"am i dead"

"I am who I am really, because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had my love."----- Vicious Caesar

A dark night like the deserted heart of somebody who was staring the beauty of moon with uncomplete painting beside him, tired of thinking he huffed and turned to look at his uncomplete painting "Who are you, why are you troubling me" (Vicious said to the unfinished portrait of the girl) he sighed wearily realizing there is nothing he would get by looking at a sketch, the unanswered question were embracing his mind again "Why does somebody i don't know s' absence is affecting me so much"(frustrated he asked from painting) his isomania was getting worsen by each passing days, unslept nights were like the thing of everyday, until now there were several unfinished painting of this unknown girl from his imagination, exasperated he tore the painting and shredded it into pieces, Vicious roughly drove his fingers to his hairs trying to calm the conflict inside him "Vicious relax, she is just your imagination nothing more than that"( he muttered) taking a deep breath then exhaling out, "you must take your pills for sleeping"(his consciousness said to him) "yeah"(he said in unaudiable voice) and started walking out of the garden.....

after walking several minutes to his room he reached there, this was the first he actually stopped at the entrance to knock to enter in his own room "Knock!, knock!" after knocking, he waited there for a moment "Knock! knock!"

he again knocked harder this time but vain nobody opened "why knocking, after all everybody sleeps at this hour"(his consciousness said) he nodded at his point with that he opened the door, a sweet smell welcomed him causing him to close his eyes at the scent "Amazing!!"(he muttered) walking closer to his bed expecting her to be sleeping on it but to his surprise it was empty, he looked around in panick trying to find that crazy girl at that moment he noticed the broken window, he slowly walked closer to it

"Why do she needed to break the glass"

"she must have a screw loose in her head"

(he thought) "where is she"(he uttered) as he looked around the balcony and that s' when he looked downwards and saw a figure hanging supported with a rope, he couldn't help but to chuckle a little at her stupid plan "Hey stupid, what are you doing"(he yelled at her with a wide grin) "hey i am not idiot you're"(she yelled back) "what are you trying to do" "i-i was t-trying to..."(she paused a little to find a excuse) then quickly said "i was trying to measure the height of the room from ground"

he wasn't stupid to understand her excuse but her excuse did make him smile "really!!, then go on" (he said faking to leave her) "hey, hey!!"

(she screamed or yelped) trying to caught his attention, he turned around and looked at her with fake questioning look "when i stepped down here, i-i realized i am afraid of height"

(she said looking right and left) "then why don't you fly, come here"(he teased her) "uh?, how can somebody fly" "i thought you can"

"why are wasting time, what if rope spilted from between"(she said with fear) "who cares"

(he shrugged off) while the whole conversation there was a silly Romeo type of smile in his face "please"(she pleaded him with puppy eyes) subconsciously seeing her beutiful eyes he gave up "okay, take my hand"

(he said forwarding his hand) she moved a little to reach for his hand but suddenly rope spilted causing her to fall "Viciouss!!!" for Vicious it felt like his heart has stopped beating, his whole world was stopped as he watched her fall with his heart aching "Vicious, you know, i think i like you " the words rang in his ears like siren, unexpectedly few tears rolled from his eyes with a instant his eyes turned red and in a flash he jumped of the balcony reaching out his hand for her to caught her, being phobic of height June closed her eyes not even efforting to look who was her saviour forwarding his hand to her, she jerked hard when she landed on firm shoulders instead of rough ground she was expecting to "am i dead??"(she asked innocently) still shutting her eyes tightly, she immediately opened her eyes when she was secured in a hard hug almost like squeezing out all her airs from her lungs "are you hurt somewhere"(Vicious asked her) "no!"(she said with wide eyes) confused at his sudden hug after knowing that she was not hurt he freed her from tight hug, June suddenly turned pale seeing his red eyes "y-your eyes are r-red" (she fearfully stuttered) slowly her vision turned blurry, emotional exhaustion caused her to passed out as it was too much shocks for her weak human heart