"Among us" *past 3*

~Vicious s' perspective~

"why are you smirking" "nothing"(i said quickly changing my expressions) "today wore pink okay?" "pink, okay"(she said nodding) i smilled and turned around to my closet to took a shirt but before i could take a step i felt something soft on my cheek "you look so handsome and muscular while being naked"(she pecked me and ran away) i looked at her disappearing figure with wide eyes "did she just said i am handsome" i turned around and looked at my flustered image on the mirror "here... here she kissed me"( i said caressing the cheek where she pecked me) i collasped on bed with a silly smile on my face "she pecked me" "yeah!!!, she pecked me" i looked at the ceilling somehow i felt that burning sensation on my chest but it didn't hurt it makes me happy, i closed my eyes and her smilling face appeared "ah!!, she said me to get ready quick" (my consciousness said) "ah..!! this brain of mine always interupts my celebration with my heart" (i annoyingly muttered ) getting up from the bed, with wasting a second i took out a shirt and wore it then i brushed my fingers through my wet hairs to set them, i again looked at myself on the mirror and went out, and saw June who was already ready, i walked closer to drove my arm around her waist pulling her closer, "ah..!, Vicious your hairs are still messy"(she said combing my hairs with her finger) i looked up to see our reflection on the mirror, together we looked like a cute husband and wife "Innocent why do you care if i have a messy hair,"(i said caging her between my arms) "Am i looking too sexy with that," (i said obviously reading her minds) her cheecks turn coral pink by hearing that "what if girls in kingdom kidnapped him??"( a small voice came in my ears) which was probably hers "Nobody can rob me from you"(i said freeing her) she turned tomato red as realize that i can read her mind "you, spoiled brat!!!"

(she yelled at me while smaking me) "ah!!, sorry"(i yelped) suddenly a knock interrupted us "miss, lord has called you quick" (the maid shouted from outside) "come on, let s' go you wasted a lot time"(she snickered) while i tried hard to control my giggle


June s' perspective

On stepping out of my chamber, i could immediately hear the shattering of glass, "seems like his highness is very furious" i chuckled with these thoughts, as gradually i walked to get near his chamber, even with the miles away from his chamber i could hear his yelling on his soldiers, he was obviously taking his frustration out on those poor soldiers, "huh!...,poor them" but then again a very significant thing was missing from the palace, who wouldn't be angry on these situation, these soldiers needed to be discipline as they were unable to guard the 'Quarituis'. Quarituis was a ancient journal, even till now its origin was a mystery, but it was ruomored to be gifted to Amadeus by the goddess, the journal itself was embedded of very powerful spells and weaknesses of vampires werewolves and even more, so losing it was very significant to losing a gem, so everybody was worth to face the wrath of her father, even though with these things, those soldiers themselves were someone very incapable of guarding such a precious thing no wonder 'blinded by arrogance is very similar to stupidity', she indirectly critisized her father for never listening her advice. "Greetings to your majesty" she politly greeted, to her greetings Zephyr didn't batted an eye at her, totally ignoring her existence