Shaolin Temple of Qin Dynasty

Ming Yuan answered the next puzzle, it went so difficult, when facing through the middle. 'I must rotate the cup into accross the clockwise, with the pointer out from here, to point at the most important event. I should turn the cup suitable with the clue around here, with some glue I found at the room, to help ease the stick in through the cup. Help me, Flower, I gonna die now!' Flower read the text. 'Qin dynasty built from Guan Yin Goddess, the Goddess of Kongzi, the Holy Madam. How about another Gods, like Kongzi, and also Tang?' Ming Yuan returned the cup above, 'We must find the Guan Yin statue, wrapped in golden cage, like a beautiful Heaven queen!' Flower appointed at the Guan Yin stone, 'There's Her, people believe She's the mother of every creature, like Mary. You must find the Guan Yin figure, stick into it, with the glue. Where's the image, the statue of Guan Yin, and the necklace of Heaven?'

Ming Yuan turned the cup one by one, with patient, and so careful, 'Qin dynasty deposit their life to the Guan Yin here with you, all the Holy spirits here, by the period of Shaolin era.' Ming Yuan opened the spirit room, to release the Holy and Evil spirits. Flower amazed at the rooftop of the room. 'It's a Chinese oriental style figure, with some lantern, and also red envelopes! Why the architecture mixed with foreign, the Christian movement with Westernization, from the Western foreign country? I think the foreigners tried to manipulate the Kingdom treaty, they gonna make all the Kongzi vanished, it's danger for Qin dynasty unity. They wanted to empower the whole Chinese region, by their hard hands, and also wicked rules.'

Tsao Man helped Ming Yuan to face the spirits of another Shaolin great extra grand parents, but the vanished through the influence of foreign, and also Christianity. Tsao Man calmed the angry spirits of the foreigners, destroyed the previous artifacts, and also the undefined Bible. He caught the spirit of Huo Jie daughter, Sheng Nan. He needed help from her, she killed by the foreigner, and the ricksaw crashed her years ago.

Tsao Man brought Ming Yuan to the past again, to remind about the history again, Qin dynasty unity. Ming Yuan saw a girl with straight long hair named Sheng Nan, a beautiful white skin girl, with pale body. She played with Nai Xiang, she's very kind, although the friendly smile.

Ming Yuan took the compass, led him to the next room. He opened the door of the balance room, the symbol of Yin Yang stood up there. 'Yin Yang, life and death, the God of balance!' Flower reminded him, 'We must be careful of them, the try to trap us!' The evil spirits from the past released away, as the order to destroy the Qin. Tsao Man battled with them. 'You're the evil spirit from Shaolin temple, decided to trap my friends. You don't disturb all my people, but fast killing them away, you've manipulated them with your camouflage as the death spirits.'

Shaolin temple built for the monks deciding to study martial arts. Ming Yuan learned from the flashback, 'There's a monk named Ji Kong. He's the leader of the temple. He becomes a monk after he can't save his parents from war accident. He's from Qin dynasty.' Tsao Man asked him, 'How about you?' Ming Yuan answered honestly, 'I don't know about Qin dynasty much. Can you stay far away from me? I'm afraid you can kill me because of my status not from this.'

Tsao Man didn't want to let Ming Yuan alone. He ensured Ming Yuan. 'You're not from Qin. You've Qin blood from your Dad. I see your sign with fire at your back. I see your face similar to Yin Hong. You're the reincarnation of Yin Hong! I gonna let you be my friends forever.'

Ming Yuan played a role with another Shaolin spirit. 'I gonna walk to the spirit world. What happened to you all?' Ji Kong answered, 'The foreigners attack Shaolin and burn all our treasure. They kill many monks there.' Ming Yuan reacted, 'Huo Jie protects you from them. Tsao Man helps the foreigners to destroy the temple.'

Ming Yuan saw the flashback of Tsao Man. Ming Yuan confused, 'What's this? Tsao Man has a quarrel with Huo Jie and Dai Ye. He declares meeting to destroy the Shaolin. What about other innocence monks?' Foreigners answered, 'We've to get all our treasure back.' Tsao Man promised them, 'We find Huo Jie and Dai Ye. Vanish them to forever!'

Tsao Man attacked Shaolin for the first time. Tsao Man faced Huo Jie, 'You've taught me to never give up. I still remember. I gonna remind you with Dai.'

Tsao Man saw Dai Ye, and also Huo Jie, his real Kingdom. Huo Jie reacted, 'You gonna make me praised you. The treasure never endless, there's an end. I've wrong to teach you about life.'

Tsao Man kicked Huo Jie. Dai Ye fought with him. Tsao Man nearly wanted to kill him. 'Look at your weak!' Dai answered, 'How can you be so arrogant?' Tsao Man laughed. 'How can I? It's based on your promise with me!' Huo Jie stopped them. 'How about my Kingdom treasure you taken all?'

Ming Yuan realized Tsao killed a monk. 'You're so cruel.' Tsao Man laughed at the corpse, 'How can you fight me?' Flower stood there too, 'Is it called kindhearted?' Ming Yuan reacted, 'You're cruel! It's in the past, but now, he's kind with us. It's called dharma karma!' Flower agreed with Ming, 'The karma defined as the impact of a do. There's called action paid!'

Tsao Man asked again to them. 'What do you see after this? You don't wanna be as me in the past!' Ming Yuan understood the flashback. He asked Tsao. 'Why you be so kind with us?' Tsao Man explained, 'How you judge me? I must repent all my sin in the past!' Ming Yuan agreed with Tsao opinion, 'You're so kind after the reincarnation! You've repent all, Tsao.'