Defeated in seconds

Suddenly Mark leaped back a few steps...

"Whoa....I thought you were dead." He spoke.

Aaron stood from the ground as he spoke.

"Not so fast...Sir Mark."

"Ladies and gentlemen as we all can see that Aaron is up again and the battle is still on." Announcer Announced.

"Now where is your sword sir Aaron or Do you want me to attack an unarmed man." Mark mocked Aaron.

"Ah...yes about the sword...."

"Here it is boy....catch." a loud sound came from the right entrance gate of the Colosseum.

"...And here it is." Aaron spoke with a shine on his face.

The dwarf throwed the pitch black sword towards Aaron.

Aaron catches the sword and looked at his reflection in it.

The sword looked deep as an endless Abyss and powerful as a hurricane.

"Good... Now shall we start." Mark spoke.

This sword.... it's power is something else....I can feel it by just merely holding it.

Aaron closed his eyes and supplied mana to the sword as it started glowing purple.

"Boy do the ritual before using it...."

Oh...the blood ritual I totally forgot about that.

Aaron cutted his finger and dropped two drops of blood on runes of the sword.

"I am ready now..." Aaron spoke.

"Hoo...a magic sword...I never thought a one star noble family can afford that." Mark spoke.

"Now that both of the contestants are ready the fight will begin in 3....2....1...FIGHT." Announcer spoke.

Mark ran towards Aaron with his sword up in air...

"Just what I wanted..." Aaron spoke to himself in a low voice.

Vibranium can store an Attack's kinetic energy into itself by converting it into potential energy. So I want him to attack me first to store the attack's energy and attack with twice the power.

Aaron also held his sword up in a defencive stance...

"Haa...Do you think that a simple defence stance like that can even take one of my normal attacks." Mark spoke as his sword also started glowing red and orange.

A Magical sword....

*Ting* Both of the swords collided but only a small sound came out.

"What...?" Seeing that Aaron's sword is not broken yet mark suddenly jumped back three steps.

This...This sword is not converting kinetic energy into potential energy...instead it's converting kinetic energy into mana I can feel it... because it's supplying the mana to me.

Means...if someone one attacks the sword with kinetic energy it will be converted into mana.

It's as if I have founded a mana generator....fuck.

A smile appeared on his face as he ran towards mark...

"It's my turn..." Aaron spoke.

"Come boy I will melt you..." mark said as his sword suddenly caught fire. He also started running towards Aaron.

I don't know what's going to happen now...but I will not be responsible for it.

*Boom* both of the swords collided and a big explosion took place with a big dust cloud.

"What the hell just happened...?"

"Who cares...but it was totally cool."


The audiance started howling with cheers as they saw the explosion.

After two seconds the dust cloud settle down and two figures appeared.

Where Mark appeared on his knees and Aaron was holding his sword on his neck.

"Hey look that loser guy defeated Mark."

"Wow...he is so cool."

"Kid got some balls huh..." Algar spoke.

"This kid Is not your ordinary kid...He is more than what seems." Ronald spoke.

"Haha...I knew it he really is a different kid." Enkon spoke.

"Mark....Really got defeated by just a kid." Frank spoke with a surprised expression.

"Shit...I trusted him so I have to face father's wrath." Shelby spoke in an angered expression.

"Lady Shelby...."a sound came from the other side.

She was none other than Leoma.

"Lady leoma...How come you are in my cabin."

"Oh...I was here just to tell you how sorry I am for your candidate." Leoma mocked Shelby.

"I think I won...right ?" Leoma asked.

"No...You will also fight for him Miss Leoma Vanguard."

Shit this...bitch. I thought I can take him without a fight but now I have to fight too.

Leoma left after this....

On the ground...

Fuck....This sword is incredible but it takes a very heavy toll on my body...I should use Strengthening spell on my body next time.

"Ladies and gentlemen as for all you already know that mark has been defeated by Aaron...and next competition will take place in half and hour."

"H-H-He really won....yessssss." Serena got hyped up so much that she started dancing in her cabin.

In Demon king's cabin...

"Where are those damn vampires....?" Lucifer spoke.

"Calm lord they are already here." Teren spoke.

"Hmmm....? How do you know...?"

"Freda is checking every nook and cranny of the Colosseum...and she reported back to me that there are about 100 vampires and 1 general Vampire."

"Hmm...a general. That sounds interesting last time I fought was a furious battle I lost one hand and one leg in it. But because I am a demon kin they regenerated themselves but there was something strange it took me 3 years to regenerate them."

"Are you going to fight him my lord...?" Teren asked with a surprised expression.

"Hmmm....Who said that...? I will wait for the human...Who holds enormous powers within him."

"But...what if he never came ?"

"Than we will abandon the human kin and start preparing for our war...cause if he can't even fight for his own kind why will he fight for ours."

"Y-Yes my lord."

"But what if he comes but can't defeat the general by himself."

"Than we will do everything on our end to support him. Whatever it takes...even the Demon Stone."

"My lord demon stone is our legacy we can't give it to a human kin."

"For saving our legacy we can't sacrifice our whole race can we...?"

"N-No my lord."

" we wait."

In an unknown corner of Colosseum...

"My lord should we attack now...."

"No...this kid defeated a fire magic sword yielder in seconds we can't take risks...we will wait for the next match."

" lord."