Real Life World

Ming Yuan went back to the real life world again. His wife woke him up, 'Wake up to the real life, honey!' Ming Yuan woke up. 'I'm alive, I'm so painful! Where's Tsao and Flo? They're my friends! They help me around the mansion!' His wife didn't understand about him. 'Flo and Tsao not here, it's only your imagination! They only in your dream!' A man named Nicholas appeared toward them. 'You must go home! Your daughter waits after her comma!' Ming Yuan hugged Nicholas. He screamed so happily, 'Tsao Man, you're back! You're so handsome!'

Ming Yuan asked. 'Where's dear?' His wife answered, 'Molly's in the bedroom, she's in nearly comma!' Ming Yuan went to her bedroom. 'Dear, you're safe! We gather again, as a family.' Molly hugged him. 'I miss you, Dad!' Ming Yuan answered, 'What a tire adventure, in the Qin mansion!' Molly answered, 'Tire adventure in the dream! We in the same comma condition!' Nicholas entered the bedroom. Nicholas explained. 'I've visited you in the hospital! I'm your new neighbor. I decide to help you by donating my blood!'

Ming Yuan confused at once. 'You meet me at the mansion, with all the guard. Tsao Man!' Molly didn't understand. 'He's Nic!' Nicholas confused also, 'How you call my role in movie, are you mad? My name's Xie Ting Feng! I'm Nicholas Tse!' Ming Yuan asked, 'How are you, Tsao Man?' His wife got wrong. 'What's wrong with your mind, dear my brother? Depression!' Ming Yuan made them sure. 'I see the mansion. He's Tsao Man. He isn't Nicholas Tse!'

Nicholas asked to Ming Yuan. 'Are you crazy to call me?' Ming Yuan appointed him, 'Tsao Man's the hero. You're terrific hero from Qin!' Nicholas confused, 'You've awoke from comma. Why don't you take a rest?' Ming Yuan laughed, 'I'm not dream. You're the Tsao Man!' Ming Yuan went to the psychiatrist to check up his mentality. His wife confused with his condition. 'How come he becomes crazy? He finds Tsao Man every day. What can we do, Nic?' Nicholas had an idea, 'He needs holiday. Refresh from all the traumatic!' His wife had a plan, 'I gonna let honey to the Beijing. He can stay healthy then. It's a big modern city with huge buildings for shopping centre.'

Ming Yuan came to the psychiatrist. Ming Yuan asked, 'Are you Wang Yong?' The psychiatrist answered. 'I'm Wang Liang.' Ming Yuan answered, 'You're Wang Yong, the most trait slave.' The psychiatrist answered, 'You're not in a good condition of traumatic!' Ming Yuan hugged him. Ming Yuan asked. 'How are you, Wang Yong?' The psychiatrist explained, 'He's suffer from a great depression after traumatic accident. Here are the medicine you should take. It's for you well mind.'

Ming Yuan went to the SOHO Mall. 'I've met Wang Yong and Tsao Man!' Nicholas calmed him down. 'They're only your imagination!' His wife felt so afraid of him. 'He's getting mad!' Ming Yuan smiled, 'Why don't we play puzzle again?' Molly was sad hearing this, 'Dad, is the real world!'

Ming Yuan drove to home. Ming Yuan screamed, 'He's Yin Hong!' His father in-law shocked up, 'I'm Ying Hok, not Yin Hong!' Ming Yuan shook his body, 'Battle again with me!' Nicholas calmed him down, 'You must stay in the real world!' There was another man named Nicholas Teo beside the father. 'I don't really understand, Gege so crazy! He traps in surreal world!' Ming Yuan screamed out. 'You're Flo!'