96. New Problems

Tara nodded in understanding of Rosalie's decision. Although he was disappointed that Rosalie had refused the request, still Rosalie thought of the consequences. Rosalie also didn't think much of how she would regret it later. Tara just hoped that Rosalie would go the way she wanted.

The car kept going.

"Where are we going now?"

Rosalie showed me the GPS box and Tara nodded after that. It's the road to a mall.

"What do you want to buy?" Rosalie asked without turning her head. He focused on the steering wheel.

Tara thought for a moment. "There's nothing I want to buy, but maybe if I see something I want I'll buy it later."

Rosalie nodded. "You still don't remember anything yet?"

"I remember the last time we were in Indonesia and it was fun. I also remember almost everything before. It turns out that my life is not as good as I imagined before. It is funny."

Rosalie smiled a little. "Then you remember about your problem?"