Nanny Chen Secret

Ming Yuan found the Nanny Chen notebook. 'She must be a healer here. People call her as Xi Fu. She's really awesome!' Nanny Chen attacked him, 'You're gonna steal my notebook. I wanna kill you now.' Wang Yong attacked him, 'Why you steal all my treasure? You've found my money. Return it to me! It's all from Qin God.'

Nanny Chen tackled him down. 'I gonna kill you! I wanna get again my treasure. Tsao Man would be happy!' Ming Yuan tackled again with sword. 'I never wanna get down by you. I've a friend named Flo. I would protect him!' Nanny Chen shouted, 'You're crazy. You dare to face us. Die, then!'

Wang Yong appeared again. 'How are you, dear? How can the brick attacked you? Why don't you run away? Are you dare to face the death? Why, dear?' Flower came to save Ming Yuan, 'He's God own. I gonna catch you to bottle again. I've ever met you before. You've set down a girl to death by hanging her.' Wang Yong angered to Flower. 'How you knew about the girl? You're not her Dad. How about Arae? She loves you much, but you trait her!'

Flower brought Ming Yuan to the save room. Flower asked Ming Yuan, 'How you trait God again? How dare you?' Ming Yuan answered, 'I wanna save my dear, Mol. Tsao Man's kidnapped her.' Flower gave him an idea, 'You must calm down. We gonna find Nanny Chen room.' Ming Yuan refused. 'How you so stupid? I still from her room. Read this notebook about her!'

Ming Yuan read the notebook. 'Nanny Chen's a bad person. She well known for killing another servant!' Flower explained again, 'She's killed many servants for feed to Qin God! She took their blood by cutting them to pieces.'

Flower found a pond full of blood. He swam inside and found the body. Ming Yuan asked, 'Whom the body was?' Flower brought through the land, 'Is she a girl? I find she was additionally in the stage of 21. Look at her mens cycle! She's rather than a month not cycle that.'

Ming Yuan found a purchase from the corpse. Ming Yuan asked Flower, 'Is she Andrea?' Flower answered, 'Andrea was a girl from foreigner lived in the era of Qin.' Ming Yuan confused, 'The corpse's preserved well!' Flower reacted, 'How can the bloody pond embalmed the body?' Ming Yuan answered, 'It's based on mummification technique in the Egyptian era!'

Nanny Chen brought them to the era. The girl appeared as Andrea. 'I feel so disgusted with this diapers. Let take it here!' Nanny Chen knew her and angered, 'You've littered the Holy pond. Qin God can punish you. Clean it up now!' She refused with arrogant sound. 'You clean up yourself. You just a maid. I'm the Master, trashed anyway not my fault.' Nanny Chen kicked her, 'You arrogant gigantic lil girl!' She woke up and tried to run away, 'You can't catch me as escaping. Never being your girl, maid!' Nanny Chen was so furious and sank her into the pound, 'You must die now. I need victim for ritual now. The next yours!'

Nanny Chen presented her body to Qin God. Chu Wa Kai appeared. 'I accept your gift to me!' Nanny Chen asked, 'What are your gift today? Haven't it a goat again for meals?' Chu Wa Kai asked back, 'How about a forest pig? You can get easily caught them in the Floral forest!' Nanny Chen hunt for the pig, 'I must get all the pigs. It's for daily meals! I gonna be rich in farming pigs.'

Nanny Chen collected all the pig heads. Wang Yong asked. 'What for all of them?' She answered. 'It's all for our wealth. Pig head's expensive to be sold. I gonna changed it with gold. We can build our dream house behind this mansion.'

Ming Yuan walked again to the small house behind. 'It must be Nanny Chen's! She sold all the pig head to the traders. I must get all the gold!' Nanny Chen appeared again, 'How dare you steal the pig heads? I need them for the traders.'

Ming Yuan locked the pig heads. 'I must lock all the heads. Lock with this vodoo dolls!' Flower stopped him, 'I remind you to use the pray. Don't listen to the devil advice!'

Nanny Chen got closer to Ming Yuan. 'You're similar to the girl!' Ming Yuan shouted out. 'Qin Yong Nian Yong!' Flower stopped. 'Father in the name of the God, and the Son, and also deepest regard of Holy Spirit, Amen!' Nanny Chen grumpy out. 'Hot here! You're gigantic Holy young man. Hot then!' Nanny Chen left a pocket of tea. Ming Yuan read the written recipe. 'We must boil the tea together with the water. We drink the tea together with almond cookies. Get the almond nut first!' Flower accompanied Ming Yuan. Ming Yuan took out the shot gun of Wang Yong. Ming Yuan shot Wang Yong. 'You've kidnapped my dear, Mol. You've cooperated with Tsao Man.' Wang Yong laughed. 'I've locked your girl. Tsao Man hates you.' Flower prayed to God. 'In the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen, tackled down all ghosts!' Wang Yong angered at Flower. Wang Yong crashed him. 'You're good ghost. I don't regard you! I wanna send you to Hell.'

Ming Yuan went to upstair. He found Nanny Chen stock room, 'I must find the bullets again. My shot gun out of bullets!' Flower gave a clue, 'There are 4 boxes of bullets!' Ming Yuan asked, 'Are they suitable for my shotgun?'

Ming Yuan used the shotgun for battle to the much paper dolls. Ming Yuan read the spell, 'You're the rebellions from other country. You've been executed by Tsao Man.' Flower prayed for them, 'You must rest in peace in the name of God. I send you to Heaven with Jesus together.' Ming Yuan helped Flower, 'We must shoot them one by one. We must get rid because they can explode out.'