The Qin Mystery

Ming Yuan stared the jail room, aside the train room, for torturing the crimes. 'I must find something in this room, or a clue, to solve the puzzle again.' Tsao Man appeared, 'Open the gate with code puzzle, find in the other jail, you can solve it!' Flower asked, 'Where's the code clue, you must show us, tell the clue? Is he have to guess it, you mustn't make him difficult, you should ease him?' Tsao Man explained the clue, 'Zhong ji jiu jue kuai le, from the base of mooncake festival, and eat the mooncake. Wo men xi huan chi yue bing, mooncake brought from the Qin God, the respect for endless life! Jin tian tian qi hen leng, this autumn very cold, I feel so terrible today. Wo bu xi huan qu pao bu zai Fu jian tu lou, I don't like to wait again, give me the try.'

Ming Yuan opened the jail room, and saw something sitting on the chair, it was girl. 'I see a girl inside sitting and crying, Nai Xiang. Come to Uncle Ming and Flo, Nai!' Nai Xiang angered, 'You've locked me in here with Zhang, Wang!' Tsao Man calmed her, 'It's Dad loving you and trying to release you, dear!'

Tsao Man held Nai Xiang, his daughter, with patient. Na Er appeared again as a devil ghost, ask and seek for avenge. Na Er angered at Ming Yuan. 'Kidnappers, you wanna kidnap my girl, no from now on!' Ming Yuan explained, 'Wang jailed your daughter, I don't, you've suspected me wrongly! He jealous with you, he gonna shoo down your position as Empress, also Tsao as Emperor. He didn't want to see Tsao as a King in real life, for the sake of God, I don't tell lie.'

Na Er angered at Wang Yong cemetery, stepping ahead her golden shoes, and also screamed angrily. 'You've trait us, bastard, a slave traitor! You're kind outside, but bad inside, you wanna get all my wealth, fuck you. You trusted by Tsao to take care of Nai and Zhang, but you've violated too far, and also boastful inside. Both of them have been falling in love since children, Zhang and Nai, we've blessed them to get marry in the future.' Tsao Man shoke his head, 'I regret to take you as my assisstance, fuck on you, go to Hell now! You must pay the karm at the Heaven, by returning back again our wealth, with your suffer torture!'

Ming Yuan received 2 pray sticks from Tsao Man, called as Yong Hsua, a red stick in Chinese culture. 'Go to Qin Gods room, do the ritual, now by the time, with this sticks! It would show you the clue where's your daughter, I can help you to do it, I have the guidance of the ritual.'

Ming Yuan gathered all the evidence from Qin card. 'What's for? There are figures outside!' Tsao Man explained the outside figure on the wall. 'Stick the evidence there! Don't forget to see the timeline! It's chronological.'

Ming Yuan put the evidence together. 'I've found a box of treasure again!' Flower read the caption. 'It's a mahjong story from Qin!' Tsao Man explained. 'We love to play mahjong in the Saturday night light!'

Ming Yuan walked again to the rest of the temple. 'I put all the mahjong showing the direction of Qin Gods here!' Tsao Man asked. 'What about play mahjong with me?' Ming Yuan asked again, 'How to play, I can't?' Tsao Man explained, 'In Qin dynasty, the fire mystery symbolizes strength to our victory. How about the match? You should solve the mystery by finding the fire symbols through all the mahjong quests. You must try at once first.'

Ming Yuan won the mahjong mystery. Ming Yuan read the written text. 'In Qin dynasty, mahjong mystery used for predicting the time of fortune came.' Flower warned him, 'Fortune comes from God!' Tsao Man debated Flower. 'We throw the coints through the Floral River to get fortune for the year!' Flower continued. 'Where's God if you being Him?' Tsao Man answered, 'I've my own once! I'm the second God of Qin dynasty.'