20. Journey

"Who does he think he is, huh?"

Tara returned Rosalie's phone in annoyance. Rolling his eyes more and more lazily and walked towards the dressing table. Sit down there and start cleaning her face with makeup. Meanwhile, Rosalie who saw Tara's annoyance could only shake her head. It was a news story about Angeli celebrating a party for being a model for a well-known brand, which Tara had rejected a month ago due to Tara's busy work schedule. It was also reported there that another model flatly rejected the company's offer before Angeli became the current brand ambassador. But, judging from the facts, Litara did not do that and even refused very subtly and also gave a lot of explanations about her schedule to the company. This time it was not Rosalie who acted, but Tara herself because the beautiful girl felt bad for not being able to contract with the company. Then... What's with him being upset like that? He's really funny.

"She's beautiful. But didn't the CEO of that company find another model besides Angeli? Uh... Bad. Plus, I don't like that company for making my name bad. See if they go bankrupt for using Angeli as the model."

"You accidentally feel jealous of Angeli's success. Is that so, Litara?"

Tara shook her head quickly. "Of course not. I just feel like he's deliberately showing off because he wants to be admired by many people. Isn't that disgusting? Seriously. Also, he indirectly vilifies my name by mentioning 'a famous rejecting model'. Isn't that bad for living in the past? What's next? That snake girl sure knows how to piss me off with a supportive company. The whole thing is really bad!"

Rosalie laughed at all of Tara's complaints. It was nothing, seeing the look on Tara's face as she nagged was a treat for Rosalue in itself, even if it was just a trivial thing. And this time, Angeli got into the act again and managed to put Tara in a bad mood. Gosh... Why can't these two famous models get along at all? Yesterday a photoshoot together also caused problems and Rosalie ended up falling victim to Tara's scolding. Ah, they are childish.


Tara snorted in annoyance. "I don't care. You'll see. What will happen to the company for taking the wrong plan."

Rosalie just nodded confirming Tara's words. Angeli is not a woman who can be professional with work and likes to do whatever she likes. Ah, it's not that Rosalie vilifies Angeli's name here, it's just that it's a fact. Angeli always does work if he is in a good mood, if Angeli doesn't like it then if he is forced everything will be destroyed. Also, Angeli likes to get into trouble with other artists which only makes his name even more tainted. Ah, don't forget about Angeli who likes to change managers because he gets bored easily. Are there still humans like Angeli on earth? If so, it will be complicated.

"You are right."

"Of course, I'm always right," Tara emphasized her sentence because it was the truth. Rosalie was wrong for only giving a 'correct' response to her statement because, in reality, Tara was always right in thinking ahead. Ah, but that's if Tara is really in the brain smoothly.

Rosalie cleaned the equipment and put it in the bag. Tara was done with cleaning their faces and now they had to hurry to another photoshoot location to get on with work. And again, this time the location was quite far from the company, so Rosalie chose to use a driver so she wouldn't be tired later.

The two girls left the room after making sure that nothing was left behind. There was no conversation with each other until they were in the car park area, they only occasionally responded to the greetings of people passing by until a man came over with a smile.

"You again? Seriously."

Tara got into the car as soon as she saw someone she knew approaching them. The man was a cousin of Rosalie who had been a driver for long trips. Meanwhile, Rosalie and the man smiled at each other seeing Tara's behavior, and then started to get into the car to start the journey immediately.

"Hey, you don't have anything else to do? Why are you always on hand when Rosalie needs you? And again, don't you have a boyfriend who wants to take you out? Oh, are you always alone? Seriously."

"Litara stop it." Rosalie gave a warning because Tara had gone too far this time. Instead of saying thank you because this young man was willing to take them, the girl liked to tease him with inappropriate words. What did he say? Don't have a job? This man even owned a company and was willing to leave to be their driver. Then? What did Tara mean by not having a lover? Gosh... Tara's mouth is unpredictable when it comes to joking.

Meanwhile, the man with the name Edward just smiled and started the car quietly. Tara is a girl who talks a lot and acts strangely, but for some reason, Edward doesn't care about that. Moreover, Tara is a girl who is admired by many people, but that is not what Edward focuses on either. Edward would even be happy to take them wherever they went was because of his cousin, Rosalie. It needs to be emphasized again, it's for Rosalie, not for Litara the human being who acts a lot.

"You always stood up for her," Tara complained and gave Rosalie an annoyed scowl. Let's just say she was jealous because if Edward was around, Rosalie wouldn't pay much attention to her. Ah, why is it always that man who is attractive in Rosalie's eyes? Seriously.

"That's because you're no longer attractive to Rosalie," Edward said in a mocking tone, deliberately irritating Tara with her actions. It didn't matter, because he was such an ignorant man that he couldn't keep quiet if he received taunts from Tara. All this time he had been silent.

Tara threw her bag at Edward in annoyance at Edward's impudent remark. He usually said that when he was thinking the same thing. Then? Is it true that Tara is no longer attractive in Rosalie's eyes? Oh... That's impossible, right? Tara was always the first to get Rosalie's attention. Ah, why are they fighting over Rosalie now? Can not be trusted.

Luckily Edward was able to catch Tara's bag, otherwise, it would have hurt her face due to the very hard and rough material of the bag. Gosh... Why is there a woman like Tara? A lot of behavior also talks. And again, always bothering other people who don't agree with him. Oh, are all women like that? But Rosalie was different. So the bottom line was that Edward didn't like the naughty Tara.

"Rosalie... Is it true that I'm no longer attractive to you?"