10. Unlucky Day

"How cunning. I will also make you fall into my trap, Litara," said the woman and looked back at the front. He had prepared something in case the bad girl dared mess with him.

After a while, Tara came back, looked at her phone for a while, and put it back. "You've been waiting long? I was stuck in traffic before I got here."

"Don't talk too much, Litara. You know that I hate you, so don't feel close to me even though I agreed to have lunch with you."

Tara nodded her head in understanding. "Okay, okay. I'll just keep quiet this time, but you need to know I can't stay still for very long. My body automatically moves if it's still for more than ten minutes. I'm not lying."

The hater just stared lazily at Tara and tried to pretend she was busy with her phone. Meanwhile, Tara averted her eyes because if she only saw that woman she would be bored. The place this woman chose was completely open, she hesitated to take off her mask, and again, many visitors would recognize her as soon as she took off the mask. But... Oh never mind. Nothing would happen if he didn't move much. Isn't that right? It is very difficult to be a safe public figure.

A small child fell right beside Tara's feet, causing the girl to move to help her. "Are you all right, little girl?"

The child who had just fallen, instead of answering, started crying. It left Tara at a loss as to what to do, and again when Tara looked at the woman who hated her, she just looked on and didn't want to go to help. Ah, today was really bad!

"Hey don't cry. I'm just helping you, okay? Everything's fine. What hurts, hm?"

Tara tried to calm the little girl down. Instead of stopping crying, the little girl made her cry louder. Making tara more confused with some of the visitors who started to look at them. Gosh... It's such an unlucky day.

"What did you do to my son, huh? What a nuisance woman."

Tara looked at a woman who looked angry and immediately pulled the little boy from Tara's lap, making the girl inevitably stand up. "Sorry, but what you allege is not true. I tried to help her but she kept crying and didn't even answer me."

The woman then showed her son's knee which was bloody and dirty. "You didn't see him hurt, did you? It's natural for a child to cry because he's in pain and you're just asking? Seriously."

Tara took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm sorry. I don't know."

The woman snorted and sat her child down in the chair, glancing over at the woman who was just sitting and watching them. "At least tell your sister the proper way to deal with a small matter like this, just sit back and watch you think you've solved the problem? You guys are useless."

The hating woman smiled sarcastically. "It's better to thank first, it's good that your child was helped. But all you do is scold innocent people. You useless woman," replied the hating woman as she got up from her seat.

"We'd better move. It's not good for heart health here." The hating woman said to Tara and just walked away.

"I'm sorry, Auntie. I'm sorry again," Tara said before following the hating woman. He was okay with what the child's mother said, but hearing the hating woman reprimand him made him feel better. At least even though I hate but there is also a sense of caring even a little. Oh, this is so funny.

Tara sat back down, this time a slightly hidden table inside the restaurant. Unlike before where people can see and can see a wider street. Tara could have guessed that this woman had taken her previous place on purpose on purpose, but... I don't know. He should not think negatively of other people. It was fortunate that he was able to meet his haters and eat together, though it was clear that she was lazy. It's okay, he also didn't intend to eat this time because he had previously tasted Aunt's cooking at home. Oh, forget it.

"Your order, Miss."

Tara nodded and motioned for the waitress to put some food on the table. He glanced briefly at the hating woman who looked hungry in his eyes, he smiled faintly at her.

"Enjoy it, Miss."

"Thank you."

After the maid had left, Tara looked at the hating woman. "Eat, Auntie. You look hungry," Tara said, holding back her laughter at the cute expression of the woman in front of her.

"You alone?"

"I just ordered juice. I ate before you texted." Tara took the glass of juice and slowly removed the mask.

"I'm not going to eat until you taste all this food," said the woman arrogantly, clutching her chest. Wanting to see Tara's reaction if she was right this time, of course, she wouldn't want to get into any deeper traps.

"You have very bad thoughts about me but fine, I'll give it a try even if my stomach will swell later."

Tara then began to taste the food, making the hating woman begin to believe that there was nothing in this food. He started eating on the plate Tara had tasted. Meanwhile, Tara was still trying the various menus she had chosen, not realizing that not far from her place someone was watching her carefully. Yeah... He saw everything Tara was doing here with this woman who didn't know who it was.

"Aren't you Litara Oneurmoufe? That international model?"

Tara who was engrossed in tasting the food was pensive in her position which was just about to make another menu. Who recognized him this time? It would be really bad if he got caught at this point. Ah, what to do now?

Someone stood right beside him suddenly and covered his face with that person's body, making him somewhat relieved even though he was still at a loss as to what to do. What happened next was the person beside him immediately pulled his body away and covered his face with a jacket. Meanwhile, Tara wanted to see the hating woman, but someone's hand kept her looking down and only saw the restaurant floor. Who exactly is this person? From the smell of this jacket, of course, men's perfume, but whoever it was he should be grateful for taking him away before he was caught.

Tara kept walking with someone controlling her direction, she kept her face down in fear too. Today was tiring. An unexpected accident, having to meet a hating woman, getting angry from an unknown mother, and meeting someone who recognizes her. Ah what an unlucky day!

The jacket was removed, causing Tara to stop in her tracks and see who had helped her. The shocked expression was of course the first he showed, but after that, he became even.

"Why are you here? You following me?" Tara asked squinting her eyes because she was suspicious of the man in front of her.

"That's not important. Now let's go home before a lot of people come after you."

The man then got into the car parked right beside Tara, ignoring the girl who just looked at him. Meanwhile, Tara still had a questioning mind. Why is Aldrick here? Why did he come at the right time? And what else did he follow him to know he was in this place? But...

"Get in or I'll leave."