"A love bite"

(June perspective)

"you know what, you should get out from this room"(i finally managed to say) with that i started pushing him, i continued it until i pushed him out of the door, as soon as he went out or either saying i pushed him out, i quickly felt relieved, that man must have a very bad aura "but we have to say, that man was very handsome" (A chibi devil June popped on my shoulder and said) "Well, that was true, but it s' not time to think about"(i said and with that) i shooed it away, "so how did i end up here"(i asked myself tapping my chin thoughtfully) reviewing my whole memory from the starting of my day then collasping on the bed as i confront to myself "this day is unlucky itself, first i woke in a boy s' bed then i somehow ended up in this strange place" suddenly a rasping sound of door locking came, causing me to give a quick glance to door and to turn my face again at the ceilling and that s' when it hit me 'they were locking me here, oh my god!!!' i again turned my face towards almost running toward, i tried opening the door but vain it didn't, i banged on door "hey open the door, set me free!!!" "being free is the right of every citizen" "hey are you deaf!!!, open the door i swear if i ever tell to goverment that you took my freedom they'll punish you hard" i screamed at top of my lungs, "unless they aren't afraid of goverment or this room is sound-proof" (i muttered and stomped hard on the floor annoyedly) "Now what will i do, i have to escape from here, i can't afford to miss my exam" i walked around the room with tense, i looked around the room for a way to escape suddenly a large window pulled my gaze towards it i walked toward it and darted my eyes around the window, only to stunned by the scenery of the city or saying village as i saw people working in fields, then i looked at the down trying to figure out the measure of height of the room in which i was prisoned from the ground "perfect!! i can escape" (i exclaimed happily clapping my hands together) "but then, how will i break the glass" i again looked around the room and spotted a vase full of roses, i walked towards it grabbing it by the fist and throwing all the roses in the floor, then i again walked toward window and was about to hit when somebody coughed coughed to get my attention, i gulped hard praying to god to not to see guards, i turned towards the direction like a statue "miss, here your lunch, young master asked to provide you"(she politely said with a stern face) she looked at me then the vase on my hand raising a brow, "i was just looking at the vase s' beauty"(i said awkardly laughing) "if you have nothing to ask, i'll better go"(she said not before bowing to me) i looked at the food and then looked at my crumbling stomach, i slowly walked towards the tray and started eating while looking around, the room was big i mean huge... and was beautifully decorated with vases of rose, there was a red embroided mat scattered around the floor, the ceilling had golden chandelier hanging on it, there was a sweet manly scent in the room which was just erotic itself, i slumped on the bed and took a deep breath of the scent "wish i could have this scent" i got up from the bed and started roaming around only to come across a big mirror, it was unbelievable to accept the fact that the reflection i was looking at was me, the red hairs scattered around my face, and the dark green vintage gown like princess Jasmine wore in Aladdin, the dress really accentuated my curves, my gaze trailed up from my dress to my neck almost having me gasp "that jerk man left love mark on my neck gosh!!" i really made that disgusted face on outside but deep inside i myself was adoring that mark left by the man 'Vicious', i frowned realizing my thoughts i shook my head to erase all that nonsense wafting in my brain, the dress again got my attention wait... it is the dress from medieval period isn't it, don't tell me i have mysteriously teleported to medieval period ••••••••••••••••••••
