Chapter 01 - Where am I?

"Hm? something feels wierd"

The girl wearing only a small t-shirt and a short looked to her feet

There was grass there

"Wait? where am i? im sure i was going back to my room!"

'I was opening the door to my room was i not?'

She raised her eyes, and saw the dense yet colorful trees around her in a wierd circle-ish shape

She was amazed at her sight

"Am i dreaming?"

There was a white trace of light glowing trought the trees and a wierd rainbow color around said white light

"This looks magical for some reason, its a nice dream"

She started to walk around the area, looking at the beaultiful trees and light. a smal breeze was going trought her short hair with a scent of sweat flowers.

"This looks so real, its amazing"

In a moment, she noticed a small ball of light, trying to hide behind a small bush

"Hm, is that a firefly? it looked so big"

The glow was about the size of a closed fist, too big to be a firefly

"Y-you! a-are you a g-g-g-g-god?"

"Wait, who's talking?"

She started to look around for the source of the voice

But she didnt see anyone


"Am i hearing things now? this, really is a wierd dream"

"Y-y-you appeared from thin air"

"Excuse me? w-who is talking?"

The glowing light started to fly toward the girl, slowly.

"I-I am E-E-Eda.. from the Glintlight village"

"H-How is this light talking to me? are you a fairy or something"

The glow light slowly started to fade, until it stopped, exposing the owner of the voice

A creature that looked like a human, but the size of a closed hand

With 4 smal wings, 2 light blue and 2 light pink

The girl gasped

"You really are a fairy"

The smal creature that the girl called fairy shook its head and asked

"What is this fairy you are talking about, oh great one!"

'What did this fairy just said? great one?'

"What do you mean by great one?"

"Ware you not a great being?"

"What do you mean?"

"You appeared from thin air"

"Did I?"

The girl stared at the 'fairy', who looked as if she wanted to run but was too scared to do so

'im talking to a fairy, this such a crazy dream'


"Did i scared you"

She looked at the fairy with a gentle expression


The 'fairy' looked to be trembling and had a bit of dry tears at the corner of her eyes

'She is so cute'

"Im sorry, i dont know how i happend to appear here, but im sorry"

'Since its a dream, i might as well just play along'

The fairy cleaned her tears and looked at the girl

"Its ok, im just easily scared"

"I used to be like this too"

The fairy shooked its head as if it was confused

"Do gods have fears"

"Im no god tho"

"You're not?"

The girl looked at something that looked like a butterfly at the distance

That butterfly like creature was glowing while landing in the big flower on the bush the fairy came out from

She then nonchalantly answered

"Im not"

"But you just appeared out of nowhere"

The fairy looked to be surprised

"You can fly right? why are you so surprised?"

"Because only great beings can teleport"

'So there is some kind of magic here, since she said teleport'

"I dont know how i came here, nor where i am right now"

"Really? this is the grey forest north west of the Glintlight village"

'Again this glintlight village, is that a city or something'

"Glintlight village? the place where you came from? is that the village for fairies?"

"Is kind of a secret to be honest"

'Hm secret?'

The fairy added on

"My especies are rare to find, because humans think we are something they called 'ingredients'."

'Ingredients, do the people of this place eat the fairies, is it to get power?'

"Why are you talking to me then?"

'Wait, they are used as ingredientes and she is talking to me. is he dumb or something'

The fairy looked to the girl and said with a trembling voice

"Y-You are a god or a great being, so sh-s-should be fine"

"That is not ok, if people that can eat you look like me then you should not be talking to me"

"Y-You're right, im sorry"

The fairy looked to the ground with a sad face

"There is no need for you to be sorry, as long you learn, is aways alright"

Now that i think about, she introduced herself but i never introduced myself to her'

"You said your name was Eda, right? im Lena"

"Lena? is that your name?"

"Yes, it means 'shining' from where i came from, just like your glow"

The fairy raised her head and open a small smile, the small pointed ears twitched a bit and her blue eyes glowed a bit while her small dark blue hair released some sort of glow dust

'She really is cute'

"It was nice to meet you Eda"

"It was nice to meet you too m-miss Lena"

The fairy was about to leave but turn around and looked at Lena who was watching the fairy leave with a kind expression in her face

"Hm.. miss Lena, you said you dont know where you are right now right?"

"That is correct, why?"

"The name Grey forest is not known to you?"

"Im afraid not, why?"

"This forest is called by humans to be one of the 5 deadliest forest of the world"


Lena gulped for a sec

She then looked around and noticed that the butterfly like creature that landed on the flower was looking at her as if to stalk her

"Is everything here deadly?"

"Im afraid it is"

"How am i fine then?"

"The circle we are right now"

Eda pointed down and Lena saw a circle-ish made by tree roots around the place she was right now, the flower bush was just outside the circle. it had a different felling about the circle, as if it was made to guard something in the middle.

"There are many wierd places like this in this forest, the creatures dont dare enter this circles no matter what"

Eda noticed that there were some shadow shapes moving in between the trees in a terrifying speed

"You were acting so nonchantly in this place, that is why i tought you were a great being"

"Im not leaving this place then"

'This is just a dream tho, if something happens here im just gonna wake up? right!?"

"Should i take you safetly trought the woods? i can take you close to the human city"

"Of course not, how could i possible take you close to humans, im afraid i'll have to decline"

'This "human" is so wierd she doenst look to wanting to eat me and refuses to take me to other humans, what a strange human"

"I'll take you close to the city, its safe from there"

The fairy started to release a faint smoke-ish like glow and swirled around Lena

"What are you d-"

She watched her body becomes faint, almost transparent

"Did you made me turn invisilble?"

Lena watched the burtterfly like creature fly away since it could not see her anymore

"This enchantment also makes your life force phase trought the realm and hides"

'What in heavens did she just said? phase?'

"Does that mean they cannot see me or 'feel' me"

'I assume phase trought the realm means that everything in this realm cannot detect me'

"Yes! thats what i said"

"How did i saw you when you have that kind of power?"

Eda flinched

"I told you, im easily scared"

'Is she telling me that if she gets scared the enchantment thing dissapears? will this be ok?'

she was worried about moving like this trought this deadly woods,