Don't worry, Grandpa. Here he is. Safe and sound. - I said, finding Ashley's gift in a pile of metal and putting it in my inventory. Fortunately, Vaalet did not use it.

- Thank God. - Max said with relief.

- We're here ... woof. I built a beacon in an underground cave. - said Baalet and led us away from the crater, where there was a narrow entrance to the system of underground caves.

- Who would have thought that there is a whole underground labyrinth here. I wonder what kind of cryptids can live here? - Doc said in surprise as we made our way through the cave.

- There used to be an active volcano in this area. Apparently, these caves were left from the time when the volcano erupted. - Wes said.

- Then that explains why lava flows here. - I said, pointing to the lava river, to which we approached.

- That is why, the beacon is installed here ... rraf. It autonomously absorbs the heat that the volcano produces and runs on this energy. - Vaalet said when we reached the lava lake, in the center of which there was a small island, on which the almost completed beacon stood.

- Hm... This is strange. - I said, looking around the beacon, which looked quite ordinary and looked like a large satellite dish.

- Did you notice something? - Max asked.

- It's a regular repeater that sends out a signal and connects to a transmitter on the other side. It is quite technological and above the level of Earth's technology, but I expected more. - I said honestly.

- This is bad? - Mr Green asked.

- No, as Vaalet said, this beacon helps to coordinate two transmitters in order to stabilize movement using a teleporter. But, as I said, I expected more and thought that there would be some special technology here. - I said a little disappointed.

- So should I keep building the beacon…woof? - Waalet asked.

- Yes, we need to lure Victor out anyway. - I said.

- Okey. I only have an hour left to work. Although I'm missing a couple of details...rrraf. When the body was controlled by the beast…woof, it was going to attack the local radio center to get the materials that were in short supply. - said Vaalet, examining the lighthouse.

- Maybe you can handle it? - I asked, pulling out all the materials I had with me.

- Rraa…. Yes, there is just that what I need. - Vaalet said with a smile, taking several schemes of gladiator robots.

- Then finish your work. But before that, can you tell me what Victor's teleporter looks like? How does he work? - I asked with interest.

- I haven't seen much…rraf, but it looks like Victor was using self-produced electricity that was amplified by resonant transformers. After that, these transformers pumped out a high voltage, which turned my whole body into lightning and transported me here ... woof. Just so that there are no mistakes and lightning is attracted to the Earth and a beacon is needed. - Vaalet said, giving me an idea.

- Is that purple lightning bolt? - Wes asked.

- Yes. Transformers literally shot mine at your planet and, fortunately, I hit the right place ... woof. - Nodding his muzzle, said Vaalet.

- And then why did the flood appear? - Wes asked again.

- Rrraf… From what I understand, this is caused by your atmosphere reacting to an energy source from my solar system. The Anur System is very different from this one, and it seems that your planet is reacting negatively to lightning, which is created from the energy of Transyl…. woof. To be honest, the effects that purple lightning can produce are completely unpredictable. - said Vaalet, going up to the beacon and continuing its construction.

- Here's how..... - I said thoughtfully, remembering all the trouble purple lightning caused in the original series.

Firstly, due to the purple lightning teleportation feedback, Ben's Omnitrix began to act up, which eventually led to the fact that when the Werewolf appeared, he could not turn into Jaws to save Kai, and later he began to turn into 'Yenaldooshi'.

Secondly, if I'm not mistaken, it was the purple lightning that caused Ben and Gwen to move into the virtual world of the game 'Sumo Slammers'. At least I read it on a fandom site in a past life. And by the way, I have one plan for this event.

And thirdly, because of the purple lightning, the meteorological robot went crazy, which almost destroyed Chicago. Now, I'm even interested in exploring this lightning, perhaps I will find a special use for it.

- I know how it will be possible to trace the appearance of Victor and his subordinates. - I said when I finished my thoughts.

- Do you think you can trace the appearance of this lightning? - Doc asked, understanding my train of thought.

- Yes. Considering the perturbations lightning causes, it will not be difficult to track it on satellites in orbit. - I said, and then I took out my phone and said: - Morgana.

- [Understood. One second, I found it. This is a meteorological satellite reading from last night over the Navajo reservation.] - Quickly hacking into government satellites, Morgana replied, showing a picture of a real atmospheric storm caused by the appearance of lightning from Anur Transyl.

- Fine. From now on, keep an eye on such readings and let me know when the results come in. - I answered with a smile.

Now, I will always know where Zs'Skayr's subordinates have appeared and I won't have to look for them myself or wait until I stumble upon them. Very comfortably. Maybe I should create my own reconnaissance network of satellites? Meh, I'll leave that for the future.

- [As you command]. - Morgana said dutifully, pretending to be a simple AI, as always, since she does not like being heard by people other than me.

- Ready. Thanks to your details, I was able to finish faster. - said Vaalet, having completed the construction of the lighthouse.

- Fine. Then, activate it. - I said confidently. Doc, Wes, Fisk, and Max nodded their trust in me.

Loboan just nodded and pulled the lever. The beacon buzzed, and then shone and sent a signal to Anur Transyl. Now, it remains only to wait for the guests. And also, decide what to do with Vaalet.