
i was crying at the same time running as fast as i could why always me why!!, why is this world so cruel for me, i sobbed more thinking about this question, suddenly i tripped on something and fall on the ground i looked at my sprained ankle and cried more harder why wasn't i able to run from these world why?? i cried my ears out until i was tried of whimpering i get up from the ground and wiped of my tears "you have to stay strong june you can't let people broke you like this"(i uttered confidently) yet determined not to cry again and started walking straight, i was already way more far from my house but i don't care, it was already 8:00pm of night the lively, crowded streets are easily used to turned in lonely, creepy streets like one in horror movies, in an instant i saw some light coming from the corner of the streets, guess a ramen shoap, but for now i am not hungry with that i continued walking straight, with my lame walking i reached in the front of the shoap, seeing the ramen in the templets my stomach growled loudly, i took out my wallet and check the money "thank god today i got my salary"(i muttered) and walked inside the place, the place was bright and beautiful as the lantrens were all lit up maybe that thing was special i sat on the chair while continue to scan every unique thing of the shoap "Good evening mam, what do you need today"(the boy asked) who was cleaning the slab asked while still showing me his back how rude! "i want a bowl of ramen" "okay mam" "how much yuan" "only 10 yuan" "this much cheap"(i asked

as i wonder) "mam actually our shoap is new, that s' the reason" "well then a grape wine too"(i said) looking at the blank space "mam, you look sad, why is that so" huh! he didn't even looked at me how did he guessed my emotions "even if i am, why should i tell you" "mam, you're probably not gonna meet me again so telling me your trouble wouldn't cost you much, will it" well the thing he was saying was also worth and thus after some moments later i was opening up with him

~back to the detention~

"June you how"(Mr. cameron said shokingly) and that s' when i was nearly very close on the verge to cry just imagine you' re given punishment of the mistake which you never did and then sombody ask how are you, and of course you'll start crying and i ended up breaking in tears afterall i wasn't robot who doesn't seem to contain any emotions, Mr. Cameron get up from his chair with a sorrow expression painted on his face and started caressing my head "June it s' okay come on, stop crying" i was still sobbing "Thank you sir"(i said while sniffening) he took out his

hankerchief from his pocket and handed me, for the first time in my life somebody didn't laugh at me while i showed up my emotions, i was really affected by Mr. Cameron s' kind sympathic act but as intelligent people says fake peoples are more dangerous than the enemies, and thus suddenly i felt his hands which were on my back a few minutes ago caressing me slowly started to slide downwards, and his another hand gradually held my hand "s-sir what are you doing"(i said in a stuttered voice) he then removed his hand from my back and started to walked towards the door "don't be scared june, do you know you're really have blessed with such a beautiful body,"(he uttered locking the door) then turned to me his expression were turned to sympathic one to that creepy one which phsycopath have in movies "and i want to have a taste of it" with that he started to walking towards me, i was really terrified with scene playing in front of me, i started to scream "help!!, help me!!" suddenly he covered my mouth with his hands and started squeezing my breast while his other hand roamed around my body my hands and legs went in all direction trying to smack but my smaking was all in vain he then started to unzipping his pants, i was still moving continuosly, he then started to unbutton my shirt, this was my end, being bullied then raped by the person whom i trusted in suddenly i remembered keeping sanitizer in my bag than i slowly freed my one hand and instead of freeing my another hand i approached my hand to my bag which was kept on floor, like a lunatic i started to search the sanitizer in it while still that bastard keep slobbering over me, my hand calmed when i founded it i held the sanitizer tight and when that phsycopath rise his head to see what was on my hand i sprayed it in his eyes "ahhhhhh!!"

(he screamed) falling onto the ground, i get up from the desk buttoning up my shirt then i swiftly walked toward the door and unlocked it while that pervert was still waggling on the ground just like dog he is, and when i was just going to step ahead he yanked my ankle pulling me to the ground causing me to fall on the ground, he looked at me devilishly "i won't let you go this easily my darling" with that slapped me in my cheeks then again locked the dooe, he then started to drag me to the bench, and when we were far enough from the door he again started to slobber me although i was still not naker, the sanitizer which was in my hand was also far from me now i panickly wonder what am i gonna do now, i was continuosly trying to get out from his grip but he started to tighten his hold more