113. Good News

"Hurry up and tell me what you're hiding from me."

Aldrick collects Tara's promise after the two of them have finished their breakfast. Even just drank water and put down the spoon. Tara who was still eating glanced at her and held back her laughter. His mouth was still full of food and Aldrick ate fast until he finished very quickly. Look… That face looked impatient to hear what news Tara had to say.

Aldrick frowned at Tara who didn't care and continued to eat. Even though she was very serious and eating fast just to hear what the news was, Tara did the opposite. It sucks.

Aldrick took a deep breath and waited for Tara to finish her meal. He propped his chin and stared intently at Tara who had just finished her meal. He saw Tara now taking something from her back pocket and handing it to Aldrick, but Aldrick was still frowning because Tara's hand was holding it.