151. New Order

July 31, 2010.

The next day, after breakfast, all three girls in the company of Grandpa and Nebula in disguise went to Honolulu, well, I decided to do the business planned for today.

First of all, I visited all the Forever Knights castles in the USA that were under a cloaking field and had been mothballed by Kei so that no one could hide in them.

Although, I did meet a few dozen former Forever Knights who tried to break in, but they did not stop me from getting all the resources that their order had been collecting for centuries.

I have long dreamed of stealing them to the skin, and not so much out of need, but out of the pleasant feeling that I ruined the life of the Knights even more.

After I worked, only bare walls remained. I literally took everything that was not screwed to the floor, but what was screwed, tore it off and also took it. I did not leave anything, and finally allowed the remnants of the knights to enter the castles so that they would see this and feel even more desperate for their situation.

T the same time, I sent anonymous denunciations to the police so that they would arrest the knights. It's not okay that so many of them are still at large. I admit it turned out pretty brutal, but if you knew everything I know about the actions of the Knights in just the last 50 years, you would definitely agree with me that this order deserves such an end. Apart from my people, of course. Double standards, what can you do. That is life.

Although, again, I haven't yet touched Driscoll and his group of renegades, who should now be hiding somewhere, since I need his plan to continue until a certain point, and then, the order of the Forever Knights will really disappear from the face of the earth. In fact, it will start today, and I will start with my own faction.

By the way, I still managed to find the seal behind which is the prison of Dagon. As I assumed, she was under one of the castles. Since I still do not want to risk it once again, it was this castle that I hid by all means available to me, including magic and rituals from the Spellbinder's grimoire, which I never stop studying.

So far, the time of Dagon has not come. I myself do not want to climb to the interdimensional demon, I'm not a fool. But when I have 100% confidence that I can kill this squid and not get hurt, then we will return to this topic. As for the resources received by the right of the conqueror (after all, few can argue with the fact that I destroyed the order), then everything is not as rosy as we would like.

Previously, when I was only at the beginning of the journey and had practically nothing, the alien materials obtained by the knights would be very useful to me, but now these are just additional materials that will help me reorganize the same order.

Well, plus a lot of treasures and works of art that mean little to me. Nothing else that really could be called special, I did not find, not after what I went through and what I received recently. And ordinary resources, which, although rare on Earth, are quite common in space, are of little interest to me.

Especially after I finish my virtual world, which in fact, will provide me with unlimited resources for every taste. But in any case, the supply does not press the pocket, and for me the main thing is that now the Forever Knights do not have these materials.

Here I am such an evil type who mocks poor people and is ready to take everything from them to the last. And frankly, I really enjoy doing this to my enemies.

Although, this is not so important, it is better to return to the topic. Having finally robbed the knights, I moved to the moon base and, after sending clones to build a surprise for my loyal subordinates, I went to look for Kay, who was in the room that served as a gym.

There was nothing like this before, but it seems that my knights have already settled down and started using the Gilbert transporter.

- Your Majesty. - Kay said respectfully as I entered the room in my Forever King form.

- I told you that you don't have to bow to me all the time when I show up. - I said with a breath, at the same time examining the girl whom I see for the first time without her armor.

By appearance, Kay was about twenty-two years old, she had beautiful blond hair, snow-white skin and bright blue eyes. In fact, she was indeed very beautiful and at the same time had an unusual charm, which apparently appeared as a result of her training in the order.

- I can't help it, you are my King. - The girl knight said with conviction, still in a kneeling pose, while looking at me with abnormal devotion. Damn fanatics...

- I see that I can't convince you, so let's forget about it. You can get up. - I said, knowing full well that such people are very difficult to convince of something. So I decided to quit this thankless job.

- As you command my king. - Kay said standing up straight.

- ...

- ... Your Majesty? - Kay asked worriedly after I had been silently staring at her for two minutes.

- …Yeah, I'm sorry, I just stared at you. You know, you're really beautiful, you should go without armor more often. - I said sincerely, unable to contain my nature.

- …. - it seems that my compliment completely incapacitated the girl. It must have been the first time she was treated like a real girl and not like a tool.

- Okay, back to the topic. Today I came to tell you about our future plans and the future of the order. Couldn't you gather everyone in the conference room? - I asked as I walked out of the room.

- …What? Oh yes, of course, Your Majesty, everything will be done in the best possible way. - Recovering, quickly said Kay and ran ahead of me.

- But cheeks turned red… - I said with a smile, heading to the meeting place.

Less than twenty minutes later, all my gathered in the conference room, no longer wearing their stupid armor that they would never need again. When the loud greeting ended and everyone took their seats, I began my speech.

- So, I see you have had enough time to clean up and rest, so I think we can begin the promised reformation of the order, which I promised you on the day you all swore allegiance to me. - I said as I turned on the projector with my presentation I had prepared. This is a serious matter, so there is no other way.

- YEAAAAAAAA!!! - apparently from the surging feelings, all the knights shouted at once. Luckily, I had prepared and reduced the sound in the mask beforehand, so I didn't get stunned this time.

- Be quieter please. And don't interrupt. - I said sternly, cooling down the ardor of three hundred people. When there was silence again, I began again: - Perhaps not many of you know, but in the first place, the order was created for the purpose of killing a demon from another dimension who wanted to take over our planet and the entire universe.

After giving a couple of seconds to realize the former greatness of their order, I continued the story: - And although the demon could not be killed, it was sealed, and the purpose of the order was changed to protect the seal so that the demon would never return to this world. But, as you know, in our time this has already been forgotten, and most of the members of the order ignored their destiny and began to indulge their selfish desires.

- Damn heretics!!! - An aggressive shout was heard from the audience.

- Right. The Order of the Forever Knights is no longer what it was in the past and the fact that you are here, direct evidence of his decline. This order can no longer be saved and it must wither away, because in addition to everything I mentioned, the Order also betrayed its true goal. - as if a speaker (or a deputy?) I continued to hang noodles on the ears of these fanatics.

- True purpose? asked Bors, who was sitting next to him.

- Maybe one of you can guess for yourself what was the original reason for fighting that demon? What is the reason for protecting the seal and preventing the release of the demon for so many years? - I asked, looking seriously at people who are not too accustomed to thinking with their own heads.

- ...

- …

- …

'Is it really that bad?' - I thought involuntarily, but luckily I was wrong.

- Protecting people? Kay suggested.

- Right. - I said with a smile, and began to explain for the dull: - It is in the instincts of people that we must protect our home and our family. This is our nature. And no matter what you have been told before, the main goal of the order has always been to protect people and protect our homeland. Everything else is secondary, and this is the most important thing. Just for protection many people once gathered together and were able to fight back a powerful demon, thereby saving not only the planet, but the entire universe.

- YAAAAAAAAAA!!! - expectedly, no one could restrain the pressure of emotions and the general cry was heard again.

- You came to me in the hope that I would return the Order to its true path. I'm afraid that at the moment this is no longer possible, since the Forever Knights are rotten to the core, and there is no point in saving what should already be dead. - I said calmly, to build up the atmosphere a little, before revealing all the mole cards.

- But, the main goal, never changed. Protecting the people, protecting the world, protecting the universe, that's exactly what you all want, isn't it? - I asked with a grin.

Unexpectedly, but this time, there were no screams, I received only an answer full of confidence and devotion: - Yes!

- The title was never important. Still, it's just a brand, an image. The goal matters most. And we are all here to achieve this goal. And since our predecessors failed in their task, we will take everything into our own hands, discard the old and start all over again. With a new name, with new forces and technologies, but with the same goal. - I shouted, even managing to inspire myself.

- PROTECTION!!! PROTECTION!!! PROTECTION!!! - the former knights began to chant.

- And what will we be called now? - Kay asked breathlessly as everyone quieted down, waiting for my answer.

With a smirk, I displayed the new emblem of our new organization on the screen, saying mysteriously: - The Jedi Order.