Teleportation Portal

Ming Yuan found the teleportation portal. 'I must find my dear, my soul there. I must get back to my hometown. Need for fast, help me!' Song Hu caught him, 'Where will you go, Lord?' Ming Yuan shouted, 'Please, let off me!' Song Hu smiled. 'I've caught you, you can't go anywhere. Lord, rules again this city!' Ming Yuan asked for help. 'I'm not your Lord, dummy. Get me back for my hometown, help!'

Ming Yuan went to the teleportation portal. 'Where's the portal?' Song Hu caught him, 'You won't go anywhere, you just stay here. You must stay with us. We miss your government era. We love you very much. Stay here, Lord!' Ming Yuan felt so disgusted, 'What are you doing, silly? I would never be your Lord, I'm only a human.' Ming Yuan ran away from the world. Song Hu chased him. He rode his horse. He stopped him, 'Where you wanna go, my Lord?' Ming Yuan screamed, 'I'm not a hustler. I'm not your Lord.'

Ming Yuan ran away from the teleportation. He decided to return to his group. He waved his hands, 'I'm here. Why don't you hear me? Is it far?' Flower heard his scream, 'You return again. You can't find your dear. Where's she?' Ming Yuan asked back. 'How about the spirits came to me as their Lord?' Song Hu came to the outside world portal. 'I gonna service you. You're my Lord forever from Qin. How can I do to you?' Ming Yuan asked. 'What can you do to me for service? Why don't you return Mol to me? Where's she? Tell me!' Song Hu laughed. 'Bless her with Dai!'

Ming Yuan understood the purpose of his way. He fought with another knights. He requested, 'I never bless Dai married to Mol!' Huo Jie so confused, 'Is that you sign the contract? How can you wrong it? I never accuse you anything, Lord.' Ming Yuan showed his power. Ming Yuan emphasized he not their Lord. 'I'm not your Lord, you wrong. How can you get wrong catching my emphasis to stop Mol marriage?'

Ming Yuan went to the couple room. He protested. 'She never can be Dai's wife.' Dai Ye answered, 'You've accepted my request, Lord.' Flower got into the room. Flower asked, 'How can he sign the contract, he isn't Qin Lord?' Dai Ye angered, 'What do you say, foreigner? He's signed in front of us.' Ming Yuan tore the agreement. He didn't want this scenario happened always. He decided to stop all the crowd. He quarreled. 'How don't you believe me, I'm not his? Answer me, I'm not your Lord!' Song Hu got in front of the stage. 'You're Qin Shing Ling, the first Emperor of Qin. How come you forget yourself, Lord?'

Ming Yuan put off his warrior cloth. He changed with daily cloth, 'This myself I show you. I'm not your Lord!' Tsao Man explained to them, 'You catch wrong, his face only similar. He's from the new era. He's usual people. How can you judge him as our Lord?' Song Hu asked back to him, 'Is he usual people, he's Qin Shing Ling?' Tsao Man refused wrong, 'You get wrong, only the face similar. He's only our Lord reincarnation, not the real. Can you realize that He died years ago?' Flower came to the room. He defended Tsao. 'Tsao's right about Ming identity. He's only a reincarnation!' Song Hu protested, 'Our Lord lives again. Can't you recognize Him?'

Qin Shing Ling spirit appeared through the teleportation. He requested them. 'This my reincarnation, Yang Ming Yuan!' Song Hu respected to Lord, 'My Lord, my precious soul. I decide to service you along my life.' Tsao Man respected to Him with his sword, 'Can you respect my regard to you? I gonna reward you as my sword for you, My Lord. I hope I can reincarnate in real life. I wanna reincarnate again as a human.' Molly appeared together with Qin Shing Ling. Molly asked. 'Where's Dad?' Flower answered, 'He's waiting for you. Where are you along here, dear?' Ming Yuan hugged her. 'You never go again, dear!'