160. Way to Xenon 4

(Gwen POV)

- It's really impressive. - Tetrax said softly as he stood next to me and watched as all the effects of the electromagnetic pulse slowly faded away.

- Yes, Lex knows how to surprise. - I said proudly.

- That's putting it mildly. If he doesn't even need the Omnitrix for something like this, then Lex is exactly the one who deserves to have it, and I am convinced of this once again -. Tetrax said seriously, signaling Gluto to close the front panels of the spaceship.

- Lex will be glad to know that you think so highly of him. You know, he doesn't really have any male friends other than Grandpa and maybe Zak. I think he really lacks people he can talk to honestly and it would be nice if you get along. - I said, looking at the noble Petrosapien.

- I would be honored to be the friend of such a great man. Moreover, I am indebted to him for helping my homeland. - Tetrax said, apparently not quite understanding what I mean, but okay.

At the very least, Lex will have another close person whom he can trust. At a minimum, it will make him happier, which was my original goal. Who else but I should take care of this, if Lex himself almost does not pay attention to such things, although, like everyone else, he needs this. True, he will never admit it, but that's what guys are.

- Gllurrp. - Gluto gurgled something again, pulling me out of my thoughts.

- Lex is already aboard the ship. I think we can fly further. Gluto, full speed ahead. - Tetrax said.

The pilot followed his captain's orders and the ship's engines started up again, pushing us forward into the vast expanses of space, gradually moving to superluminal speed.

- How do you understand what Gluto says? - I asked softly, feeling awkward as I seem to be the only one who doesn't understand him.

- Honestly, I don't understand what exactly he is saying, but over time I learned to understand what it was about, at least approximately. - Tetrax also answered quietly, crouching a little.

- Seriously? - I asked skeptically.

- That's how we live. Given Gluto's superior piloting skills, this isn't such a problem, but it's hard to have a heart-to-heart talk with him, that's for sure. - Tetrax said with a shrug, while making a loud crystal sound.

- Hmm… - I said involuntarily, watching this strange alien duo, who seemed to be happy with this situation.

I hope Lex fixes Gluto's exoskeleton so I can understand it too. He's quite interesting and I'm curious what he can tell...

- Here I am. - Lex said as he walked through the automatically opened door.

- Are you okay? - I asked with concern, noticing that the guy looked rather tired.

- I'm exhausted, but nothing critical that a good rest can't fix. - the guy said wearily, while throwing three aliens in armor to the floor, whom he had previously dragged with telekinesis.

- Did you take them? - Tetrax asked, pointing to Six-Six, and as I understand it, his brother and sister.

- The impulse knocked out all electronics, including their ship and armor, which means they were left without life support systems. Don't leave them to die in space. Even they did not deserve such a death. - Lex said with a shrug, sitting wearily in a chair.

- It is truth too. It will be necessary to hand them over to the Plumbers' later. Think, they won't get away with a simple prison for this one, and they'll be locked up in Null Void. - Tetrax said and took out a familiar cube that expanded and engulfed the aliens, locking them in a makeshift prison cell.

- So, what is next? - I asked.

- We continue our way to Xenon, we still have about five hours to fly. But, it is worth being on the alert, the fact that we have neutralized this trap does not mean that there will not be another on the way. Although the probability of this is less, because we found Vilgax's bug, but we should not lower our vigilance. - Tetrax said.

- Yes, as we have already found out, do not underestimate this octopus. He may not be able to determine our path now, but I wouldn't be surprised if he already knows our destination and is preparing a new way to annoy us. - Lex said with a sigh.

- That's right, we should be ready for a new battle. - said Tetrax, nodding his head, and then he added: - I think you should rest while there is time.You can take any free cabin. They are not very comfortable, but they are good for sleeping.

- Tetrax is right, Lex. You should sleep. - I said quickly, thwarting any attempt Lex made to protest.

- Ehhh, I think you're right. Let's go, Gwen, you should restore the spent forces too. - Lex said as he struggled to his feet.

- If something happens, I will let you know. - Tetrax said with a wave of his hand as Lex and I left the captain's bridge.

- Are you sure you're okay? - I asked with concern, supporting the guy who was struggling to move his legs.

- Don't worry, I'm just exhausted. First I had to spend all the magical powers, and then the physical ones. Plus, I'm still moving away from accepting the Hyde Formula. I haven't felt so weak in a long time. The Omnitrix spoiled me. - Lex said with a smile. leaning on my shoulder.

- Well, if you say so. - I said hesitantly, finally deciding to clarify: - Is it okay that you took five bottles of the Hyde Formula at once?

- Honestly, if someone else did it, it would be really dangerous. But my body can handle it without any risk. If it wasn't, I wouldn't be doing this. - said Lex, just as we approached an empty cabin, which, fortunately, was not made for Petrosapiens, and there was a soft bed.

- Still, you shouldn't have done it. There were other ways to solve the problem. - I said reproachfully, sitting the guy on the bed.

- Yes, I know. I could have just sneaked into Six-Six's ship and defused all the explosives from there, but I didn't want to. - Lex said with a sigh as he lay down on the bed.

- And why then all this? - I asked although I already knew the answer.

- This is my way to release all the accumulated stress and anger. It always helps me clear my head and rethink my problems. - Closing his eyes, said my cousin.

- Did it help this time too? - I quietly asked, taking the boy's hand.

- Not really. At least I can sleep well. - Lex said wearily, pulling a blanket and pillow out of the ring.

- So you're not ready to tell everything yet? - Just in case, I asked.

- Nope. - The lad replied instantly.

- Just as I thought. Well, if you decide so, I will not bother you. - I said, about to leave the room, but I was stopped by Lex, who grabbed my pant leg.

- Will you lie down with me for a bit? - Lex asked quietly.

- Of course. - I said eagerly, jumping into bed and covering myself with a blanket.

Clinging to the guy, I began to watch him slowly fall asleep, breathing measuredly. Soon, the heat also killed me, and I didn't have time to notice how I myself fell asleep...


*Five hours later*

- It's dark in here. - I said the obvious thing when we all gathered again in the captain's cabin and looked at the place where Xenon should be, but all we saw was only solid darkness.

- Gluto, are you sure we're in the right place? - Tetrax asked doubtfully.

- Grrrulprl. - Gluto gurgled, clearly offended that his skills were being questioned.

- This is the Hugopath quadrant. We're right there. - Lex said confidently.

- Where is the planet then? - I asked.

- Right in front of us. Azmuth has installed a device in this square that completely absorbs any light, making it difficult for anyone who comes uninvited to find Xenon. - Lex said.

- Then that explains all those missing starships and the terrible rumor that goes around this quadrant. No wonder no one made it out of here alive. - Tetrax said, rubbing his forehead.

- And why would Azmuth do that? - I asked, not seeing the logic.

- So that no one bothers him. On Xenon, he hides from the "lawlessness" of the rest of the universe in order to be able to calmly continue his work. In general, as you understand, he does not expect guests. - Lex said.

- And how do we get to the planet without crashing? - I asked.

- This is the main problem. The Omnitrix has a homing beacon installed so that if it ever comes within range, the Omnitrix will guide the user through the dark oblivion to Xenon. But, as you understand, now there is no way to use this beacon. - Lex said. pointing to their non-working hours.

- Have you already come up with a solution? - Tetrax asked, already understanding Lex's train of thought.

- Of course. - Lex said with a nod of his head, after adding: - But, we will have to leave the ship.

- Are you kidding? / Grullp? - Tetrax and Gluto asked at the same time, clearly unhappy with Lex's idea.

- Listen, I have a spell that can lead us to Azmuth, who is obviously on the planet. But, the problem is that all of Xenon is surrounded by asteroids and the remains of many starships, which act as a natural defense. With this ship, even with Gluto's impressive skills, there's no way we can blindly reach the planet just by following the spell tracker without destroying the ship. - Lex said with a sigh.

- And your decision to quit 'The Resolute'? - Tetrax asked not too pleased.

- Don't quit. We will leave it and go into outer space, where I will guide us to the planet. I'll put the ship itself in spartial storage, it'll be all right, don't worry. - Lex assured the worried Petrosapien.

- Don't worry, Tetrax, Lex knows what he's doing. He has already proven it today. - I supported the guy.

- Okay, okay, I understand. - Tetrax said with a wave of his hand, and having completely calmed down, he asked: - What should we do?

- We put on spacesuits and go outside. - Lex said with a smile as his body wrapped around his suit.

Without hesitation, I pulled on my belt and donned my suit, which, although not designed for space, had an oxygen supply and could withstand the vacuum of space for a couple of hours. Lex, as always, foresaw everything in advance.

Tetrax was already wearing a spacesuit, so all he had to do was put on a mask, but Gluto had to leave his exo-skeleton and move into a one-piece spacesuit, which was in the cargo hold. In this suit, he was very similar to the Volus from the world of Jane Shepard. I even involuntarily laughed at this, although only Lex understood why.

Once we were all ready, we entered the pressurized compartment, from which we were thrown into space. Before we could fly too far, Lex caught us with his telekinesis and pulled us towards him, binding each of us with a rope made of magic. As promised, he moved the ship into his ring, and then began to cast a spell, using gestures. True, in the end nothing happened and the spell did not work.

- What? - I asked, using the communicator in my helmet.

- It looks like Azmuth has some kind of protection that prevents him from being found using magic. - Lex said angrily.

- It seems, he really doesn't want to be disturbed. - Tetrax said.

- And now what? How do we find Xenon? - I asked, continuing to swim in weightlessness.

- Fortunately, there are other living beings on this planet that I can find with a spell. - Lex said with a smirk, and used the same spell again at the end, indicating the target in the form of Florauna.

This time everything worked, and a beam of magic shot out of Lex's hands and flew into the darkness of space. It seems that the light-absorbing device also affected the spell, turning the thick beam into a thin thread, but fortunately, this did not prevent the spell from working and we can find a way.

- Let's go. - exclaimed Lex and flew after the beam, pulling us after him, while diligently flying around any debris that was in the area.