Pool of blood *past 1*

~Vicious perspective~

I poured the hot water in tub and added white rose petals, then i took out some scraizelle candles which are usually used to faint somebody and lit up around the bath tub after adding the lavender essence in water, i slowly walked towards the exit of bathroom, as soon as i opened the door i spotted June sitting on her study table "Miss your bathe is ready" she got up from her chair or saying hopped from her sit as it was slighty too heighted for her she entered inside the bathroom and locked the door from outside, "zzz"(soft sound of zipper s' opening came) followed by clumsy foot steps, she s' probably going closer to bathtub, a loud sound splashing water came, with that i closed my eyes and chanted "steraius" when i opened my eyes i was already teleported inside the bathroom, i looked at the unconscious naked body of June lying in the bath tub, now she would probably wake up after 2 hours which would be enough to accomplish my plan, i again teleported outside the bathroom and walked out of the room, i locked the room properly with a invisible lock spell, from here onwards my power wouldn't work only spells would so i have to be carefull, the corridor in front of June s' room were mostly empty so here nobody would suspect me, i took out a small diary and opened it "so Zephyr (june s' father) has a meeting with his council" if the meeting has started now then it must go on till 11pm, with this conclusion i walked out of the corridor and entered in the main hall, main hall is a place which is heavily crowded so here it would be hard to sneak to King s' corridors, i casually walked to corridors, then turned around and looked right and left when nobody was looking i sneaked in, with knitted brows i went inside the attic and changed my clothes in all black attire, i glanced at my previous attire and lit up a fire on it so that later nobody would suspect me, then i walked out of attic, the corridor of King Zephyr {June s' father} is usually empty, soon i reached the his room there were two guards guarding the outside of the room, i took out the knife from my pocket and started walking towards the room "Hey!!, who are you and take off that mask"(A guard yelled at me), stopping me at the enterance, dare to yell at me, Vicious Caesar with that there was stab in his stomach seeing the live murder another soldier pounced on me before he could do anything his face was cutted in half both of them laid on the floor helplessly, i watched them as my lips curled up into a devilliously grin, both of them looked at me with fear and that!! and that was i fond of seeing in people s' eyes, i slowly bent down and started giving them a beautiful designs on their lips with my knife so that they can never speak again, when the first one was over i turned to another one gave him the same design soon there was a pool of blood in the entrance with that i walked further inside and a bunch of people attacked me who have know that they would be sliced into peices soon, gently i took out their nails from their every fingers and decided to keep them with me as a collection while leaving them screaming with pain, their screaming was so harsh for my ears that i cut their heads and decorated them on the Zephyr s' bed probably for giving him a surprise, then i went to shelves and threw all the books on floor to find that button, as soon as i tried to take out the last one, a secret room opened but with a locked on it, i punched that lock so hard that the security alarms started ringing i swiftly walked through through the room and snatched the book from the holder which was a spell book, if my people learned that then victory was ours with that i break the glass window of the room went out