The Competition

Ming Yuan went to the Emperor room. 'When can I be out from here, I need my face? Where are you, I must find my real face not pale like this? Face me now, the leader of Qin!' Song Hu appeared, 'Fight with me, foreigner!' Ming Yuan scared, 'I must run from here, you must find my real face!' Song Hu spread out the fire. Ming Yuan ran away. 'What can I do, what can I use?' Song Hu attacked again. 'Fight with me, foreigner! You're the foreigner, the one rejects Buddha. You must die here, Kongzi awaits for your corpse then.'

Ming Yuan grew into dare. 'Can you burn me up, to the fire?' Song Hu angered, 'You should get out from here, foreigner!' Ming Yuan mocked at him. 'You're not a King, you just a greedy man! You're foolish, very silly.' Song Hu lightened up the candle. 'Fire with this burn, with the fire chair!' Ming Yuan replied, 'Fool old King, old arms!' Song Hu answered, 'You would die now, in my hands! Come, come in, and see you the driver of this fire arm chair!'

Tsao Man helped him. Tsao Man stopped Song Hu. 'Stop now, Da Ge! You can't attack him. He's a Chinese!' Song Hu asked, 'Is he from our dynasty? Is he a Qin? Does he represent Qin eyes? He's just a foreigner.' Tsao Man pointed at Ming Yuan's eyes. Tsao Man answered. 'You must see at his eyes. He's similar to us! He's so handsome as us!' Song Hu reacted, 'Nope handsome! He's awkward!'

Ming Yuan kept attacking Song Hu. 'Why you lock us here? You've a tricker! You lie with us!' Flower shooed of Song Hu sword. 'Go away from him! He's our friend!' Song Hu replied once more. 'You dare to play trick with me! Are you brave to defeat me? You can't make another path of God dynasty! You must claim yourself as Buddhist like us!' Flower asked back. 'What will you do if he refuses?' Song Hu answered, 'I gonna make him drink his own blood. I never can humiliate my God dynasty!' Flower replied, 'He's a Christian. What will you do?' Song Hu angered again, 'He must die soon. Look at your punishment following foreigners!'

Ming Yuan set the ritual. Ming Yuan locked the spirit. 'What can you do? I gonna lock you. When you will let us free?' Flower stopped him, 'You can't use again this ritual. Just pray to God!' Ming Yuan continued, 'I must sacrifice less blood. I gonna make you back to Hell. You must return to Hell now.' Song Hu answered with scream. 'You can turn me to ash. You must die. Forever follow me to Hell!' Ming Yuan sealed the statue of him, 'I gonna seal this paper doll. I must do it fast.' Tsao Man helped him, 'What are you doing? I gonna help you, dear. Come on, hurry up! You should seal another before the seal damaged by him.'

Ming Yuan attended an event declared in the past. 'It's a competition of playing dragon boat! Is it also horse riding? What's mean?' Song Hu led the competition, 'Welcome all the candidates! Play with your happiness!' Ming Yuan asked, 'What's mean? The candidates come from the jail. They play till die! It's an affair!' Song Hu pulled out the bell. Song Hu watched from the crown. 'I gotta see the suspects dying. I getcha to eat their corpses. It's all for your rebellion to me. Xiao Di Jie becomes an Emperor now. Xiao Ge Tsao becomes a King now. I gonna retire in my old age. Congrats for you all!' Ming Yuan stopped the competition. 'What are you doing? You don't respect their life rights.'

Song Hu asked Ming Yuan. 'What are you doing here?' Tsao Man gave him clue. 'How dya run, take the time table now?' Ming Yuan pushed the button, 'I wanna go again in the competition. Where I must go?' Song Hu chased him. Song Hu angered. 'Do the project now! Give me back Deng Feng! You're loser foreigner.' Ming Yuan hid from them. Ming Yuan confused. 'They pursue me. Don't tell them your location! Calm you can get insane!'

Song Hu angered at the competition celebration. 'You can't run away from me. You must finish Deng Feng city now.' Ming Yuan tried to take a breath. 'I'm not foreigner!' Ming Yuan escaped from the field. Huo Jie noticed his location. 'He's running from the gate.' Song Hu chased him again, 'You must give the material to me. Don't even own our heritage land! I gonna give you lesson for knowledge.' Ming Yuan ran so fast. He fell into the hole. He yelled. 'Where am I? It's dark here. Is there anyone wanna set me free? Can you give me a ladder? How can I escape by myself? What are you waiting for? Down the rope now!' Huo Jie closed the hole. 'He can die inside there. I think he wanna own our heritage.' Ming Yuan couldn't breathe. He screamed. 'You must let off me. I will die later on.' Song Hu laughed. 'We must burn this hole. The foreigner will die easily. We can take his ash for our collection. Come on!' Ming Yuan screamed. 'I gonna let you burn in fire after this.'