133. The Mummy 2

We had to wait fifteen minutes until Grandpa and Gwen arrived. All this time I kept the cocoon with the Mummy. I had to constantly restore it, as the alien tried very hard to escape.

- I see you had fun here. - Gwen said first, pointing to the traces of the battle that had taken place here.

- Ashley, as always, does not know the measure. - I said with a smile, ignoring the indignant cry of Ashley, who clearly did not agree with my words.

- I understand that the alien was not ready for a constructive conversation? - Max asked, looking at the cocoon.

- Yes, we stopped him, and now it remains to decide what to do with this villain. How did it go for you? Were there many mutants? - I asked, tightening the cocoon even more. Here's a stubborn one...

- Everything is fine, we were able to find all the mutants. Several cows, pigs, a farming family and children living nearby were affected. Thankfully, thanks to Gwen, they are all back to normal and have no memory of what happened. - Grandpa said.

- Is that how? And what did you do? - I asked Gwen curiously.

- I decided to try using the cleansing spell from Bezel's book, and it worked great on the mutants. The spell destroyed all Corrodium radiation in the bodies of the victims. I thought that this method would be more reliable than just waiting for the Corrodium to weather. - Gwen said with pride in her voice.

- Not bad idea. Still, who knows whether the radiation would really disappear completely. There could be some health side effects left, but we are sure that everything will be fine with them. - Nodding my head, I said.

- Yes, I also said. - Max replied with a smile, stroking Gwen on the head, which was embarrassed by this.

- By the way, about the spell. It won't be good to leave things as they are, so could you restore the silo? I still can't. - I said, pointing to my appearance.

- Sure, no problem. I trained this spell well during the robot attacks in Los Angeles. Restitutio Damnorum. - Gwen said with a smile, and using a spell, she repaired all the damage inflicted during the battle. Even the hole that Tep Khufan was digging was gone.

- Grandfather, is there still Corrodium in the area? - I asked as I watched the magic work. Gwen is getting better and better...

- Yes. There should be two more pieces. - Grandpa said as she readjusted her radar and studied its readings.

- Then we must take them. So that no one accidentally stumbles upon them and turns into a mutant. - Ashley said.

- This is understandable, but first we need to do something with the Mummy. He is too nimble and a simple prison will not hold him. In addition, Victor can always return Mummy in Anur Transyl, which would be highly undesirable. And I would not want to leave him unattended, who knows what he can do. - I said thoughtfully.

- Well, then let's send him to a prison from which he cannot escape and Victor cannot help him in any way. - Grandfather suggested.

- Null Void? Are you sure this is a good idea? - I asked, immediately understanding what he was talking about.

- Of course, I will contact my friends, who will lock the alien in jail and keep an eye on him until we finish this business. I will describe in detail, all his abilities and he will not be able to escape. Given that this is a completely different dimension, Victor's teleporter will not reach him in any way. - Grandpa said confidently.

- Well, if so, then I think this is the most suitable option. - Thinking for a bit, I said.

'We need to isolate Tep Khufan from Viktor and that's really the best way. Given what I remember from the show, the Mummy must have a transmitter that can track him. It is unlikely that the signal will be able to break through the dimensions, so Victor will most likely think that the Mummy is dead. Let's hope that this does not scare him and soon he will arrive on Earth himself. I'm tired of playing strategist. It is more convenient when the enemy simply comes and you just need to beat him. But there really is too much at stake…' - I thought to myself.

- Okay, then contact your friends and warn them of everything, while the girls and I will pick up the rest of the Corrodium shards. - I said again when I had finished thinking.

- No problem. - Nodding his head, said Grandpa, taking out his phone.

- Gwen, there was a freezing spell in Bezel's book, can you use it? - I asked looking at the girl.

- Yes, but what is it? - Gwen asked.

- The mummy can't calm down and is trying to escape. We can't leave him like that. Due to his special physiology, it is very difficult to knock him out, even my telepathy does not help here. The only way is to freeze him to sleep. - I said, once again strengthening the cocoon.

- And since you can't use the Omnitrix or magic, only I can do it now. No problems. Souf Glas. - Gwen said quickly, and, creating a spell that, for some reason, was in Creole, exhaled an icy breath on the cocoon with the mummy, which instantly froze both the cocoon and the mummy.

'Now, I'll be much calmer. But still, how inconvenient not to be able to use all your powers. This is a real nightmare…' - I thought displeasedly, letting go of my grip on the vines as I felt they were completely frozen. As, in general, and the Mummy.

- Then shall we go after Corrodium? - Ashley asked, tapping the frozen cocoon a little to test its strength.

- Yes, we must be in time before dawn breaks. In this area people get up very early and it will not be good if they replace us. - I said, catching the radar that was thrown to me, from still talking on the phone, Grandpa.

- And where do we go? - Gwen asked as she wrapped herself in a layer of Magic to take off. This is an alternate way of flying that she learned to avoid relying on the fire charm.

- To the ice cream factory, and to the local school. - I said, correlating the radar readings and the map of the area.

- Well, then Gwen and I will fly to school. - Ashley suggested, also flying up into the air.

- Okay, hold the radar, and I can handle it myself. When you're done, I'll meet you here. - I said as I tossed the said device to Gwen.

- Whoever comes later buys pizza. - Ashley yelled, and quickly flew away.

- She is right. - Gwen said with a smile and flew away in the same way.

- It's already clear to everyone that I will succumb. If you wanted pizza, you could just ask. - I muttered, shaking my head, and also flew off in search of the crystal.


July 25, 2010.

We got both crystals without any problems, and now I have a total of four Corrodium crystals. Given that it is quite rare and generally banned from use in almost the entire known universe, this is not a bad catch.

When we returned to Max, he had already agreed on everything, and we sent the Mummy to Null Void, where the Plumbers' immediately received him and locked him in the darkest cell, leaving him right there, frozen, to be sure.

After that, we returned to the bus and, having found the nearest parking lot, went to sleep. I woke up before everyone else again and continued to work on my virtual world, at the same time playing with Nebula, who had grown even more.

She even learned to use telekinesis a little, with the help of which she now flies and gets her own food from the refrigerator. Now we have to lock it up so that this little glutton does not eat all our provisions. It seems that the effect of our connection turned out to be much better than I thought ...

Also, as Morgana said, today she finished the analysis of the Mr. Hyde Formula and, surprisingly, it turned out that its main component was Corrodium. That's such a coincidence....

Although, given its mutagenic properties, it is not so strange. The formula also includes many different herbs, both from the Earth and from other planets, and of course, the blood of aliens, which, under the influence of Corrodium, turns people into alien hybrids.

There was also one strange component unknown to me, which apparently was necessary for the stabilization of the serum and so that it could be safely used by people.

Fortunately, Morgana was able to unravel the composition and formula of this substance, and I was able to reproduce it without any problems.

Since I'm stuck in Swamp Fire form, I can't go to the Cave (even though I can fly, but the distance is too far and I don't want to spend several hours on the road), I will have to postpone work on recreating the Hyde Formula, but this does not mean that I cannot start modeling the cure for Gilbert.

All the necessary components for the formula I can get later, but the medicine also needs the blood of an alien, in this case a Techadonian, in order to remove exactly parts of the DNA of this species from Gilbert's body.

Luckily, I know that there is one member of this race living in the underground city of Bellwood, and when the flowering is over, I will take his DNA, at the same time, and buy all the necessary ingredients.

Still, this is the right place to look for medicinal herbs from other planets. Also, I couldn't resist and decided to try and improve the Hyde Formula. I don't know why I need it, but it won't be superfluous. May be, I will one day need the ability to turn a human into an alien/human hybrid.

Especially since I have no problem getting DNA samples from all sorts of aliens thanks to my Omnitrix. Unfortunately, without my equipment, I won't be able to study Corrodium, so the Circus Trio's healing is delayed again, but I guess they won't mind waiting a little longer….

How many times I say, but it's terrible not to be able to use the Omnitrix to its full potential. I immediately lose most of my abilities. Still, it's very convenient when you have such a wide variety of skills for a variety of occasions. And as always, I realized this only when I lost this opportunity...

I will definitely make sure that this does not happen again and do not care if I have to go against the nature of my aliens. Even if I have to sterilize them, I will do it….

Eh, I hope the flowering will end soon, otherwise tomorrow is a full moon and I have to be in London to pick up Excalibur ...

- Wow, you really are blooming. - Ashley's voice had just woken up when she saw my renewed appearance.

During the night I became taller and a little more massive in the shoulders. My arms have gotten bigger and have red spikes that I can use to get more seeds. My fingers got longer and changed color to yellow. And around my neck appeared something like a collar, something like a tulip petal.

- The second stage of flowering has begun. There is one more left and I will finally be free. - I said, continuing to work at the computer.

- Understandably. Where's the pizza you owe us? - Ashley asked, rubbing her belly, which was clearly empty.

- Here. - I said and pulled out from under the table five boxes of pizza that I hid from Nebula.

- Good boy. - Ashley said with a smirk and kissed me on the lips, took one of the boxes.

'It seems to have made a compliment, but it seems to have offended….' - I involuntarily thought.

Half an hour later, Grandpa woke up and we immediately continued on our way to Chicago, without even waiting for Gwen to wake up. Max really does not want to miss the concert of his favorite band ....