Zhao Shang Real Secret

Ming Yuan went to the artist room. 'I see many canvas here, like a painting room.' Flower requested him, 'You must paint a figure, like me!' Tsao Man asked, 'What's he wanna draw, Flower facial mashup? Can you draw me, as the Emperor of Qin dynasty?' Zhao Shang appeared, 'These canvas are mine, I draw Master here. Get me back my brush, you won't get anything from it! I wanna paint my own Master, handsome as me. I gonna prove him I never trait him, like before always faithful.' Ming Yuan was hurt by Zhao Shang. Ming Yuan asked. 'What are you doing, in here to stay painting up? What's my fault, I never play with you?' Zhao Shang answered, 'I've a right to draw my Master, just for a while. You're just a foreigner, decided to tackle down Qin below your feet.' Zhao Shang fought with Ming Yuan. Ming Yuan asked him. 'Where's my Mol, my dearest daughter? Tell me, evil ghost!' Tsao Man forced him, 'Tell him where's his daughter, you can go away after telling us!' Zhao Shang laughed so loud. He kept the secret, 'I never know, I never hide her. Ask Dai to get her, into the new era of Master!'

Ming Yuan chased to the puppet room. 'What's this?' Zhao Shang attacked him with puppet dolls, 'How are you, foreigner? How you lie with me? I've saved my wealth on you. Wang's the most greedy person!' Ming Yuan talked to him. 'I'm not Wang, you see me. Stop all this puppet doll!' Tsao Man helped to tackle down Zhao. Tsao Man prevented Ming Yuan. 'You must avoid the raid with pandora sword. Behead the dolls! You gonna ease your way to tackle him away.' Flower raid at the thousands dolls. 'It's much than I expected. They're too many.' Zhao Shang played the music, 'Raid them! They're foreigners lied with me. They've tricked me behind! They steal all my wealth.'

Ming Yuan beheaded the puppet dolls. Ming Yuan stole the guitar. 'I must play this guitar to return back.' Zhao Shang stopped him, 'Don't play the opposite music! It'll end my show!' The puppet dolls decreased. Tsao Man played the harp. 'End now, Zhao!' Flower played the organ. Zhao Shang angered at their music. Flower played continuously. He asked, 'Why you wrong so many people? Why don't you give thanks to your kind Master?' Zhao Shang angered them. 'Who are you, dare to speak this to me?'

Ming Yuan ran to the ambassador room. 'I must find the governor document.' Tsao Man gave him, 'This the document!' Flower asked, 'What would happen again? Is it endanger him?' Ming Yuan answered, 'Qin dynasty build again in 1000. It's been 1000 years ago! You win the match with the Tang dynasty. They come from South China.' Ming Yuan didn't understand the meaning. Flower asked. 'What's mean? Is it the Qin would rule again?' Tsao Man answered, 'Qin dynasty still ruled in this world. She's Molly, from the last Qin dynasty.'

Ming Yuan went to the duke room. Ming Yuan read the document. 'Where's your shame, Duke? Slavery everywhere!' Wuhuan appeared, 'You rule me so much!' Ming Yuan locked Wu Huan. Ming Yuan read the spell, 'The most wicked Duke's Wuhuan. Kill you, Wuhuan!' Wu Huan asked him. 'What are you doing with me?' Ming Yuan asked, 'Where's my daughter? Is she hidden by you? You must give me your own reason. You play game with me!' Wu Huan answered. 'I never play game with anyone. Give me your document!'

Ming Yuan fought with the duke. He wanted The Duke to let Molly free. 'I gonna take back my Mol. Don't cage her into your golden jail! She never rejects anyone kind to her.' Wu Huan laughed. 'You must find my white feather first. I gonna let Mol go with you.' Tsao Man tackled him down, 'Return back the girl! You're not a kind Duke. You've tortured a girl! She's very young.'

Ming Yuan found the feather inside the metal box. Ming Yuan returned the feather back into him. 'I gonna you give me back my daughter.' Wu Huan laughed, 'Not enough! I wanna my son, Zhang!' Zhang appeared with Nai. Zhang pleaded to Wu Huan. 'Dad, bless us!' Wu Huan angered with their intimate. He wanted Zhang married with Molly. Zhang loved Nai much. Wu Huan asked to them, 'Why you get married without my bless? What kind of son are you?' Zhang rejected Wu Huan. 'What about your political command?'

Ming Yuan found Zhao Shang room. 'I must find the relation between Zhao and Wuhuan. They must together cop to trait Qin dynasty. Let's find the proof!' Zhao Shang appeared, 'I and Huan are best friends since school. Both of us love to appreciate artwork.' Duke Wu Huan appeared, 'How about feather brush? You can find the feather brush inside his pallete. Paint me as well as you can! You can use oil paint or water paint.'

Ming Yuan painted Duke Wu Huan. 'How can you take a figure pose?' Wu Huan took the pose. 'I'm a Duke from Xi An. Tian An Men's my hometown. Draw the background of Tien An Men now! I gonna see your canvas after this time.'

Ming Yuan finished the canvas. 'What do you think about my canvas? Is it ugly?' Duke Wu Huan saw some missing place, 'Tian An Men's a big village!' Ming Yuan debated him, 'How come, there's many buildings there now? I just similar with this condition of era!'

Ming Yuan fought again with Zhao Shang and Duke Wu Huan. He found their weakness. Ming Yuan showed the white feather, 'How can you fight me?' Zhao Shang scared of it, 'What's it? You gonna close it to me. No, I feel disgusted! I don't like white color.'

Ming Yuan won the fight, 'You can fight with me! Is that only your strange? You're weak!' Zhao Shang decided to fight him in the next time, 'I gonna fight you again. How come you try to humiliate me?' Ming Yuan answered with firm tone, 'I've my Lord in my heart!'