Where is she?

" Rose, you don't need to listen to him, " said Aiden soothingly as he went to Rosalie's side and brought her in his embrace seemingly displaying his support to his mate. If Josh's wolf wasn't on high alert, he was most definitely howling in both rage and anxiety now - He could almost feel his wolf clawing inside him to surface. For Rosalie to be so upset and for Trish to actually contradict his Alpha female - Roxanne hadn't simply gone to a vacation or something to take her mind off the things that happened to her, she wasn't visiting her family as he thought she would instead she was gone for good.

" Aiden is right, Trish is just upset because of Roxanne, you don't need to take his words to heart, " said Troy lending a supporting pat to Rosalie as he patted on her shoulder " you don't need to be upset because of his actions, its not your fault-"

" No, it's indeed my fault, " said Rosalie interrupting Troy as she pulled herself away from her mate, she wiped the tears that were swirling in her eyes. She heaved a long sigh before turning to look at Troy " He is right, I have been a little too prejudiced against him because of what happened between him and Roxanne. My prejudice made me predispose towards ignoring every single one of his actions and I turned a blind eye to how my actions and decisions were affecting and hurting him, as his Alpha female I failed there. I let my biased beliefs influence my opinion of him and there is no other way to look at my attitude towards him ." She paused before continuing " maybe if I didn't interfere too much with their relationship and let them sort their differences on their own may be my best friend wouldn't have to leave because of a sleazy rat ass "

Yup, that totally confirmed it. There was no other way for Josh to interpret Rosalie's sentence and even if he did - her ' I wish you dropped dead this very second ' glare couldn't be misinterpreted.

" Where did she go ?" It took every single bit of Josh's patience to stop himself from growling at his Alpha female. He respected her of course and had a soft spot for her as well but Roxanne was his bottom line - a line that no one was allowed to touch. Yeah, it totally made him an asshole for giving Roxanne a place in his goddamn heart that should belong to his mate but it was a done deal. Roxanne was in that fucking place and she was staying for good - Josh knew he have to tread on the topic carefully, most probably turn on his charms and successfully coax Rosalie into giving him what he wanted, but right now his limits were being questioned. He was very protective of his woman especially a woman who was practically implanted in his body and mind. And his packmates have challenged every single limit of his by sending her away.

" somewhere safe " answered Alice finally she looked as she was choosing her words very cautiously. Josh didn't blame her, he was certain that even though his lips were curved in a smile - his smile most probably resembled a smile of a homicidal lunatic that was on the verge of losing every single string of his rationality.

Those words were enough for his wolf to start pacing inside him in high alert, his wolf clawed at him wanting his human to give him the freedom he wanted so that he could hunt the woman who was the source of attraction for him. If Josh wasn't wrong, maybe Roxanne was the most important thing to his wolf right now than anyone else.

" You need to give her a break Jojo," said Leo backing up his mate as he wrapped his arm around the back of Alice's chair " you have hurt Roxanne enough and I think you should leave her in peace now "

Josh slowly stood up, he could sense the hostility that was radiating off Mila's body, she must be pissed off because of all the attention he, her mate was giving to a woman with whom he was going to imprint but did he care about his mate's anger right now? No, he was too enraged and infuriated to care about her.

When he stood up every single wolf of his pack tensed like they were thinking about how to retaliate in case he sprung at them. Yeah, whatever he couldn't give two fu*ks even if someone begged him " you think I wanted to hurt her? Do you think that my guilt is already eating me alive for breaking up with her just before a day before we were going to imprint on each other? Just because I didn't get on with the ceremony doesn't mean that my feelings, my emotions for her were nothing but a joke! Right now, all I can do is to wonder whether she is safe or not, what is she doing and where did you send her "

" Josh, can you think before you speak ?" hissed Mila as she tugged on his wrist trying to make him sit back down. He wouldn't, he couldn't not when both his heart and brain were engaged to that she-wolf who flew from his grasp, he obviously knew that what he was doing was dishonouring his mate but right now he couldn't be bothered with her, his mate was beautiful but she didn't have Roxanne's smarts nor did she have her charm and sense of humour. Being together with her was like being with a piece of wooden log. He couldn't even get himself semi-hard when he saw her naked if he didn't picture Roxanne's magnificent chest on the night when he slept with his mate - maybe he wouldn't be able to even bring himself to f*ck her.

Douchebag alert, yeah. He was a total arsehole for playing his mate like that but he was afraid about being judged and called ' disloyal ' - why don't ask him, it was a very long story.

All the faces around him softened, those who had known him ever since he was a child cast him sympathetic glances but he didn't want their pity. He wanted his Roxanne and they were keeping her away from him.

He narrowed his eyes before zeroing his gaze on Aiden " You are going to tell me where she, or else I swear to moon and back I'm gonna make everyone's life in this pack living hell "