114. Good Relationship


Aldrick. He turned and put a small item on the nightstand, then motioned for Tara to sit beside him on the sofa.

"Why, baby?"

Tara came closer. He sat down beside Aldrick. "I haven't seen Aunt Rose since this morning and when I asked Brianna she said Auntie was sick. Have you heard of it?"

Aldrick nodded. "Right. Aunt Rose texted me this morning asking for permission. So what?"

"You don't intend to help him? He is no longer a teenager who has a lot of energy to continue working. Auntie has also worked with you for a long time. This is the time for him to spend his time relaxing without thinking about work anymore. What do you think?"

Aldrick understood Tara's wish. "So you're saying we should just stop hiring Aunt Rose?"

"Not ending, but we hire him without having to work. Do you understand what I mean?"