23. A Little Bit Of Care

Aldrick nodded in understanding. "I must take care of everything about Tara. So far she's been good and I'm trying not to bother her."

Celine nodded even though she was a little hesitant about the last words Aldrick said. Not bothering him? Wouldn't that have two meanings? Between ignoring and sacrificing himself so as not to bother Tara properly. Ah, but Celine also didn't want to think badly of Aldrick because of his good attitude. I don't know why Tara could say that when reality said otherwise. His daughter.

"Okay. I'll go first. Sorry for interrupting your work earlier. I didn't know myself by coming suddenly without telling me," said Celine, who had indeed seen that Aldrick was talking with guests discussing work when he had just arrived until his guest must go.

"It's nothing. Mom, take it easy."

Celine nodded and started walking towards the black car which was parked right in front of this huge mansion with very grand nuances. Aldrick is a CEO of an international company, so owning a house like this is easy. Plus, his family was also a respected person from the start. Even though Celine had a family that was almost on par with Aldrick, she still couldn't ignore someone more respected.

A black car driven by a private driver took Celine out of the Mansion area. Aldrick who was still standing in front of the terrace could only be silent and watch. No mother doesn't worry about her child, and neither does Tara's mother and her mother. Everything about women is very tiring. Especially if it's a child-like Tara. Oh, why had he been blaming Tara from the start when he also knew the truth was so hard. The girl seemed to be spinning in her head.

Aldrick turned to leave. Tried to call Tara back but the girl's cell phone was off. A frown was visible on Aldrick's handsome face, which had fine hairs on most of his face at this time. The aura of a grown man that was so clearly attached beautifully to him who would turn twenty-eight soon. Why did he refer to Tara as a child? It was because they were almost ten years apart and it bothered Aldrick who liked mature women his age or even older than him. He didn't hate Tara, he just couldn't get used to having a child in his life. Taking care of children and not being taken care of as a husband. Gosh... Doesn't that sound ridiculous?

"What's with him? It's not usually the phone that's turned off." Aldrick mumbled because he had always been able to contact Tara so far, but not today. "Don't tell me something bad happened when I just promised to take care of him. Uh… That kid is."

A heavy sigh came from Aldrick's mouth, who now stepped into the house and tried to contact Rosalie, Tara's manager who he knew. Once connected, he immediately asked where Tara was and didn't answer the phone.

"Tara went to calm down. Please don't be disturbed first."

Aldrick frowned at Rosalie's words. What do you mean don't disturb? So, they went separately? Then why when Aldrick called the first Tara said he was on a photoshoot? Tara lied to him? Gosh… That girl is a headache.

"Tell him to hurry home because I won't accept any excuses if he comes back after seven." Aldrick suppressed everything he said, giving Rosalie a little reassurance so that the girl wouldn't forget her duty as Tara's manager who should also take care of her instead of leaving her like this. Gosh... They're both troublesome.

"Sorry but I'm not with her, Mr. Aldrick. Tara went somewhere after turning off her cell phone and I can't reach her right now. Again, I'm sorry."

Rosalie's voice sounded regretful, but Aldrick couldn't confirm whether she was lying or regretting what she had done.

Gosh... Where are you, Tara?

Aldrick turned off his cell phone in annoyance. It's useless calling Rosalie if she doesn't even know where Tara is either. For some reason, worry suddenly haunted Aldrick's mind. Was... Because of what he said to Tara's mother earlier? Gosh... This isn't funny at all.

Without waiting any longer. Aldrick rushed to his car before making his way to the living room, speeding even though he didn't know where to look for Tara. Armed with thoughts and hopefully, it's true. Oh, he didn't know where to go. Damn.

The luxury sports car with a special FSRL plate continues to speed on the streets. Dodge several other vehicles smoothly to find the girl. Oh, what? The girl? Seriously. Tara is indeed his wife but he can't really love and have her completely. His heart is still frozen over something that is not real. Ignoring all that, he still had to put safety first and hope to find him soon. Another sense of responsibility that he must carry out.

"Don't make trouble, Tara. You'll regret it later," Aldrick muttered as he turned the steering wheel again to the right and pressed the gas pedal again. His gaze did not escape from the road ahead. The goal is still the same. Find Tara asap.

While elsewhere. The girl with long wavy hair at the bottom had just entered a wide park that was quite quiet by the side of the road. In his hand was a package containing the alcoholic drink he had bought earlier. This is not the first time he has drunk alcohol, he will only drink alcohol if he needs to. Like this time. His mind was still ragged. He needed calm and the only way to calm down was alcohol.

Sit down on the grassy ground. Tara was enjoying the atmosphere in this vast garden which couldn't be said to be beautiful. It's just that he likes being alone right now, so it's fine if it's even just him here. He doesn't need other people when he needs peace. It's better to be alone and happy than to have many people but a broken heart. Ah, is he now speaking his heart? Seriously. Reality is not as beautiful as the shadow. At least that's how Tara lives.

Tara took a bottle of beer. Tara had not intended to go to a place like this before, she was thinking about the sea or even a crowded place. But on the way, he accidentally saw this deserted place and asked the driver to stop the car and leave him there. Yes… Until really alone like now.

One gulp managed to escape into Tara's throat. The girl was a little surprised by the taste she had just tasted. No, not because it's the first time. But it had been so long since he had drunk it that he felt a strange stinging taste of beer on his tongue again. However, he continued to drink his beer casually. He needs calm and only by drinking can he return to normal. He didn't want to go to clubs or other, more interesting places to drink. His popularity makes him also have to protect himself even when alone and visiting a place like that can ruin his reputation. He did not want to and still loves his profession.