A group of 100 knights wearing brown capes with several carts and horses enter through the enormous gate of the huge city walls spanning across the city. And people on the roofs, balconies, and on the road are gathered for the knights cheering.
"Hi, look they dare to march in like that."
"My son really Idealizes them. He wants to become a magic night himself one day. I wish He stops praising them so much."
"Yeah, they are just pretenders. Pretending to be our protector."
"Whatever you say, I just wanna marry a knight. They all are kinda handsome. Oh, that one over there is really hot. Hi, hi. You are my hero. I love you."
"How many knights are coming back this time? There are a lot, and what are these covered boxes on these carts?" People were angry and distrustful of the knights because of the recent incident. They noticed the carts entered through the gate behind the night, and there were boxes covered with thick sheets.
"Ah, what's to know about. Probably some dead knights." A bald old man with a grumpy face said as he looked down from the window.
"Don't say that, dad. It's disrespectful. They are our protectors, after all. Without them, mankind wouldn't even last a single knight against those creatures." A young lad said.
"Why shouldn't I. They are no protectors, hell they don't even do a thing. Look how the people yelling, I hate them more than the knights. They don't even remember what is outside the walls or why we are trapped here. And these knights just sit there all day wasting our resources like it's their right to do so." He said with a distasteful look on his face.
"No, No father. I think you are a bit too harsh right now." She said as she smiles awkwardly.
"Do you even know what's outside? Probably not like everyone else. It's been so long since mankind is trapped in these walls that they just thought it's more convenient to forget about it and also those damned nobles are also suppressing the past knowledge, making it even harder for us. However, I still remember what my father told me. There's only one day in a month when those creatures of hell can enter the walls and hell they can't even move properly. That's what my dad told me. It's probably because it's been centuries now and I guess there might not be a single creature left. They all probably be turned into dust. I wish my father would've told me more." He sighed as he looked down on the night and shouted, "what are you taking there you, thieves. Show us all what's in there? And you idiots, what are doing? Stop this none sense and ask for your own sake. We give them part of our hard-earned money and goods. It's our right."
"Stop it, father. Stop making a scene. Just go in the room and rest." Lady said as she tried to stop her father. "Your own son is one of them now. What do you think, how would he feel when knows about this?"
"He's no son of mine since he became a dog of the nobles. Why didn't he come home? It's been years now." The old man said with anger on his face as he heard people also shouting, asking them to show what was inside the large boxes. "For once they actually listened."
"What should we do, sir? These people seemed furious." A knight asked.
"Just keep moving and ignore them, and this is not our matter to handle." A knight said as he was riding on the horse in front, but people started getting violent and attacking the carts, jumping on them and throwing stones. "Just don't let them get close to the carts and refrain yourselves from using magic. Try not to hurt anyone." He shouts as he looked back and then continues moving forward. "This is such a mess. I don't know what the higher-ups are doing. Isn't this their job to keep the peace?" He thought.
As knights tried stopping the people from getting on the carts but there were too many of them to handle some people get on the cart in the middle and upon the knights pushing them back, they grab the sheet on the box and fell down the cart dragging it with them. Suddenly, a loud grunting noise shunned the crowd. A wave of fear spread among the people and no one could utter a word as they saw a creature in a cage violently hit the cage. Its flesh was dark, rotten and patches of it were missing, exposing the bones underneath. Its limbs fall off and turn to dust as it hit the cage and regrows in the same rotten condition. The terror on the people's faces was visible as it was the first time they'd seen an undead and it was like staring at death itself.
The Knight in front rushed back, took the sheet and jumped onto the cart, and put it over the cage and the banging slowly stopped and he said. "I wish you've would have to see this like that. Please, you all go back and don't be afraid. We assure you we'll protect you at all costs. It's our duty, and we all had sworn an oath. We'll gladly give our lives for that and we all would appreciate it if you refrain from doing any further reckless action that'll put you in danger. I am glad to hear that you want to know where your hard work is being spent. I wish I could tell you, but it's not in my power to do that. We all know you all are upset and confused at what happened recently. Please continue your daily lives as usual and think of this incident as nothing." He jumped down the cart and hope over his horse. As he looked, people started to go back, and he moved forward and the knights started following him.
A man entered a room, slamming the walls. He was tall, with blond hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a brown cape and shiny silver armor and holding his helmet in his right arm. His face was intense and a fierce look in his eyes.
"Welcome, Godwin. How was your journey? I hope it was a smooth sail." A man said as he turned back and walked away from the window towards the Godwin. He was wearing black and white clothing and a Purple half cape on his left shoulder. He was tall, with wide shoulders, black hair, and brown eyes like honey.
"What kind of mess is out there, Norman? You had an entire week, and you didn't do a damn thing and what is the King doing?" Godwin yelled at the man in front of him. "I think all the knights have become as useless as nobles. Drinking wine and enjoying women is all there for you, right? While we risk our lives on the walls and that's how we are being treated here."
"Oh, my. What could've put you in such a foul mode." Norman said, smiling, and walked to him as he put his hand on his shoulder and said, "why don't we sit down, have a drink, and calm down first, then you tell what happened."
"Calm down, my ass. Don't give me that crap. Tell me, where can I find William. I'll talk to him myself. All the other squads have gotten useless, can't even one job to keep the peace among people." Godwin said as shrugs his shoulder and turned back towards the door.
"You know, you are talking to a superior, right! This behavior can get you stripped of your rank." He said with a grin on his face.
"Yeah right. As I would believe you would do that. Can't do your job right, and using these cheap tactics, you have really sunken low." Godwin said as he walked out of the room.
"Oh, my. I can't believe he is the younger brother of Captain frost. He is the real opposite of her. I don't want to imagine their family squabbles. She is like water and he is a literal fire." Norman said as walked the table and sat on his chair, thinking. "This is high time and we are not accustomed to this kind of situation. I hope he doesn't lash out on William. That'll be a total disaster."