Sleeping beauty

Once Vicious reached the room his guards stayed behind as he walked inside the room where June was kept, he expected to find the intruder on her knees, chanting prayer for him to spare her but nor she was chanting a prayer and nor his new prisoner was on her knees, confused Vicious walked further in only to bemused to find her still sleeping on the bed comfortably, he stared her in shock neither this women is severally mentally ill or she is too brave. Instead of waking her up and scolding her, he found himself staring once again, while sleeping like this on his bed she looked like a sleeping beauty so fragile and innocent, the more he looked at her the more he wanted to touch her cheeks, her lips, those big eyes, Vicious shook his head No!, he couldn't be allured by a intruder, most hated a orion. Just as he was about to wake her up she stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes slowly, she blinked several times before she rubbed her eyes, still unaware of where she was or who was in her front she put her arms over her head and stretched it, halfway through her stretch she took notice of him and froze in place, while looking at her frozen face he wanted to laugh at how funny she looked but kept that stern face, when she came out of her state of shock she panickly looked around and screamed "where am i and who are you" "do you have a screw loose in your head??, you don't know me girl!??"(he said arrogantly smirking) she looked at her clothes removing the blanket from her upper body completly ignoring his existence in the room she shreiked "who changed my clothes" "off course, maids"(Vicious shrugged off) then she again looked around this time a little less panick only to be known holding a vase which was next to her bed then she quickly rolled down from the bed and jumped in front of him before positioning for fighting "who the hell you are"(she ordered him) for the first time a girl which was also his prisoner was ordering him, Vicious Caesar "are you deaf, old man"(she again sneered) wait what!! does she said him old with that he shouted from behind "do i look like a old, i am in my mid-twenties all handsome and charming" "for the last time who are you, if you don't answer this time i'll hit your head very hard"(she growled in anger) unconsciously hearing a threat he shuddered a little but was well-known to kept his emotion hidden "Vicious Caesar, king of Aphrodite kingdom"

(he said proudly) "what!!, kings and kingdom-m, what year is this"(she said shivering) "year!, what is that"(he said confusingly tilting his head) "oh he don't even know about years poor man"(she said pitying them) "what s' the point of pity"(Vicious thought) "that means i have teleported to past world no!!!!"(she screamed at her conclusion) and then again muttered "it is all because of that fall" "where are you going, lady"(he asked to June who was going towards the door) "see i am not the one who you were suppose to looked at today, so let me go" for the first time in this whole crazy moment she looked at him eye to eye with those beautiful emrald green eyes, there was a magnetic power in her gaze that had spell-bounded him and unintentionally he found himself strolling towards her, as she saw him walk closer to her, her eyes widened in shock but she didn't back off, deep inside she believed that he would do no harm to her, this type of belief she never felt with anyone even not with her father, but this unknown person was genuinely making her feel strange types of feeling, Vicious didn't stop coming closer until he stood a breath away from her, up from close he found her even more beautiful and she smelled so fruity, pleasant breath-taking, not a rich perfume fragrance, a very familiar scent that summoned a hunger in him he never felt before, not aware of his doings he raised his hand and put his fingers lightly on her cheek, she squirmed at the content but as his fingers caressed her soft skin, her eyes slowly flutter shut and her lips parted slightly. Something agitate life inside him due to this unusual feeling his body was in no control, without realizing his arms slid around her waist drawing her body closer to his, a weird comfort she felt in his broad chest, a feeling of being protected which she was unused of stirred inside her