Chapter 45

I stared blankly after those who passed me by and did not notice Ino and the twins. Hmm, my new statuses are monstrous.

So, about the statuses, the first thing - I brought the control to zero! This happened during the battle with the Uchiha, but then I did not have the time and energy to view and understand the messages. After that, there was simply no strength, so I checked the message log already here - in the hospital. And I became the proud owner of the memo.

Received a new status - Disgusting Control!

Control for shinobi is everything, and yours is almost nothing.

The whole list of divisions:

1 to 100 - disgusting control. All techniques spend 50% more chakra. The first step in the world of shinobi, or the headache of all owners of a huge reserve.

101 to 200 is bad control. Some of the penalties have been removed, technicians spend 35% more chakra.

From 201 to 300 - below average. Technicians spend 5% more chakra than normal. Twice faster response from chakra, relative to previous levels. You can live with it, many shinobi can attest to it. By devoting all of yourself to some techniques, you are able to omit some of the seals when performing.

From 301 to 400 - medium. You are a solid middling! Conventional techniques, with no special control requirements, are finally done without fines. Congratulations, you are at the level of the vast majority of shinobi. Long-term low-ranked techniques can be used without seals.

From 401 to 500 - above average. Wow, you have advanced to such heights! Technicians are 5% cheaper than the norm. The response speed of your chakra has been slightly increased x1.2. Some low-ranking jutsu you can use even without seals! Keep it up!

501 to 600 is good control. Techniques are 15% cheaper. Chakra is much easier to manipulate. The ability to achieve various effects from techniques.

601 to 700 is great control. Techniques are 30% cheaper. The chakra responds instantly, you can apply almost all low-ranking techniques with an effort of will, independently forcing the chakras in your body to fold into the desired construct.

From 701 to 800 - the level of geniuses, dignitaries and other famous personalities. Techniques are 40% cheaper. You can accomplish a fairly solid list of techniques with just one or two seals folded. For you, the chakra is like another correct and effective part of the body.

From 801 to 1000 - the level of really scary personalities, like Madara and Kakudzu (the same age as Madara, who spent many decades controlling chakra - he is really scary). Techniques are 50% cheaper. Throw a meteorite on someone with just one seal? Pf-f!

From 1001 to 1500 - Bijuu level. Take a bite of everything, animals from chakra are chakra! Naturally, their control is on a completely different level!

1501 to 3000 - Rikudo is still cooler! However, his children were also lost somewhere within these limits.

3001 to 5000 - Form three techniques at a time? Easy! Ignore stamps? I always do that! Change the landscape with a movement of your hand? It couldn't be easier! Who am I? Kaguya!

5001 to ∞ - What have I forgotten here at all? © God Gopnikov.

As you might guess, my option is the very first. Just to understand that small Uchiha (including Sasuke), that Ino, and even a third of the class, were in the range of 250 units. Shikamaru reached 392 control units. That is, it was only his laziness that prevented him from reaching the bar "above average". But by the end of the academy, no matter how he shirks, he will still overcome this milestone. The penultimate point frightened me, and after all, in order to communicate on equal terms and attract the attention of this person, I generally need to achieve the result of a certain God. And what is worse, when Sasuke fully awakens as the reincarnation of Indra, he will become a damn imba!

Judging by this list, then canonically Naruto should have been somewhere below average - average. Moreover, the second point is more likely to be related to the second season. But in the nine-tails' jinchuriki mode, well, which is golden, not a berserker, he clearly received bonuses not only in the amount of chakra. This was also hinted at by the chakra hands, which required tremendous control from ordinary shinobi. But I didn't want to rely on "left cheats". Especially considering that I'm not a nifiga reincarnation of Asura. Which brings me to a number of problems, yes.

Well, the second one, now a really tasty status.