Qin God

Ming Yuan found the sacrifice room. 'That's all Qin God for sacred, it's a room for doing ritual respecting to Qin God! It's called sacred room in this map, they're covered by animal heads. There are goat, pig, and cat statues symbolized Qin power for leading China.'

Ming Yuan locked all the ghosts there. 'Let me find my daughter now, you can't easily forbid me to destroy all the statues! We must lock all of them in these statues, by adding the you shua to them.'

Ming Yuan read the spell, 'For the name of Salatan, I call you, Nanny Chen, the baby sitter for the children of Qin family.' Nanny Chen appeared as a half face ghost. 'You've called me, I must ask for help to you!' Ming Yuan crashed her face. 'I never follow you, all of the Qin God, you've sacrificed all the innocent children for your ambition in chasing more wealth and power!'

Nanny Chen brought Ming Yuan to a place. He saw her with Wang Yong planned a thing. They wanted to tackle down Tsao Man. Nanny Chen appeared front of Tsao Man as a good nanny for his daughter.

Ming Yuan went to a park. He saw Tsao Man played with his daughter. Ming Yuan got closer to them, 'I can't raise them, I must reach the statues!' Nanny Chen attacked him. 'Go away from my Master family, you're not from Qin dynasty!'

Ming Yuan hid through a small house behind. He shouted by Nanny Chen corpse. 'What's it, a baby sitter corpse?' He got closer to her corpse. Nanny Chen appeared with a knife, 'You've shooed Wang, I'm the nanny of the children. He's my beloved husband, my spirit in life.' Flower saved him. 'How dare you attack human by wound him, devil? You're weaker than them, God plants power on them, to fight all your evil power.'

Ming Yuan walked again through the ballroom. He saw a music box there. He put the key music box. 'Belong to lovely Na Er, Tsao Man's beloved wife! Happy birthday, from Tsao Man, your dear husband, with sincere!'

Ming Yuan crossed a hidden small room. Ming Yuan opened it. 'It's an execution room, for executing all the rebels! Tsao Man executed many rebellions here, for his endless power and crown! He's a powerful King, with a metal hand.'

Ming Yuan saw a Qin God appeared as pig. 'Dare you take my meals, the corpse of the executions! Tsao Man's a good powerful warrior would kill you, he never forgives anyone wronged at him. You're a sin man, very dirty man. You must die in this house, won't find your decision for your daughter rescue.'

Ming Yuan shocked up by Nanny Chen. She brought a corpse sacrificed to pig God. They called it Chu Wa Kai.

Ming Yuan fought with Chu Wa Kai. Ming Yuan read the spell. 'You're the God of farm, Chu Shang Di. Tsao Man prayed to you asking for saving farm, he's a farm behind this house park. You give the bless by taking the child victims, as the recruitment for taking the more wealth.' Nanny Chen helped the God, 'I've sacrificed all the children for our bless, for reaching our prosperity. Why you stop me, I must respect my God? Qin God must get all the pay from the following, as the regard for their struggle. They're our ancestors, the example from the past. Go away from here, you're not accepted here!'

Ming Yuan came back to past. Ming Yuan read the spell again for the dog God, 'You must be Gou Yang Wai, the dog God! You're the protection for war, giving bless to the knights.' Wang Yong appeared again, 'What're you doing with Gou God, He's our leader? How dare you vanish Him, as for your concern to get your daughter back? How the people outside Qin kick them out, you've violated the rule? You must die now, prepare for your own execution!' Flower appeared, 'You must stop disturbed people, you're evil ghosts. Yin and Yang are just a belief, God's the creator of this Earth.' Wang Yong angered at him, 'How will you say thank to Gods, they're struggling Qin dynasty life? You aren't from Qin, you must from the Floral Palace. Remember, Floral Palace built after Qin, you must respect us! You're not from here, you're humiliating us as your great grandparents! Our Master isn't your reincarnation, he's our Lord reincarnation!'

Ming Yuan ran through the corner room. 'It's nanny class small room, for training new nannies!' Wang Yong appeared with Nanny Chen, 'You've trait my husband, to fulfill your decision. You should die then, you violates him. You've mocked at our Gods, you get wrong respecting them!' Ming Yuan read the spell, 'Your God's cruel, you must vanish all from this land!' Flower fought them, 'Qin God built after Floral Palace, the first Floral Palace's a village from Heaven. Tsao Man's my reincarnation, I've planted my hope to his Mom. Qin built before Floral Palace in the first generation by Qin Ti, he's a leader from Jiang Hu. Tsao Man's the last generation, leading the worst in this dynasty. He's a bad King, greedy for the wealth only!'

Ming Yuan locked all the Qin God. Qin praised to the Gods for their next maintain the power. Qin God never slept when someone dared to wake them up.