Kingdom Dance

Aaron is now standing at the entrance of the castle waiting for Serena.

"Serena..." Aaron called out to her.

Serena weared a Yellow gown and white gloves in her hands.

Aaron weared the white mask so Serena didn't recognised him.

" I know you sir ?"

"Da...I am Aaron."

"Oh Aaron...why are you wearing this wierd mask...?"

"What...? Is mask not allowed in Kingdom dance....?"

"No it's not like that... All I am saying is that It's just creepy."

"Let's go...than."

"Wait..." Serena stopped Aaron.


"Aaron I don't know if you are going to lose or win today...but I just want to tell you that my reputation depends on the outcome."

"I know..." Aaron said with a serious expression.

"Good... let's go."

"But why do I have to attend the kingdom Dance with you ...?"

"Because we have to introduce you to the other fighters..."

"Oh okay..."

In the Colosseum

"Hey Fred...How are you man....?" Algar and Ronald asked Fred.

"I am good and you...?"

"Me too."

"Hi Hilda how are you...?"

"I am good Jenny and you... ?"

"I am good..."

"Hi Elena." Sera greeted.

"Hi Sera Nee-san." Elena greeted.

After three of the families greeted each other Jennifer asked Hilda.

"Where is Aaron...?"

"Yes... I don't see him too." Sera added.

"He needed some know he wasn't feeling too well but he will come later."

"Oh... that's bad."

"I told him that I can stay with him...but he forced me to go." Hilda said.

"Well let's get a seat for him too." Fred spoke.

Kingdom dance in castle has started....

Violin is playing with piano as dancers are dancing on the stage.

Aaron and Serena are walking together...most people are looking at them as Aaron's mask is attracting their attention and Aaron's Dressing sense also attracted them because he weared the classic pair of black pant and white shirt fit to his body and streched.

"My greetings to Lady Serena Irwin..." A young lady wearing Blue colored gown walked to Aaron and Serena with a blonde guy next to her.

"Good Evening to young Lady Shelby Tailor...." Serena Bowed slightly.

"He is Mark...He is going to represent our Tailor family in the Adoption Battle." Shelby said as she moved her right hand in the direction of mark.

"My greetings to Young lady and Sir." Mark bowed as he said this.

"Oh...a Swordsman." Serena spoke.

"Indeed He is and a good one at that." Shelby answered.

"So would you like to introduce us...?" Shelby asked Serena as she pointed her hand towards Aaron.

"Oh yes.... He is Aaron and he is also a Swordsman." Serena said as she has already seen Aaron's sword.

"Oh...good but where is your sword Mr. Aaron ?" Mark asked.

"It's on it's way..." Aaron spoke.

"Oh...good good How old are you by the way Aaron." Shelby asked.


"What...?" Shelby and Mark got shocked.

"Plus two..." Suddenly Serena spoke.

"He is Six Plus Two means eight he is eight...." Serena continued.

"Oh...and I thought how can someone be six and have this kind of body." Shelby said.

"Me too." Mark added.

After that both Of them walked away...

"Why would you lie about my age...?"

"Because you are more muscular and taller than a six year if you say that to Shelby Tailor a three star noble than it will seem like an obvious lie and lying to a noble is like making fun of them and making fun of them means you will be dead before you can even fight and that means..."

"Okay I understand now calm down."


"My greetings to Lady Serena Irwin..." A young lady wearing Red colored gown walked to Aaron and Serena with a white skinny guy who has scars under his eyes next to her.

"Good Evening to young Lady Leoma Vanguard...." Serena Bowed slightly again.

"Oh...Serena dear there is still time if you want to quit and handover the boy silently to us just for your information." Leoma said with a mercyfull expression.

At that moment I thought this is it....Serena will take the chance and quit from the adoption battle but sometimes you are not right you know.

Serena moved forward as she looked in Leoma's eyes and said....

"I will not quit...not now that Irwin Family's name is on the line...I am the last from my family left in this city so I have nothing to lose in this gamble except my last name." She said proudly.

Now that's my no no I mean that's my Serena aahhh let's not say this.

I am proud of you today Serena.

"Well you really are something I have to give you that...but meet him he is the best Adopted Kid we have right now Derek."

"Good evening Young Lady and Very Young Lad..." Derek said.

"Hello...Um...Have I seen you anywhere before ?" Aaron asked.

"I can remember if you remove your mask..." Derek said.

"Ah... let's not do that." Aaron said.

"A Mage is he right...?" Serena asked.

"Yes...and what about you sir ?" Leoma answered and asked.

"I am a mage too." Aaron said.

" Oh but I don't see a magic staff around you..."

"Oh here it is..."

Aaron Took out his small Magic wand from his inventory.

" magic."

"Well let's talk later it's time for the ceremony to end...princess will be here anytime now."

Both of them moved forward...

"Hey you said you were a swordsman right...?" Serena asked.

"I am a mage for the main purpose but a part-time swordsman too." Aaron said.

"Oh well not like you have two talents..."

I have three.

"Ahem...look those dancers are cool right ?"

Wait that girl is nelda she is also a dancer.

After sometime the princess came out in the hall wearing a white wedding dress and a prince from another Kingdom aslo came on the stage wearing blue outfit...after some traditional speeches both of them gave each other one-one sword and rings.

At the end everyone clapped as 12 other kings gave their blessings to the new married couple.

Demon lord also represented a miraculous fruit which only grows in demon kingdom as a gift to both of them.

After that king Chadwick came on the stage and started speaking...

"My noble friends and Everyone present in this room...Today is a very joyful moment for all of us so how about making this joy double ?"

"Yes...." Everyone in the room spoke with full enthusiasm.

"Than let's move to the Colosseum..." King said.

It's time.