Legend of Wu Huan

Ming Yuan found the cabin room. Ming Yuan put the rucksack into the cabin. Ming Yuan attracted Wu Huan. 'I know you here, now you can show yourself. I ask you to appear now, for being fighting with me. Look at your power, I think you're weaker than a child!' Duke Wu Huan appeared. The Duke brought a bamboo fan, 'You find me, the duke of Qin dynasty. I encourage you to participate in my lesson, for being polite. I teach politic and also art in the Qin dynasty school, you can join me.' Ming Yuan threw him an arrow, 'You're not a good teacher, you're greedy. Give my daughter freedom, from now on!'

Ming Yuan tied Duke Wu Huan. Ming Yuan wanted to get back his purpose. Ming Yuan asked. 'Why are you trait Huo Jie?' The Duke cut the rope, 'He doesn't give me proper wage.' Ming Yuan trapped him again. Ming Yuan asked. 'When do you take the map of China?' The Duke answered. 'I burn the real map. I do it for avenge to Emperor Jie.' Ming Yuan pressed the rope. 'Whaddya you take from China Qin? Is it make you satisfied?'

Ming Yuan got down Duke Wu Huan. Duke answered his question. 'I'm satisfied by selling the false book of Journey To The West. I get more money. I can be a millioner then!' Ming Yuan pushed the rope, 'Can you tell me about your reason to destroy Qin? What can you do to stop the war? Tell me now!' Duke answered. 'I just make a trick with wronged the project treaty.' Tsao Man recorded his wrong. Tsao Man couldn't believe Duke again. 'You look so good. Behind the scene, you sell the false book to people. There's a Christian inculturation inside the book.'

Ming Yuan caught the first sentence in the book. 'Qin must turn into Christian, not the Buddha again. Buddha lets the real minority region, through the movement from Hindi. Journey To The West begins with the Christian movement, like Jesus Christ.' Duke acted to reply him, 'I've learned the Christian lesson, and also the Bible. Frater Nic gives all the clue, by adding some culture of Western. He's baptisted lots of Qin, by the water!' Tsao Man read the second page. He found the real figure of China. He understood about the map foreigner made. Tsao Man represented the visual map, 'The Christian movement influences Ming, they decide to destroy us. They start to replace temple with church, and also the foreigner sabotages Deng Feng city. Tang dynasty maintains the Buddhist for servicing, but you've killed many monks. Ming and Tang declares the sibling war, because of the Christian fanatic beliefs. Christian provokes all the Chinese to be in the way, with the disgusting of Buddha. It's a mission of new revolution era, but you've humiliated our religion.' Ming Yuan asked, 'Why you change the book, do you decide to get the money? Don't you know must to regard the Buddha God, all the religion's good for us?' Duke smiled, 'How about the unity of the God, by the Cross?'

Ming Yuan highlighted the modern sentence of the book. Ming Yuan asked, 'Is the sentence used simplified now?' Flower explained, 'It used traditional first. What about simplified one?' Tsao Man asked Wu Huan, 'What are you doing?' Duke answered, 'I've learned the simplify first in my country, Wu Huan.' Ming Yuan pointed out, 'Where's it?' Duke asked back. 'Are you trying to trap me?' Ming Yuan pulled his hair, 'I tell you to explain everything. I wanna know about your background. Tell me!' Duke dragged him, 'You don't know about me. Who are you?' Ming Yuan smacked him, 'I'm a single parent wanna find my daughter. You've sent her to Wu Huan.' Duke dig his chair. 'I wanna bring you to my era. My name's well-known there. It's a big city past and then. I never lie to you.' Tsao Man prevented him. He attacked Duke, 'How you dare to lie with us?'

Ming Yuan went to the past era again. 'Where am I? A Wu Huan city!' Guang Ming knight presented a horse to Duke. 'This our victory from war. I hope you enjoy this ride. Please, accept my gift!' Duke accepted the gift. 'Thanks, knight!' Guang Ming proposed his sister, 'I gonna marry your sister!' Wan Lian was well known for her beauty. Wan Lian asked Guang. 'Why you decide to marry me? You must catch my scarf first. How about this perfume?' Guang Ming threw his opinion, 'It's fragrant. Smell lika a flower!' Duke saw their happiness, 'I enjoy see your happiness. I get your engagement declared soon. I and Qin Lin also Dai Guang, my family, happy to see you.'

Ming Yuan followed them. 'There are foreigners!' Frater Nicholas visited Wu Huan city, 'Come out, Duke!' Duke came out, 'What about the sale of the books?' Frater Nicholas answered. 'Success to deliver Christianity to people!' Duke felt happy to hear it. 'Bless the name of Jesus Christ!' Frater Nicholas asked. 'What about the wedding party?' Duke shouted, 'Declare the engagement first!'

Ming Yuan saw the engagement party. 'The traitors gather, you all have mocked at Buddha holy!' Frater Nicholas pulled out his gun, 'What are you doing here, silly man?' Ming Yuan pulled out his shotgun, 'You've played trick on Buddha, you've said disgusting to Buddha. Your sin's trait them, you don't know about Buddha history. You've humiliated the monks because of your greed, all the Bible can't be sold illegally.' Frater Nicholas ordered his guard, 'I don't wanna this man disturbed the ceremony, we must kick him out. Get out them, I feel so shame looking at your silly world!' Ming Yuan pulled out the sword. 'Fight me first, in the name of Buddha!' Frater Nicholas asked, 'What about the ceremony, the mass of this party? You must deliver in the name of Christ, you really yourself as a Christian.' Ming Yuan answered. 'Get me the book now, I gonna recover Buddha reputation through the Qin!' Frater Nicholas answered, 'You must know at my own, Christ is the best God only. Don't play with Christ, you can't be saved in the end of world!' Ming Yuan answered. 'I play with my fair, not your mocking at religion!'