Battle Start

"Good Evening everyone... Today we are here to witness an Adoption Battle Between three Noble families." The announcer announced.

"On our Left side we have Mark from The three star Tailor Family."

Suddenly All of the crowd's attention got attracted towards the left entrance door as a Young blonde guy came out with a shining sword in his hand.

Everyone cheered him and clapped.

"...and on our right side we have Aaron From the One star Irwin Family."

"What Aaron...? And someone said that it is a very rare name." Hilda spoke as she looked towards Ronald.

Ronald looked at Hilda with an awkward smile and spoke...

"Umm....I thought so too." He said as he rubbed the back of his head.

Again everyone looked at the Right entrance of the Colosseum but no one came out.

What the hell...i never ever thought that there would be so many people here. What should I do...?

Let me explain this one...

Back on earth when Aaron was Satoshi he had this mental problem called Agoraphobia.

Agoraphobia is a type of fear which is caused by standing in a crowded place or your surroundings are very crowded.

If one person stands in the crowds with this phobia they can get very depressed.

Okay...let's face it I can't run from this. Not at this point.

I have a mask no one can recognise me right...?

Let's do can do this are not Satoshi anymore you are Aaron now...and you don't have a sword until now.

"...umm okay let's try again...On our right side we have Aaron." Announcer repeated himself.

Still No one appeared.

'Come on Aaron where are you...?' Serena thought to herself.

'Kid got scared as I expected.' Mark thought.

"He got scared...As expected from a one star Irwin Family."

" are right. Booooooooo"



Everyone started howling.

Suddenly a shadow appeared at the right side of the Colosseum.

A guy with white mask appeared.

But unlike Mark everyone stared at Aaron for a second and again started discouraging him by howling loser and other things. what should I do there are so many here and most importantly they are all looking at me...oh shit my head hurts so bad.

"Booo...die loser."


Suddenly sweat started coming down from his forehead and darkness covered his eyes as he fell on the ground.

"Hey look the loser fell before he can even fight hahahah...."

"Mark won.... hahaha without even a fight."

"As we all can see that Aaron has fallen on the ground...we have to check if he is unconscious to declare the results." Announcer said.

'I lost without even a fight...' Serena thought as regret covered her heart and a sad smile covered her face.

"Heh...I can't believe I was really fighting for that shitty boy and you said he is good and all that." Leoma asked Enkon.

" lady I will still say the same about his magic attribute." Enkon said.

"What do you think Young miss...?" Frank asked.

"I don't know...But this is not as simple as it seems." Shelby replied.

Mark started walking towards Aaron...

In a dark alley...

"Hey I can hear someone coming..." A shadow spoke.

"Hmm....a prey are you saying ?" Another one spoke.

"I don't know shall we check..."


Suddenly the two of them walked out of the alley....both of them weared black and white dress like a waiter...they had this pale white skin and dark scars under their lips and eyes.

Suddenly they jumped before a person who was running towards the Colosseum.

"Wait..." one of them stopped the other in air before he could jump on the ground.

Suddenly both of them changed their directions and jumped on a house instead of jumping in front of the person.

"What...? Why did you stop...?" The another person asked.

"He is a Dwarf..."

When both of them looked at the person clearly they saw that he was a dwarf carrying a sword in his hand.

" what...?"

"We can't break the contract."

"What contract...?"

"Are you a new-new vampire...?"

"Yeah...Only been two days."

"Oh... that's why....I will explain it short and simple."


"There is a contract that says we can't kill or hurt any Being of the dwarf understand the value of the contract right ?"


"Than let's go back... Commander is ready to attack at any moment."

Both of them looked at each other and jumped back into the dark alley.

"Ah shit ! It took more time than I thought." The dwarf mumbled as he ran more faster.

In the Colosseum...

Mark reached near Aaron and flipped him...

"Ladies and gentlemen mark is now going to remove Aaron's mask and reveal his identity..." Announcer said.

But before mark can even touch Aaron's mask his hand got stopped by another hand... It was none other than Aaron's hand.