"Heart attack"

"I fell in love with you because you loved me, when i couldn't, the only regret of my life is that i have not said 'i love you' often enough"

----June Ageous

"y-your eyes are r-red" (she fearfully stuttered) slowly her vision turned blurry, emotional exhaustion caused her to passed out as it was too much shocks for her weak human heart

"Why did i saved you, even after knowing that you're a orion" he sighed wearily, as he continue to look at her, although his mind screamed at him to stop and leave her in the snow to shiver her to death, but he kept the little lamb in his shoulder "a lamb in wolf s' embrace"(He muttered and smirked) he brushed his knuckles through her skin at response, she sneezed and again snuggled in his arms, her one hand was on her chest clutching the fabric of his shirts, his gaze trailed down to her feets, and all of the sudden he found it slightly cute how small her feets were, he never felt the urge to accept beauty of something as he felt it was no gain appreciating something s' beauty but today when his consciousness was openly implementing someone s' beauty he felt foreign of his own mind, or maybe he wasn't able to register that his mind was appreciating a orion. Orions, orions were the one he most hated, if ever he was given a chance, he would diminish the whole orion descendants. You know, he never liked how orions try to be oversmart, and just now the stunt performed by this silly girl was nothing other than oversmartness which could even kill her. He casted her a last look before he teleported back to her room, he walked closer the bed and with the thought of throwing her onto the bed, he gently layed her on the bed, he sighed as his eyes kept scrutinizing her face, the sight of her was giving him a turmoil of weird feeling which he was unable to describe in words, all he could say about those were, it was....., it was complicated, everything was conflicted, there was this never ending conflict inside his mind which was making him restless "You know, this thing it never deserved a chance to live"(he said with frustration) as he furiously brushed his fingers through his hairs, Vicious forwarded his hands to grab the neck of June only to find them stopped in mid air "What is happening to me" he wondered but then again keeping aside his thoughts he grabbed her neck, as soon as his fingers felt the skin of her neck his body paused completely, as he started feeling faint pulse rate under the tips of his fingers, his eyes slowly got closed as he felt them rang inside his head, he felt himself breathing deeper as those pulse rate calmed him down to his core, it was as if someone had put a full stop to all his thoughts, he loved the sound of his heartbeat synchronized with her heartbeat, he gradually opened his eyes as his eyes fixed on her face while his thumbs gently caressed the skin below it percieving the softness of her neck, as his finger brushed them through her neck he kept to studying every reaction of her face, he would actually chuckle sometime seeing how foolishly she was snuggling with his hand on her neck at that time he would wonder how someone could be this much be relaxed with their grim reaper.