She is gone

" There is no need for you to know that " said Aiden sternly , his ruby red eyes drilling right into Trish " the only thing that you need to know is - you need to get the fuck out of her life . You will not hunt her down , wherever she is , she is happy , something you couldn't make her . Now , I don't want you or " his forefinger that was pointing at Trish slowly turned to Josh " you , to go around tracking Roxanne down. Its clear that neither of you want to claim her as your mate . I have given enough time to both of you to get your heads out of your asses and claim what's yours , and neither of you have done that . So , it's quiet obvious that you don't want to her , so the least you can do is stay the fuck out of her life and let her live peacefully . I have had enough of your bullshit and I won't be taking anymore of this , end of the story "

Yeah right , that was so going to happen . The authority in Aiden's voice should have sent him full on submission mode . After all he was the beta of this pack , if his Alpha was to say north he shouldn't be daring enough to say east but right now all his attention was on Roxanne and her faint scent .

" Where is she ?" Repeated Trish , he couldn't careless about Aiden , his authority and Josh whose mouth was hanging open wide enough to shove an entire egg . Josh better start praying that he will be able to track Roxanne down or he will fight to death with him .

Aiden sighed while Jace and Mateo shared a look , like they already knew that this was how he was going to respond .

" Didn't you hear what he said ? " snarled Rosalie baring her fangs as her dark violet eyes flashed wolf " you don't need to know and as far as I'm concerned Roxanne's whereabouts are none of your concern , you goddamn coward!"

Beside Rosalie , Troy nodded his head sipping on his coffee though the latter never looked up Trish was certain that Troy wasn't happy with him either - looks like he need to keep an eye on what he shoved down his throat . Knowing Troy , it wouldn't be a surprise if the latter added sugar to his food instead of salt .

Trish looked at Aiden , his expression was stoic and he was quiet clear that Aiden wasn't going to help him out of this predicament . Where ever or whatever happened to Roxanne , Aiden won't let him know because this time he was with his mate .

Yup , not the first time .

Trish face hardened as he looked at Rosalie though he had sworn his loyalty to her , it doesn't mean that she could hide his mate from him . His voice was low but his words held authority and firmness quiet similar to Aiden , he was an Alpha male as well - the only reason he was a Beta was because he wanted to and because he owed Aiden - not because he was submissive to Aiden 's dominance " She is my mate , you pulled the bullshit of letting her mate with someone other than her mate and I didn't say a word about it but if you hide her away from me and say that her whereabouts are not of my concern then you are damn wrong there ! Because as long I am alive her whereabouts are my concern and will be my concern till the day I stop breathing !"

A heavy silence spread around the room , Trish knew why exactly it was happening - he had not only refuted his Alpha female, he had done it quite disrespectfully by questioning her objectives when she blessed Roxanne and Josh to have a mating ceremony .

Aiden's face went taut , he opened his mouth to speak but Rosalie beat him to it . She hopped to her feet and slammed her palm right on the table , Trish was quiet sure that if not for her seven months pregnant belly , she would have lunged for his throat " you mother fucking rotten rat shit son of a bitch ! What do you mean by that , huh ? If you claimed her would I have done something like that ? You didn't claim her but you wanted her to wait for you - for what ? Do you think you are some mother fucking Goddamn God that she would stay single for all her life and wait for you get your shit together ? "

" Easy there wifey " said Aiden as he went on his feet and started rubbing Rosalie 's back . Troy too stopped sipping his coffee , abandoning his mug he hurried over to Rosalie as he helped her calm down . Troy was a submissive wolf and as a submissive wolf it was his role to calm down the Alpha wolves in case they start losing control . Sure enough with Troy by her side Rosalie calmed down but her face was still flushed red and there were tears in her eyes , yup the fact that Rosalie was being so emotional and upset - Roxanne hadn't just 'gone for vacay ' she was gone - as in for good .

Trish cursed inwardly , Rosalie was really lucky that she was his Alpha female or he would have buried her until even her bones weren't left " you very well know why I didn't claim her ! Let me ask you if I claimed her and made her my beta female would the pack take her seriously ? Would you guys have let her past rest in peace ? " asked Trish sharply as he stood up from his chair , his gaze flickering to one pack member to another , neither of them spoke which made him chuckle as he pointed at their silent faces , then pointing his finger at their silent agreement he turned to Rosalie " you see this , neither of them dare to accept Roxanne as their beta female ! Her past , her actions , her love life weighs heavily on their mind and heart - they might joke around with her , tease her and do whatever shit they want with her but in their heart they will never - ever take her as their Beta female ! They will never submit to her ! . Yeah , they are upset that their pack member is gone but ask them if I track Roxanne down and claim her as my mate , how many of them would take her as Beta female , with ' all their heart and respect '"

Trish quoted the words ' heart and respect ' then turned to look at his pack mates , neither of them looked him in the eye . Looking at their evasive expressions , Trish snorted- did they think he didn't know about them , wolves were prideful , and they will never submit to another wolf until they showed their worth . Roxanne has always acted irresponsibly , neither has she ever taken the rules of the pack seriously - she was a good enforcer but she wasn't ' enough ' for these wolves to submit to her . Even if Trish was to ignore there opinions , he would only be pushing Roxanne on a high seat to be pushed down later on if he made her this pack's beta female .

" You are her mate , you shouldn't have condemned her !" yelled Rosalie the tears in her eyes trickling down her cheeks " now because of you my best friend have gone - Gone ! You hear me "

" Wait , what do you mean by gone ?" asked Josh his voice thick with concern .

Both Trish and Rosalie ignored him .

" Easy for you to say ! " growled Trish " Do you think it doesn't hurt me ? That I'm made of goddamn steel ! Do you know why I didn't claim her ? I did not claim her because I was thinking about this pack ! I have placed this pack as my priority instead of my mate? You have already seen their attitude what more do you want to see ? If I made Roxanne the beta female tell me how long would it take for the pack members to start complaining huh ? but why am I telling you this huh ? Have you ever tried to think about anyone in this pack except for people you care for ? You haven't ! In your eyes if you think they are right then they are right but if you think they are wrong then even if that person bleed dry for this pack you would say that he is in the wrong !"

" Enough ! Trish shut up !" shouted Aiden asserting his dominance as the Alpha of the pack . Trish took once glance at his Alpha before turning around to leave , impatience rolling off his body as he walked out of the kitchen .