"Punish you" *past 2*

~Vicious s' perspective~

Walking through the roofs, i jumped inside the June s' room, then to have a check on her i teleported inside the bathroom only to see her

involuntarily, motionless lying on the tub "I killed them June, how dare they talked to you"

(i said walking towards her) i looked at her from above, she was sitting on the bath tub all naked while her legs were collided with her chest hiding her breasts, i slowly knelt down and stared at her "you are the first woman who ever called me non-dangerous" "why are you so childish" "...." a low growl escaped from my lips as i continuosly stared at her with lust or lov...love "Do you know your purity, playfullness attracts me more to you even though i try hard to stay away from you" "the day we met, you wanted to know.. what i want?? let me tell you" "i want you" i whispered in her ears, and saw her body shivering under my touches, i slided my knuckles which were still covered in blood through her pale cheeks and again said "i want to ruin your innocence"(i said roughly) as i was gasping for air "i want to taint you in my colour" seeing her naked body helplessly lying on tub was really making me aroused, i hurridly got up realizing my feelings and blowed the candles away to wake her then i quietly took my departure, as soon as i exited i took out my clothes, and entered in the bathroom which was attached to my room to clean the blood of my enemies from me at the same time to calm my aroused mind "why was i making June a exception" "why can't i just f*ck her and leave her" the word "f*ck her and leave her" was making me sick, suddenly i heard the barging sound of door, maybe somebody has barged in my room wait!!!, i haven't hidden my weapons yet, with that i quickly wrapped a towel in my waist and get out of the bathroom, i felt relieved when i saw nobody inside my room but my nose sensed someone s' scent, a fruity type of scent which June only posesses i walked further in, and saw June rolling over my bed with a bath robe enfold around her showing off her bare shoulders and long legs, unconsciously my lips curled up into a smile when i saw her sniffening my pillow i teleported myself on the bed beside her so that her back was facing my chest now, i leisurely snaked my arms around her, and then yanked her waist towards me which elicited a gasp from her "V-vicious when did you come??"(she stuttered) "just now my Innocent"(i said with a husky voice in her ear) which perhaps gave her chills down her spine as i could discerned that every single hair on her body has straighten up, i chuckled when i felt her pumping heart, with just one pull i untied her bathrobe she quickly put a hand on her chest to hold the towel to her chest "don't you dare to look down"(she ordered) "what if i"

"then you'll be punished" "how" (i said taking my hands inside her towel) when they were at the right place, i pulled her bare waist towards me, at this moment she groaned hard as her bare back was touching my firm shoulders "are you punishing me for entering your room without your permission" (she purred) "Nope, i like it when you don't ask permission" "then why is this" "this is for being so innocent" "huh! Vicious i'll give you a kiss now please uncage me"(she said in the most sweetest tone ever) "i see you're making a deal" (i said slowly uncaging) "but close your eyes"( she said) but still taking a quick glance at her boobs i closed my eyes "now get dress, dad has called me" (she said and i opened my eyes) "i know why your father called as i killed his dog isn't i"(i said in a unaudiable voice) "why are you smirking" "nothing"(i said quickly changing my expressions)