Chapter 30


"Ah... My neck hurts."

Those were the first ones I said when I woke up.

Looking around I realized I'm in my room that I share with Xiao Wu. I also noticed that it was already dark looking at the bedroom window.

I lifted my body to sit on the bed, at that moment I put my hand behind my neck because of the pain.

"It's not hurting too much, probably Senior Bi Ji has healed me." I thought as I got out of bed.

"Still, that little bastard really outdid himself this time." I muttered angrily and bitterly as I remembered my fight with Feng Lie.

"That bastard even dared to call himself a hero before the fight. That's really annoying." I complained sullenly as I remembered that. For a moment I thought he was going to fight back.

"Hmph, humans really are cowardly scum. If it weren't for him being necessary to your majesty I would have broken all his bones myself." I complained of dissatisfaction and irritation.

At that moment, while I was cursing Feng Lie, the bedroom door opened.

"Oh sister Qiu'er you finally woke up, you slept all afternoon. Are you ok? Is your neck still hurting?"

The one who spoke was Xiao Wu who came through the door. She had a slightly concerned expression for my well being.

It's been four years since I met her, at that time I wouldn't even have imagined that today I would consider that little bunny a good friend of mine.

"Yes Xiao Wu I'm fine, although I still have a little pain in my neck it's nothing serious." I said with a small smile to reassure her.

Xiao Wu saw my expression and then nodded in relief.

"Good, you must be hungry, right? Then let's wake up because dinner is almost ready." Xiao Wu spoke a little dejectedly when she mentioned dinner.

"What happened to make you look like that? Did you happen to fail the written test?" I asked curiously.

"But of course I didn't fail the written test. I actually got 81 points on the written test. So please don't insult my intelligence." Xiao Wu crossed his arms and pouted with a sullen expression.

"Okay, I'm sorry for what I said, you don't have to look like this. But Xiao Wu, why do you have such a despondent face?" I asked her.

Back in the day, when I was a Three-Eyed Golden Lion, I was always considered a special existence, all spirit beasts worshiped me with deep respect. I didn't care much for other spirit beasts and took it as a matter of course. If I had met Xiao Wu before reconstituting myself as a human I probably wouldn't have paid attention to her, but now...

Since reconstituting myself as a human I've felt a lot of new feelings over the course of those four and now I really can't imagine a future without her. At the very least I don't want her to have that despondent expression.

"It's just that today I won't have my carrot pudding." Xiao Wu said with a forced smile to try to hide her dismay.

"Huh? Wait, so what to say that besides being a treacherous coward he's also someone who doesn't keep his word. That bastard Feng Lie is really scum." I said when I was already reaching the limit of my patience.

It's him... The Feng Lie.

It is true that sometimes he can be very irritating like today, your majesty also suffered in the clutches of his ancestor so I can say that it is in the blood.

But today he outdid himself. If I see him soon, I might not resist the urge to punch him in the face.

"Xiao Wu where is Feng Lie?" I asked her.

"I don't know. After his fight with Feng Lie he went down a different path than we did and so far he still hasn't come back." Xiao Wu with a slight trace of concern.

"You don't have to worry about him, after all Luxon is always with him. I think he'll be back soon." I said to comfort Xiao Wu.

A few seconds after I said that...


I heard Bi Ji's worried cry from below.

Me and Xiao Wu decided to go downstairs. When we got down there we saw Bi Ji, Zi Ji, your majesty (Gu Yuena), as well as Feng Lie and Luxon floating next to Feng Lie.

Next to Feng Lie I noticed that there was an unknown person.

She is a pale, pretty girl with long silver-blue hair. Her features are lovely, with cold blue eyes, flawless skin and rosy lips. She is wearing a simple white and blue dress with some vines of Blue Silver Grass. She appears to be 15 years old but still has a well-developed body.

(image is here.)

I have to admit that she is pretty, pretty enough to be placed third in the most beautiful girl rankings. Naturally second place belongs to me, while first place belongs to your majesty.

"Feng Lie, you were away all afternoon and only came back at night and to top it off you brought an unknown girl into our house. Have you by any chance reached puberty and decided to be a womanizer?" your majesty asked with a teasing smile.

Feng Lie gave your majesty an odd look and then let out a sigh.

"Gu Yuena... It's really weird to hear this from the origin why I've been late so far. And about Ah Yin, I already expected the other girls to not notice but soon you won't notice about her?" Feng Lie complained with his arms crossed.

"It was just a friendly joke, you don't have to take it too seriously. But about her, I really realized that she's a 100,000-year-old spiritual best that has reconstituted itself." your majesty spoke calmly.

What she is also a spiritual beast.

It wasn't just me who was surprised, everyone else was surprised by this revelation as well.

"But more importantly, Feng Lie... Why do I feel like she has magical energy just like you do?" your majesty asked with interest.

What? So she can also use magecraft? But she is also a spiritual beast, how is that possible.

"Okay, I'll answer her questions later, because now I'm hungry. Bi Ji I'm sorry to bother you but could you prepare something for me to eat?" Feng Lie asked as she scratched the back of her head and looked away so as not to stare at Bi Ji.

Bi Ji is now in her sermon mode. He is clearly very angry about Feng Lie's absence this afternoon.

"Feng Lie, before that answer me... What have you been doing all this time?" Bi Ji spoke while emanating an aura that said "you won't go unpunished young man"

"Serves you right." I thought with satisfaction imagining the little torment that Feng Lie will go through in Bi Ji's long sermons.

"Well... I didn't do anything much..." Feng Lie continued talking while scratching the back of his head.

"I just murdered a Titled Douluo... No big deal..." Feng Lie spoke.

Everyone's reaction was the same when we heard what Feng Lie said.