"He was special yet different from others"

i was continuosly trying to get out from his grip but he started to tighten his hold, with a panic mode on in my mind a idea suddenly popped in my head, i tried to move my legs to see if they were free or not, and i was able too, i immediatly hit his g-spot with my knee, he screamed in the pain looked at me furiously this time i was free from his grip, i get up from the ground kicked him in the stomach "i always trusted you, i thought you as my father but you proved that men will always be a men"

(i cried buttoning my shirt) "but i am grateful you gave me that lesson" with that i opened the door and ran into the streets as far as i could..................

"that was so tragic mam" (the boy said) serving me the ramen, i tried to look at his face, but his white mask quite worked as shield avoiding me to see him, but then who cares to see a man, with that i look down to see my ramen my stomach growled hard seeing that as if saying "be quick, feed me!!", i silently giggled at my own thought, but the thought i was sitting in front of a man quickly slashed on me making me blushed hard, he chuckled at my reaction "you're cute" "huh!, don't you think its inappropriate to say that to your customers" "no, i don't think so" huh!, what a arrogant person leaving him i dig up on my ramen and believe me it was indeed delicious, i have never eaten these much tasty noodles in my whole life, how could a man cook so nice, i'll surely give him 10 yen of tip "how s' the taste mam"(he said) pouring the wine in glass, i was so much lost in thoughts that i didn't even realize what he said and subconsciousnesly muttered "i am in heaven" and only to be snapped out by his laughter, seeing him laughing was if i have seen a godly handsome waiter, although his face was hidden from me, but i was sure there is k-pop type handsome god beneath it seeing me glaring at him he stopped laughing and said "stop staring at me and eat your ramen" hearing that i nervously moved my gaze from him to other side and gulped down the whole glass of wine "one more glass" as soon as words rolled down from my tongue he poured another can and served me, and with another breath i gulped it all "will you be my boyfriend" when i repeated the sentence in my head, i almost felt if my heart has stopped from seconds, i quickly covered my mouth with my hands in the shock " i think you're drunk mam"(he said smilling at me) why was he smilling, maybe at my fooliness, i looked down at my bowl which was empty, now i have to go home, just the thought of going home was making me feel like if i was myself willing to step in the hell "can i stay here tonight"(i asked and lowered my gaze) as a matter of fact, i truly don't want to go to my house at this hour "staying here wouldn't be a problem, but i only have one room"(he said in reluctant tone) "that s' enough, i am ready to sleep on the floor" he nodded "can i get a another cup please" "sure, why not" with that he poured another can and handed me, soon enough i was really, really drunk before i can even control my mouth i was spewing all the nonsense "be my boyfriend please"(i was begging) him as he carried me in bridal look taking me to his room "am i not beautiful enough" "no you're very beautiful" "then why don't you make me your women" "because you're drunk now"(he uttered laying me on the bed) i took out the coat and tucked myself in the bed while giving my full focus on his actions, he took his blanket and pillow and started arranging his pillow and blanket on the floor "am i stinky"(i asked with verge on crying) "no you're not" "then why aren't you sleeping with me" "because there is only space for one person" "no, here it is"(i said) showing him the empty space i made from him, till now one-two three tears were already rolled down from my cheek making me look like a cry baby, my first impression was ruined in front of him oh god what was this, but he smiled and came near to me wipping my tears and said "okay, okay i'll sleep with you" and adjusted himself on the bed, as soon as he entered in the bed i wrapped my arms around him, entangle my legs with his, "and why is this for"(he asked in baffling expression) "what if you fall down" he smiled at me in return and said "it will not happen" but i still glued in my position soon he wrapped his arms around my waist, which instaniously made me feel safe in his embrace, but at the same time making me snuggle in his grip "are you my boyfriend now" "yes for tonight only" i smiled childishly, and closed my eyes, suddenly i got a sharp pain in my feet, i untangled my legs with his and sat on the bed "what happened" "it just my sprained foot" "oh..., i know a way" with that he get up from the bed and slowly started massaging my foot, his fingers moved in circular waves, his actions were really calming me, which i was never used to in my life, a real pleasure, a real heaven


Guys tell me now how many people think that he (the waiter) is the hero of our June, well today i felt so much pity for our June