121. Baby Xander

"You can't do this, Xander."

Xander chuckled. He could see Rosalie covering her face with her palms because of what she was doing right now. The shirtless Xander with six-pack abs and the innocent Rosalie unwillingly looked at him.

"And I don't want to wear your clothes that are a different size than mine, Rosalie. it will be too small and I will be short of breath."

"I have oversized clothes. Wait a minute here," said Rosalie who then rushed to the closet and got a sweater that was very large for her. Rosalie thought it might fit Xander's body and the man wouldn't suffocate.

Rosalie came back again and handed the sweater she had brought to Xander. The man glanced at him and nodded finally. "You don't have the proper clothes for me."