179. Favorite Work

August 2, 2010

Six hours later, I woke up full of energy. Despite how long and tiring yesterday was, this time was enough for me to restore all my strength. Even the mana reserves in my body are full again, even though I spent all that was saved for a rainy day in my Infinity Tattoo.

It's a small loss, though, given that it may have been this pool of mana that kept me going while I was freaking out and, in fact, that's what saved my life from a suicidal explosion caused by yet another weirdness of the male Anodite.

Another catch, but I was lucky again and the Tattoo of Good Luck again showed itself perfectly. It is truly my most valuable asset.

Since I don't have any emergency mana left, I'll have to start all over again, so once again leaving 99% mana permanently in my body, I created a conduit that sends all the restoring magical energy to the Infinity Tattoo storage.

In the three weeks (it's crazy how little, and so much has happened in that time) that have passed since I received the Tattoo from Professor Paradox, I was able to accumulate about one hundred and thirty of my reserves.

I'm lucky that I have a very fast energy regeneration, so I won't have to wait long and in a couple of days, I will already have a decent amount of mana.

Since I knew that I would not fall asleep again, I stroked Gwen's hair while sleeping on me, and then, gently lifting her with telekinesis, I got up and put the girl back on the bed.

Feeling her warm pillow disappear Gwen began to toss and turn, so I stroked her again to keep her from waking up. She also spent a lot of energy yesterday and also shed her skin, becoming an Anodite, not to mention the fact that yesterday we were doing something more active together, so she needs rest, and given that she still did not take the serum and all still remains an ordinary person (relatively), then she needs more time to recover.

Under my caresses, Gwen relaxed and fell asleep again, so that I could calmly go about my business. First of all, I quietly did a little warm-up. I didn't think I would feel it again after taking the serum, but my muscles, after yesterday, are very aching and even hurt in places.

Apparently, I still went beyond my limits and only by perseverance was able to complete all the cases. Fortunately, my regeneration is doing its job well, and the warm-up helped, so the pain quickly passed, and I became fresh as a cucumber. Even the mood was good, sleep really helped to leave all the worries behind, and now I want to take my hands with some work.

Since I promised to fix his exoskeleton for Gluto, I decided to do it. Although, it would be better if I create a new, more advanced one that will allow him to control the ship using all the features of the Protost and which he can use as a spacesuit for going into space, otherwise now he has to change 'suits'. Yes, and something for the battle, it will not be superfluous to add.

Having fired up this idea and having already begun to mentally design the design and functionality of a new exoskeleton, I left my cabin with Gwen and went to the ship's hangar. There is enough space to work and I could find a variety of materials that you can use.

Tetrax is a real collector and keeps everything that might ever come in handy, storing it all in his hangar. For this, it is impossible not to respect him, because I himself is the same. I don't think Tetrax would mind if I rummaged around in his stock, especially since it's important to the case, so I immediately started looking for anything that might be useful to me.

Unfortunately, Tetrax didn't do any sorting and just lumped everything together in a big container, so I'll have to get my hands a little dirty to find anything useful. Fortunately, x-ray vision is to help me and the search did not take much time.

Now I wanted to do it manually and without the use of aliens, so, having come up with a rough plan, I found what I thought I would need to create an exoskeleton that could be controlled by an intelligent clot of mucus. Then I took out my laptop and started creating a blueprint and design of the exoskeleton so that it would be easier for me to work and not have to act randomly.

- Hmm, looks like I lost my phone somewhere… - I muttered as I took out my laptop from my spatial ring, noticing that my smartphone was not there.

It seems that after Tetrax called me announcing the arrival of Vilgax's army, I threw away or destroyed my phone, because at that moment I had no time for it. I'm not even sure what happened to him. It's a bit of a pity, because I created it myself, and it was my first serious invention, ahead of Earth analogues by decades. Looks like I'll have to create a new one.

Fortunately, I thought of creating protection in case my phone is lost or in the wrong hands. Still, it stores a lot of information that could get me in trouble, if the same Vilgax finds him. Considering that 6 hours have already passed since we left Xenon and Morgana has no connection with him, the self-destruct system should have already worked and from the smartphone, not even ashes remained. I know it's probably overkill, but it will put my paranoid soul at ease.

My Null Void Ring has been preserved since I rarely use it and keep it in my dimensional ring, just like my bracelet that I wore on my left hand.

It was the receiver that Morgana used to keep in touch with me and be close to me even though her server was in my house.

Once Morgana was trapped by the Omnitrix, I removed it to remind me of my AI's situation.

Now that Morgana has finally moved into the Omnitrix, it has become useless, but I leave it as a memory of the past. Maybe someday it will come in handy for me.

By the way, about Morgan. While I was indulging in my thoughts and at the same time began to design an exoskeleton for Gluto, sitting on the floor of the ship, Morgana's hologram silently appeared next to me and also crouched, asked:

- [Do you need help?]

- No, I want to do it myself. The aliens spoiled me and for a long time I did nothing myself, without their help. - I said with a smile, not being distracted by the work.

- [Okay.] - said Morgana, who obviously wanted to chat, but she did not want to distract me.

Since I could do multiple things at the same time, thanks to multiple streams of consciousness that I don't normally use, I could talk to the AI ​​girl. Moreover, I have a few questions for her.

- Well, how do you live in the Omnitrix? - I asked, taking one look at the girl.

- [Good, and even very good. Despite the small size of the watch, Azmuth was able to fit a very powerful server into the clock, the power of which is ten times enough not only for my work, but also for all functions. There is also a reserve, in case of an emergency.] - Morgana said with a smile, putting her head on my shoulder.

- Well, it's not surprising. It's hard to imagine how many calculations it takes to send a signal to Primus, get data from it, decrypt it, and then use it for my transformation. And all this happens in less than a second, despite the distance. - I said shaking my head. Still, it's hard to underestimate the genius of Azimus, even if he still annoys me.

- [To be precise, 0.375 seconds, but yes, you're right. My previous server created by you was also good and suited me just fine, but the Omnitrix server is just another level and I discovered new facets of my capabilities.] - Morgana said, trying not to offend me.

- Don't worry, I understand. I put together your old server from what I found at the old Plumbers base and what Grandpa Max was able to buy in the Underground City, so it's not surprising that it is inferior to the Omnitrix. Actually, it's surprising that he was able to support your work for so long, considering that you have long crossed the boundaries of ordinary AI. I'm glad you're happy with everything now. - I said as I was designing a voice module that would help Gluto talk normally without feeling the discomfort that is happening now.

- [More than. Although, not everything turned out so rosy, not quite the way we expected.] - said Morgana.

- Yes? And what are you talking about? - I asked curiously.

- [Although I replaced the system AI of the Omnitrix and got its administrator rights, some restrictions remained. And it's not that I can't bypass these restrictions, but it can lead to unforeseen breakdowns and finish the Omnitrix even more. So, it's better not to get into it.] - said Morgana.

- Clear. I don't mind if it's for the best, especially since this Omnitrix is living his last days. - I said, without much excitement because I know that Azmuth has already begun work on a new watch, in which I hope I can make my own adjustments.

- [It's good that you think so, since the main problem concerns the main core and the power source. I have no access to its systems and it is precisely the reason why the Omnitrix 'dies'.] - looking into my eyes, the girl said.

- Is the core depleted? - I guessed.

- [Yes, there is little energy left. Well, compared to what it used to be. For the core, Azmuth took the white dwarf reactor, which he somehow managed to fit into those hours. That's just the same, this white dwarf is on the verge of death, and there is no way to change this.] - shaking her head, Morgana said.

- Is that how much energy the Omnitrix should consume if, in just a couple of months of using it, I practically depleted an entire star? - I asked in shock.

- [As you can see, a lot. You yourself said that the calculations for its operation are very significant, and for this, a lot of energy is needed, not to mention the costs for the transformations themselves and other functions of the watch. And you, wasn't shy about using aliens at all, so here's the result.]

- Morgana said with a shrug.

- Well, I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. I knew that this Omnitrix was only the first prototype with its own problems, but I did not think that it would deplete so quickly. I was hoping for another year or a year and a half. It's good that we knew about it in advance, so that I can cut down on its use and wait until Azmuth finishes his job. - I said, looking up from my laptop and looking at the aforementioned clock, which I will soon have to change.

- [Whatever doesn't happen is for the best.] - Morgana said, to which I could only nod in agreement.

Azmuth continues to amaze me with his abilities. And after all, despite how terrible the last day was, everything turned for the better again, if you look at the situation in general. Morgana moved to the Omnitrix, I met and even got along a little with Azmuth, learned that the current clock would not last long and that Galvan, even without my request, was already preparing to create new ones.

In addition, in a few hours, I will bring an entire race of aliens back to life. Indeed, everything is not so bad, although I had to go through thorns to the stars, as they say.

Taking my eyes off the clock and back to designing, I continued my conversation with Morgana, this time taking the floor and detailing what happened after she was trapped by the Omnitrix.