22. Tara's Mother's Visit

Tara grumbled after seeing the name of the person who contacted her, it was her mother. And what was the more upset about? Doesn't her mother also know how busy she is? Why is it always troublesome when he's busy too? That middle-aged woman was indeed annoying.

"Hey... My son. Why are you suddenly mad at me, huh? I just happened to pass by your area and just wanted to see you guys, but I didn't know you were working. Never mind. Forget it. Mommy will be home now."

"That's better," Tara replied nonchalantly. He didn't care about his mother's decision right now.

"Are you guys okay? Don't ruin our family's name and act as a good wife. Mom trusts you."

"It's because I never wanted this bad marriage that I didn't have to do what you said," Tara said quickly. Deliberately telling his mother so that the middle-aged woman understands her current situation. He hates things that are arranged.

"Litara... Oh, come on. Don't say..."

"Not me. That bastard did first." Tara immediately answered because she understood what they were talking about now. "Don't pity me because it's not my choice. Mom, don't interfere with the life I'm living because you dared to abandon me to Aldrick."

There was a long sigh from the other side. It wasn't what Tara wanted from the start, so she never thought that she had done anything wrong to Aldrick even though she sometimes tried to be nice to him. But seeing how the man treated him, he had better avoid it. It would be a mistake if she did carry on her role as a good wife while the man did otherwise. He also does not want to lose.

Tara hung up the phone and regained her composure. Covering everything he felt even though Rosalie and Edward understood his situation. He didn't care what his mother thought. He didn't care. Since his family urged him to marry Aldrick then he did not want to be meddled in his affairs by family members, even though it was his mother. His heart hurts too much because of this unwanted marriage. Then? Are they going to interfere again and make his heart hurt again? It can't!

"Stop the car," Tara implored expressionlessly, staring out the window.

Rosalie immediately turned to Tara. It was already halfway and the girl couldn't do anything about it. "I'll contact their company myself. Please stop now."

Tara is sure of her decision. Without turning to Rosalie who asked for an explanation through her eyes, it was better to ignore. He wanted to be alone. A heavy sigh then sounded from Rosalie. He motioned for Edward to follow Tara's request and soon the car came to a complete stop.

"Send me the number," Tara said and started to get out of the car. Ignoring the huge question mark stares from Rosalie and Edward in the car. "Go. I'll be home when I want to."


Tara got out of the car after that. Dial a taxi number and walk slowly away from the red car that Rosalie and Edward were in. He wanted to be alone this time. Ignoring all his activities and contemplating what he wants. It was great being able to do that every time, but Tara couldn't. The work was so hectic that he never even had time to spare just to breathe sincerely. The world seemed to continue to threaten him even though this had been his hobby for a long time. I don't know... Since getting married things have gotten harder even though Tara tries not to care.

Before long, a taxi approached Tara. Without thinking Tara then entered it. Paying no heed to the two people in the other car who kept their eyes on him. Meanwhile, Rosalie and Edward were still faithfully waiting until the taxi that Tara was traveling in actually left them. Yes… Leaving Tara alone this time was better so the beautiful girl could restrain herself. No woman is truly great when problems keep coming their way without any other time to think about how to get out. Isn't that right? If we have different opinions then it is a natural thing.

"Did something happen again?" Edward asked, feeling that Tara was a strong woman. I don't know... He could only admire Tara from the bottom of his heart because it felt weird when he admired someone directly. Ah, Liatara... That beautiful woman.

"He's already said he wants to be alone. I can't bother him until he calls me himself later." Rosalie said carefully and her gaze was still on the taxi that had passed.

Yes... Rosalie understands very well Tara's character when she is like this. The girl would call him when he had calmed down and could think better until they could get back to work. It didn't take long. Tara would just dwell on her thoughts for hours and the next day or night she would call Rosalie back. It was always like that, so Rosalie wouldn't worry too much about Tara if she wanted to be alone.

"Let's go home. We have the day off today," said Rosalie later, reminding Edward who never started his car, and even the taxi that Tara was traveling in had gone somewhere.

Edward realized and then drove the car. Meanwhile, in another place, Aldrick was taking Tara's mother who had just come out of her terrace to return home. He had felt shy before but Tara didn't want to go along with him. Yes... That's if you have to live side by side with a girl who is far below her age. Everything will be difficult because they feel like taking care of their children. Gosh... Litara. That girl is!

"I'm going first. Greetings to my daughter that I miss her." Celine said softly though she didn't know what Tara would think of a man as good as Aldrick either. He did call Tara when Aldrick wasn't there before. So, he is also still confused about distinguishing reality from what his daughter says, but that doesn't mean he doesn't trust his daughter, it's just that it really must be proven so that there are no misunderstandings later. Gosh... This is confusing.

"I'm sorry Tara wasn't here for you. But I promise I'll get Tara home when you come back." Aldrick said very politely. He felt sorry for Tara's mother who accidentally visited them but didn't find her child. Again, Aldrick regretted Tara's absence.

"I can understand, Aldrick. Tara is so busy and sometimes forgets about herself. I just wanted to tell you to take good care of Tara's health because my daughter will forget to eat if she has a lot of work to do. It's my fault for visiting without telling her first. forgot about it. So don't blame Tara for not being able to come home."