120. Back To Home

Everyone nodded in understanding except Xander who already knew. The man continued to smile as if to strengthen Rosalie who was now missing her family. Rosalie also showed her smile. His heart warmed again after previously beating enough just to wait for an answer, and it had already happened. 

"When did you meet Rosalie? I thought it wasn't that long ago but you mean it seriously. Do you love this woman, Xander?"

Xander turned to look at his brother with a bright smile. "The feeling of love cannot be counted or measured by time. I found it and there was love, but I can't tell you how I feel right now. Rosalie is truly the goddess I was meant to be, Daniel. Unlike you who are loyal to solitude."

Daniel narrowed his eyes, while Rosalie stifled a laugh as she looked at Daniel. The two humans in front of Daniel were annoying. Neither the man nor the woman, both boomerang for Daniel alone here.