Chapter 02 - Maybe its not a Dream

"How long can you keep this invisibility?"

Lena and Eda were leisurely walking trough the woods

During their walk Lena took a very deep and detailed look into the forest

She saw falling leaves and looked up, the creature on top of the trees who looked like a monster who came out of a nightmare, a triagular-ish torso with dark grey skin with horns on the head 3 arms, one left, one right and a arm coming from the middle of its back with 4 long fingers in each hand and 4 legs there were holding into the tree that the creature was, just there, waiting.

She turned to her left, and saw a big turtle-ish creature eating something in the ground, it was a deer

Eda who was blankly staring foward responded her

" long i dont get scared out nowhere i can hold as long as i want, its not a difficult enchantment"

Lena turned to her right after hearing a sound of a bubble poping, that was rainbow bubbles coming out of a mushroom, a big blue and pink mushroom about the size of a cow, it smelled really good, but Lena knew it was deadly too, there was some bones surrounding the mushroom.

'Heavens, this forest is truly deadly, this dream looks more like a nightmare than a dream, i hope i can wake up soon'

"And.. you sure that they cannot hear us right?"

The fairy that was flying on the left side of Lena, Slightly ahead of her giggled a bit

Lena frowned a bit, seeing the fairy laughing

'why is she laughing?'

"Yes. I told you it phases us trough the realm, as long is not a great being or a singularity, no one can see us"

'Except our kind of course'


The fairy looked at her with a confused look in her face

"You dont know what singularities are?"

'From where exactly did Miss Lena came from, she doesnt seem to know the basics'

"Is that something that everyone knows?"

"Should be, but i can explain-"

At that moment there was a scream far away that looked like a human screaming for help and Lena instantly changed the attention to the direction of the scream

"What was that scream!?"

Eda nonchalant answered

"You should not bother, its not a human, is a Margur"


"Is a creature that imitated the appearance and noises of the last 10 seconds of whatever it eats"

"Since it sounded like a human, you are saying it ate a human?"


'Heavens! i hate this place'

"Anyway..back to the topic.. singularities the word given to the hability that some people have that are usually either very rare or only that person possess, so we usually put singularities in the list of possible weakness to whatever enchants or spellcrafting even swordarts, because there is a chance of someone with a singularity that can be a weakness to those things exist, so you should aways consider that"

She added on with a very low voice while avoiding Lena's gaze

"Is what my master aways says"

"Hm.. what was that"


'Is something i dont need to know i guess'

"Continuing, there are..wait.. miss Lena do you even know what spellcrafting is? or Swordarts?"

Lena aswered while scratching the back of her head

"Im afraid, i dont"

Eda had a look that was saying she wasnt surprised at all and let out a short sigh

"Lets start from the basic then"

"Thank you for the lesson"

"Enchant is the art of manipulate the energy of ones existence, you extract the essense of you body and manipulate with diffent orders to creat the wished effect"

'Hm.. i did not understood a single thing'

"You have a look in you face that says you did not understood anything"

'Wow, she is not just cute, but a lot smart too'

"Im sorry, can you say again"

"Enchant is to order your own energy to produce a effect you desire"

"Oh i undestood now, you are good in teaching too"

'Good in master would smack me in the head if she heard what i just said'

"Should i keep to others short too?"

"Please do"

"Alright, Spellcrafting is the hard one, is to understand how to order your energy."

"I see , so in order to use enchants you need to master spellcrafting? right?"

"Not exactly, as long you know the basic enchant language of your element or essense you can do enchantments"

"Spellcraft is that simple?"

"Not at all, is extreamly hard, and the ones that can create and hold more that 50 orders at the same time are called Spellmasters for exemple, and they are terrifying"

"Hm? does that mean that are Enchant Masters and Sword masters too?"

"In fact, yes. its quite hard to have swordmasters and enchant masters, and enchant masters are called Deviants, and swordmasters are called guardians. there are just 11 deviants in the world at the moment, 4 guardians and just 1 Spellmaster"

"Wow, so little"

"Yes, they are quite rare, and strong"

They could see the road to the city at the distance, since it was about 8 in the morning that was a lot of light coming trought the trees

"So what are the good things about the Swordarts?"

"They train their minds more, in return they have better senses at fighting Engers and Crafters"

'Engers? what is that?'

Eda noticed the gaze of Lena of someone who did not understood what she just said and added

"Ah, engers and crafters are called to ones who focus to learn enchantments and Spellcrafting"

"I see"

'This dream has a suprising big worldbuilding, its actually concerning'

They got close to the road, Eda stopped in the air and talked to Lena

"Alright from here on the road is out of bounds of the forest, its now as deadly here"

"Thanks for bringing me here safetly"

Eda removed the enchantmente from Lena alone while she remained invisible and speaked to her

"It was nice to meet you Miss Lena, may we meet again someday"

"Yes! i hope we do someday, please go back safe, and take care"

Lena was talking to the air, but she had a felling Eda was waving at her so she waved back and looked to the direction of the city, that, she could see quite far away, big city walls, surrounded by a giant lake in a circular shape

Lena started to walk towards the City after walking for about 2 hours

'I wonder when im gonna wake up from this dream, im here for hours already'


Lena stoped her movements after hearing someone doing a creepy laugh

"Look what we have here, she is so pretty"

4 people that look like bandits came out from behind some trees, one of them had a knife in his hand, they all had some sort of scar in their face,neck and arms, they were pretty buffed too

"Boss, can i be the first its been a while since i had one, i cant hold anymore"

"If you go first we all gonna have to deal with the dirt"

'Are they talking about rape? heavens not just the woods are deadly apparenlty'

Lena crouched and grabed some stones in the ground

"Boss she is grabing something in the ground"

"She is probably a fighter, Ivor imob her"

At that moment she could feel the same feeling she felt when Eda surrounded her with her enchantment and turned them invisible, Lena almost instantly turned around and threw the rock to the direction she was feeling and accuretly hit the 'Ivor guy' in the head, making him fall of the tree

"What the fuck, she hit Ivor! hey is he alive?"

"Mike go check Ivor, you and me grab her Bin"

"How dare you hit Ivor your whore"

Lena watched the 2 man running towards her and had a memory pass her head at that moment

*sweatie that will be moments where you need to make a move, rather you like it or not, sometimes is you or them*

She instanly ran toward the mike person going for the ivor person and threw another stone aimed for his head

"Dodge Mike! she's on you"

Mike looked at the stone and cuted with a sword, making the dust of the stone get in his eyes blind him for a short time

"hows is that bitch so fast!"

The Bin person took a scroll out of his bag while sprinting towards her and opened the chains start to come out of the scroll

"Im gonna screw you a lot kid"

While Mike was blind because of the sand from the stone he cutted Lena kicked his balls the harded she could and took his sword, and in a few seconds thrusted the sword in the heart of Mike and sliced the neck of the Ivor guy

"No!! Ivor"

"She fucking killed them, boss!"

The boss took two scrolls out of his bags and untied them, making ball shaped things appear on his hand

'im guessing those are bombs'

"Who the fuck are you, bitch!"

The boss had the ball shapped objects in his hand that were glowing red

Bin screamed by the side of the boss, they were about 3 meters aways from Lena

"Are you a fucking knight?"

'Those balls are glowing, are those things really bombs?'

"Can't you speak? fucking whore, how dare you kill my brother"

'These guys, are they serious? they were just talking about raping me, am i the bad guy now?'

The boss throw one of the balls, at the same time, Lena threw a the last rock she had in her hand into the ball in the air, that blew up in dark red flames burning both of them.

'I see, they are like molotovs, but dont need the fire for what i can see'

"Argh!! fuck, fuck!!"

The boss were swearing in while dying in pain


Bin were just screaming from the top of his lungs, his last words

*.. Its you or them*

'i did what you teached me father, it was i or them'


It became quite, no fire burning, no scream, just the wind in the trees, and the strong scent of burned flesh

Lena looked at the sky and saw 2 moons mirroing each other on the horizon while the sun was rising from behind her

"Maybe is not a dream..."