You aroused me *past 1*

"How many times will you defeat me June"

(Vicious asked wearily) "how about playing another time, this time make sure to play with brain, okay"(she said arranging the chess table again) "ah...., June you have defeated me 56 times, aren't you bored"(he said collasping on the bed) "who has ever bored by winning"(June replied) suddenly her face again lit up as a idea hit her "how about playing hide-seek,"(he said cheerfully) Vicious s' lips curved into a smirk as a evil plan strucked him "you hide and i'll find you, okay"

(he assured her) "but..., if i find you i am going to give you kiss marks"(he said folding his hands to his chest) "kiss marks??"(she tilted her head in confusion) he nodded "what are kiss marks" "you don't know about kiss marks"

she nodded merely, well it was obvious for her not to know about kisses, afterall she was like rapunzel locked in tower for almost 19 years until he came "you'll know, once i gave you"

"how many kiss marks will you give" "shhh! don't say that loudly, numbers of kiss marks depend on how many times i'll find you" hearing that she smiled "she is too innocent and naive, others can take advantage of her, i have to teach her something"(he thought before closing his eyes) "knock, knock" "knock, knock" he opened his eyes to look who his on the door, he slowly opened only to be greeted by a women "hey, Vicious are you free"

(she said with a exclusively honeyed voice which made him irritated) "kind of"(he said with a cold voice) "you know, fire festival is here, want to go out with me" suddenly Vicious felt someone s' hard glare on him, he turned around and saw June giving him death glares seeing this as a opportunity to make her jeolous he thought to grab it "why not" (he said faking smile and leaning on the door) trying to be flirtious but failing miserably "no he can't, he has to clean my wadrobe"(June interfered) and as quickly words roll down from her tongue she shut the door close, just standing close to her Vicious could feel flames of jeolousy from her "so seems you are very free"(she said raising a brow) "only for you" "are you feeling bored around me, am i troubling you" "no, i was just trying tease you" "you were trying to tease me??"(she yelled at me holding him with his collar) that s' when awkwardness hit her, in anger she forgot that she was standing so close to him, just when she was about move a bit he held her with waist stopping her to move "where are you going after arousing me" "when did i arouse you" "just now, with your beauty" before she could say more, he sucked her word by pressing his lips to hers, at a sudden kiss her eyes wide open while Vicious enjoyed fully in this moment he doesn't know that June s' lips were this much delicious, the first time he kissed her it was more like a peck than a kiss although there was still a fierce fight between there tongue but still he was not satisfied with the previous kiss, June shuddered when she felt him sucking her lower lip her eyes were still open hence she could see his lips every movement on her lips, there were a sweet taste of cherries in her lips which made him even more addicted to her, he has slept with many women but he never kissed them, she was first women who he was kissing,