"My hurtful moments yet my past"

I took out my hoodie and put it in my bag as i walked in the class, i used to sit in back as front seats are swayed by rich students but currently Mr. Camerson has changed my seat to front one "June, come and solve this"(Mr Camerson said to me) i walked up to blackboard taking the chalk from the can and started solving the question "excellent, June"

(he complimented) after i solved the question "thanks Proffesor" "wait proffesor, i think this bitch is cheating"(kevin shouted) from the second bench, a rich brat before i could

say anything Mr. Camerson yelled "kevin, not everyone is like you, who will need cheating," i smiled in sarcarsm "a smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose -by Tom Wilson, keep on smilling you look beautiful when you smile" (Mr. Camerson said while glancing at me with a that genuine smile) i went scarlet with his compliment, he chuckled and handed me a book "if you get time at home please open this" i took the book and returned to my seat. I wanted to open the book to see what was in it but then in sake of my proffesor i controlled my excitted mind and again made focus to the lecture only to be distracted by the conversation "i don't why

does our proffesor always compliment this awful looking girl"( a girl whispered to another girl) with a disgust on her face, while the other girl nodded in response, but they forgot that i was sitting just behind them i sighed and continued to note down the lecture there conversation didn't give me any surprise everybody in these class hates me, even my own friend betrayed me just because she was jealous of me my tears were on verge to fall remembering the days when Emma along with Zaira and her minions used to bully me


"hey June, what are you doing in the bathroom"(Zaira said as she slammed the door open) "i know, she is crying like a crybaby in bathroom"(Emma said) and started to laughing sarcastically along with Zaira, i wipped my tears quickly started to put my torn copies and books inside my bag as soon as i packed my things i started to walk away "who told you to walk away"(Zaira s' one of the minion said) dragging me with my collar "wasn't tearing my book and copies were enough for you"(i yelled with blood shot eyes) "no!, what will you do nerdy June"(Emma asked pulling my hairs) ruthlessly "why you Emma, you were my best friend"(i cried) "best friend, i was always in your shadows while you achieved everything i desired"(she said throwing me to the ground) "just seeing you i am feeling like doing puke"(Zaira said) as she spitted on me "she deserves it"(Emma said) laughing sarcastically leaving me there alone with her new freinds Zaira


just remembering those days was able to make me cry even now, why was i still weak, i don't understand why me only, what was my sin god why do i have to suffer every day why is my past like this so toxic, malignant...

"trrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!" as soon as the bell rang i ran out the class and entered in the bathroom, i locked the door tightly and let the tears fall from my cheek, "why me, always me why"(i yelled stomping my foot) as i walked to the basin "if god wanted me to die then i'll die" (i said with a determined look) filling the basin with the water when water was fully i sinked my face in the water blocking all the sources to get the breathings, suddenly everything went blackout, i felt like i was drowning "June, my love!" i heard a voice "june, you can't die my love you promised" the masculine voice again echoed in my ears all of a sudden i felt like a somebody took out my head out of the water, "w-what was that??" shorted out of breath i coughed, i felt my breathing go heavy "what was happening to me??" , i closed my eyes and kept a hand on my chest consoling my breath "you have to be strong june you can't die"(a masculine voice rang inside my head) at a instant i heard the sound of girl s' faint giggling "Vicious, is this mark means we're married??" "yeah, June from now on you have to be more strong while facing the hurdles coming in your way" i held my head tightly, what are these??, why am i seeing memories i never made??, i crouched down as my hands held my head, i took a deep breath to calm myself down, i opened my eyes as i looked at my reflection, "i am a total mess"(i sighed) you know, there was a kind of despair, a sense of absence, it was as if i was waiting for somebody? but why? i snapped out as i heard the knockings on the door "ah!

coming" i walked to towards the door and opened the door "Principal mam, has called you"(a girl said) her face slowly scrunching up with disgust, Zaira and her friends more like her minions had purposfully ruined my image, so this was the common reactions i got, moreover its not very necessary to maintain a image in front of these people i nodded and went in direction to the principals office, while in the way i was still thinking about that man how did he suddenly appeared and dissapeared, "i told you, you were just hallucinating now don't think about that idiot"(my consciousness scolded me) while fighting with my irrevelent

mind i didn't even realize when i reached near the principal s' office, i cleared all my thoughts, my hold on the door knob harden as i was very scared to go in, i breath out then in to calm the pace of my throbbing heart. I slowly opened the door and peeked the room there i show Mrs Smith standing beside the Zaira "shit!!, i am going to die today"(i flinched with panic) "what if she suspended me"