"Pardon my king"

"Your highness, we have again found a intruder from Amadeous kingdom"(said the General Astrid) bowing his head to a man who was a wearing a dark blue robe, "really, they think they can defeat us like this, by sending their dogs"(raising a brow the man said with sarcasm) he turned around and waved his hand to maids to head out, "Your majesty, this time it s' girl"(Said the General Astrid reluctanly) Vicious chuckled in a little surprise "then, you must have defeated her by your fingers right???"(he said holding a glass of wine) "Pardon me my king, but defeating her was little hard,"(General Astrid said kneeling down) Astrid knew that these truth can even took his life, but if he lied to his majesty he would be in more trouble "do you know for this, i can even separate your head from your body"(Vicious said deviliously playing with his horny nails) "i know my lord" there was a baffiled silence waffting in the air, when no response came for Vicious, General Astrid raised his head and saw his [Vicious] red eyes, which meant he was obviously looking at his memory, engulfing silence and his majesty s' red vision throughly looking at Astrid s' memory made him shudder to his core "impressive"(Vicious muttered under his breath as he look at the girl fighting with the sword) while a dangerous smile played on his lips, the dead air in the room soon permead with someones screams and banging "Ah!, why is she screaming so much, are you giving her some kind of torture" (Vicious said being infuriated) "no, your highness" "then what the hell!!, is with her"(he said throwing the glass of wine of floor) his highness 'Vicious Caesor' like his name he was known for his blood thirsty, murderous, ferocioius, cold heart words were less to express him, he was aggressive, wild like a animal, once he even burnt a whole village not even sparing those innocent children just because of a man insulted him, there was not a single corpse founded there, Vicious punched the door causing his hand to bleed but this was nothing compared to bloody wars he had fought, he furriously stormed out of the room and marched towards that prison where she was kept, and pushed the door open, he scanned the room and found small figure sitting in the corner clutching her knees to her chest tightly shuddering in cold and darkness, unconsciously seeing her like this his anger drained, he slowly walked closer to her and bent down a little to match her height, she was sobbing and hissing from the pain, he gently put his one hand on her left cheek cupping it before joining his forehead with her

{'Agafya' this property to feel other pain by joining foreheads} then he opened his eyes and muttered "your pain is now mine"(a spell to took other s' pain) and with that he hold her up in bridal and started taking her, General Astrid who was standing at the door astonished by the sweet care that girl got, his majesty who was a person who doesn't like to get touched by anyone not even by his finacee was now touching a prisoner, god biggest news of the day!!!...

Vicious gingerly watched the girl in her arms,

her eyes were slightly swollen due to crying but still she looked so cute as her eyes wandered in all direction taking everything s' beauty except for looking at him soon her eyes turn droopy, soon closed as she fainted well no point of worries his magic is the cause of this


~June perspective~

i was so much tried of screaming and banging that i sat down on the corner hugging my knees due to the freezing temperature in the room, the pain wasn't letting me sleep or neither scream the tears continuosly rolling from my eyes, i was feeling like my nerves are going to blast within a second suddenly i heard door opening due to the pain i had no courage of raising my head and looking at my savior at a instant i felt like someone is cupping my face and instaniously i felt like...

like someone has given me my medicines, like new energy flooded inside me it was if..... i don't need sleep and drugs to get rid of migranes before i could raise my head up to see my knight in shining armour i was hold up in princess style was taken away from that lusterless room. But before i could think much everything in front of me blurred as i passed out