Dai Ye Palace

Ming Yuan awoke again. 'I'm in the different palace of this mansion! Is it Dai mansion? Where am I again?' Molly screamed, 'Help me, Dad! He's trying to kidnap me again!' Ming Yuan reached the sound, 'Where are you, dear? I'm in another world again. It's a mansion again! It isn't over yet!' Dai Ye kidnapped Molly again. Dai Ye whispered. 'I wanna marry your daughter. I gonna take her as my Empress. You can see our wedding party tomorrow. This my mansion, a great palace of me. You must find your own destination. None gonna help you. Fast as you can reach!' Ming Yuan angered. 'Who are you? You must show yourself now.'

Ming Yuan got to the living room. Ming Yuan screamed. 'Lemme free here, for saving my dear!' Tsao Man warned the sound. 'Xiao Di Dai, don't disturb them, they're my besties!' Flower found the clue to pass the living room. He found an old television. 'Turn on this TV, I gonna find the clue! We must find her, helping Ming as lossing Dad!' Ming Yuan trapped to emotion, 'Why it happened again, to my life? The crazy King kidnapped my daughter, for being his Empress! It's all because of the accident, years ago.'

Ming Yuan turned on the television. Ming Yuan angered. 'Turn my daughter back, evil ghost!' Yin Hong angered, 'How come is it, you've tricked us? It's a damage TV, not working! He lies with us, I'm your own brother.' Ming Yuan felt so broken heart. He destroyed the television. Ming Yuan was so furious. 'What's for, it's funny? I've to find her, I'm not joking with you. Where's the crazy King, where are you, Dai? Is he wanna marry my daughter, so crazy Dai King? How can I stop him, by vanishing and burning this Qin mansion? What's it game, it's a trick? It's crazy, it's mad!' Madam Yin calmed him down. 'You should finish this with cold mind, you can't ever marry with human. We must find the way with patient and gentle, you can't move so reckless.'

Ming Yuan came back to the past. 'Let me out from here! Where are you, dummy? Why you afraid of me, Dai crazy?' Dai Ye appeared, 'Welcome to my palace! Share your strength with me!' Ming Yuan refused to give his strength, 'How you play with me? You should think twice before happen. Come on, I don't afraid! It's over, Dai!' Dai Ye pulled out the arrows. Dai Ye turned on the arrow bomber. 'You can die in this sea of arrows. Another foreigner punished by this arrow. You should pay at all. You've humiliated me as a powerful King. You can't control and limit yourself. You must die now. Die by my hands!' Ming Yuan shot them one by one. 'What's it? You can't pass my shield.' Dai Ye asked him. 'Where's your shield?' Tsao Man stopped them. 'What are you doing, Xiao Di Dai?' Dai Ye respected Tsao Man, 'Da Ge Tsao, I'm sorry. Is he your friend in real life?'

Ming Yuan found the puzzle of words. Ming Yuan protested. 'I can't read Chi well! You must help me! I can only read the simplified one.' Dai Ye trapped him. Dai Ye laughed. 'You can only read the simplified one. You're influenced with foreigner! You must try!' Tsao Man helped Ming Yuan. Tsao Man translated the world in the Chi to Ming Yuan. 'Find the chu door first! Whisper the de origin characters!' Ming Yuan whispered, 'Why Qin died so soon? Qin dynasty was a great and powerful in China! Qin Xiang Kai Le.' Dai Ye amazed at Ming Yuan smart. Dai Ye praised his cleverness. 'So terribly clever!' Ming Yuan replied, 'Where's my girl? Let me go home with her! You can't hide her from me again.'

Ming Yuan gave Dai Ye noodles. Dai Ye ate it. Dai Ye was curious about the ingredients. 'What's called? Xia Yu La Mian. How can you made it? Are you really from Qin? How about your generation as British Chinese? Are you a really not from foreigner? Tell me in real honesty!' Ming Yuan explained. 'I don't know my heritage parents. I just from usual family.' Dai Ye confused. 'Who are you?' Ming Yuan answered, 'I'm Yang Ming Yuan. I really from Macau.' Dai Ye understood his real identity, 'Are you really from Macau? Why don't you tell me? You've blessed Da Ge Tsao with endless life!' Dai Ye decided to take benefit from him by biting him. Tsao Man stopped him. 'You can't bit him. He's my friend.' Dai Ye angered, 'I never give up to get again human flesh. I just can bit him in neck. I gonna drink all his blood.' Tsao Man got rid Ming Yuan from him. 'You can't bit him again. I've bit him. He's under my support now. How can you mentor him as well as me?'