"The Cruel Side Of Life"

"what if she suspended me" but what am i scared when i have done nothing, yes i shouldn't be scared, i believe principal mam will always do justice, with that i walked inside the room with confidence yet hiding my smile as soon as i walked Mrs Smith muttered "so you're June Ageous" a frown amused in her forehead "yes mam" i nodded and turned

to principle mam "yes mam, may i know why did you called me" "may know why did we called you"(Mrs smith said imitating me) and after i knew much, there was a fierce slap on my face, i stumble back due to the burning sensation which arose in area which got in contact with the slap, i looked at the principal mam with popped eyes on a verge to drop a tears but she had a neautral reaction on her face "how dare you, how dare you punched my daughter, you ugly brat"(Mrs smith said clutching my hairs) "ah-h" "do you know i can buy these whole school in one second and with snapping fingers i can make you homeless" (she said) again trying to slap me, but this time i hold her hand and twisted it oppostily making her flinch back "June!!!!!"(the principal yelled) "you're just a junior student with a scholarship, dare to mess with our contributers" (she said giving me deadly glares) oh! i got it, why Zaira never got punishment for bullying students because her mother was a big money donator to the university but here i have keep my mouth shut as owing to the fact that i was just scholarship student and if i ever started debate against the rich peoples i would be suspended "principal, i want these girl suspended now"(Mrs Smith fumed at the principal) while Zaira smirked to me, in an instant my phone buzzed i took put and saw a a message from Zaira "hey ugly nerd, liking the show right??, glad you got that slap, looks good on you" i wanted her to return the same slap her mother has given me but at the sake of my education i prevented it but i typed "i am busy now can i ignore you some other time" her face scrunched up as she gritted her teeth when she read it, then immediately changing her expression she said "mom, it hurts" "oh my poor daughter" "i want her to give punishment which should have its mark on her skin"(she threatened the principal) "mom i have a idea, principal whip her with the rope"(zaira said) my eyes opened widely whatt!!, this was a cross of limit how can anybody go this far, they haven't even clarified to me why did i punched her, a rope was ordered by the principal while i was standing there still deliberately controlling my verge to yell at their face, the principal made me kneel down i looked at her face for any sign of pity but there was none, is this the same principal who said that i was very talented girl?? how can a person get sold by some money?? while i thought about these questions, i clutched my fist as if i was preparing myself to get whipped it wasn't a new thing to me, at home i have got beaten worse than these, my eyes shutted tightly when the whip landed on my back, my eyes started tearing up, it wasn't because of the pain, but because of how much upset i was of my life, when i was right for what sin i was getting torments. Life was always too harsh on me, just because i had no money, did it mean i had no right to speak up for me, no right to stand for myself. "15 days detention" (Principal yelled) i again glanced at Zaira and her mother, as i got up from the floor and started to walk away from there, when i was finally out from that room, i wipped my tears, everything was a mess in my life, every day i did countless part-times jobs to earn, but there wasn't even a slightest comfort in my life, i gazed up at the detention room as i opened the door firmly and walked inside, when i glance to whom, who was in front of me i almost gasped, it was Mr. Camerson he was also shocked to see me but i changed my expression then cassually sat on the my desk

"June you how"(he said shokingly)