95. Understand

Tara turned to Rosalie with a disappointed look. "Why refuse it, Rosalie? Mr. Brandon was right with his words. I don't mind at all if you just come along with me. I don't even mind if you'll be more famous than me. We're like friends, aren't we? So I thought it would be good."

Rosalie didn't look up. He focused by looking at the boss in front of him with the confidence he carried. "Sorry for turning down this good offer, Mr. Brandon. That's just what I promised myself. And for Litara, I'm not afraid that you will be disappointed with the decision I made. Understand because this is my wish."

Tara wanted to have a rough talk with Rosalie, but it just wasn't the right time to hang out. Rosalie was indeed an appearance that couldn't be said to be ordinary, even if she paid more attention to her appearance she was already like a classy person. Ah, Rosalie... You suck.